Chapter 504

The fog gradually dissipated, revealing the appearance of the house.

It was a windowless room, surrounded by darkness.

Li En sat in the middle of the room, and the ground was covered with a puddle of viscous liquid.

Of course he knew where it was.

In the corner of the room, there was something wrapped in a black plastic bag, and the smell of corruption came from there.


The plastic bag in the corner moved, making rustling sounds.

Li En's eyes widened suddenly, his body seemed to be bound by something, he couldn't move, he could only watch the countless strands of hair spread out from the black plastic bag.

There are hairs all over the floor and walls.

Some kind of viscous liquid was still on the hair, making a sticky sound.

Soon, the smell of decay filled the entire room.

Li En tightly covered his mouth to prevent himself from vomiting.

The black hairs ran along the ground, and soon came to Li En's feet. The moment they touched Li En's feet, the countless hairs seemed to come alive, tightly entangled Li En's feet, and then slowed down. Slowly climb upwards.

Soon, Li En was wrapped in black hair into a rice dumpling.

The feeling of suffocation came, and Li En's pupils dilated suddenly, because his mouth and nose were blocked, he could only make a sound of 'ho ho' in despair.

The black plastic bag floated in the air, approaching him little by little, and a strong rancid smell rushed towards him. Li En wanted to vomit but couldn't, his face was red and blue.

Just when Li En felt that he was going to die here, suddenly, everything disappeared.

The round black plastic bags and jet-black hair were all gone.

But he was still in this abandoned factory building, and the wind was blowing from nowhere, making a whining sound, as if a baby was crying.

Besides, there was silence all around, and Li En could even hear his own heart beating because of nervousness.

'Boom, boom, boom'

At this moment, a black silhouette slowly appeared in the corner, with a faint green light emitting around the silhouette, like a firefly in the dark, it was hard to ignore.

Li En stared intently at the outline, his eyeballs were protruding and bloodshot.

He was horrified to find that the silhouette had no head!
For a moment, he seemed to have returned to that night again.

That day, in fact, even he himself didn't know what happened to him. He followed Ren Ying all the time, watching her walk out of the noodle shop, watching her cry at the barbecue stand, and watching her get on the subway alone in despair.

How like he was to her!

Li En was afraid of pain and did not dare to commit suicide, but he couldn't bear to see people so similar to him still suffering in this world.

Hot blood splattered on his face and body, and the whole space was filled with a strong smell of blood. This was the smell of fresh human blood, which made Li En feel an unprecedented pleasure.

But the pleasure subsided, and when Li En came back to his senses and saw the body on the ground with the head and body separated, he suddenly panicked.

Just when Li En was at a loss as to what to do, the phone rang. Li En wiped off the blood spattered on his face, took out the phone, and when he saw the name jumping on the screen, his heart instantly calmed down. .

Just when Li En was lost in memory, the black silhouette had come to his side at some point.

The ice-cold hands strangled Li En's neck all at once, with overwhelming hatred.

Li En struggled violently, but to no avail.

In less than 2 minutes, Li En died, his eyes burst out when he died, and he died with regret.

"Ah! Ho ho ho..."

In the room, Li En opened his eyes suddenly, looked at the familiar ceiling above his head, and breathed a sigh of relief, but the feeling of suffocation still remained, which made him unable to recover from it.

Li En subconsciously picked up the medicine on the bedside table, poured out a few and stuffed them into his mouth.

But the feeling of irritability in the bottom of my heart can't go away.

Li En glanced at the time, it was 03:30 in the morning.

Li En hesitated for a long time, and finally took out his mobile phone and dialed the familiar number.

"Let me out! Please, let me out!"

In the early morning, Cen's villa.

Xiaohua didn't need to sleep in the first place, so she jumped out of the space and looked curiously at the talking talisman on the table.

Yazi was lazily in the cat's nest and didn't want to move, but Xiaolihua was attracted by Xiaohua's little ball of light and jumped onto the table.

The voice in Fu Zhuan has gone from yelling at the beginning to being short of breath and weak now.

Xiaohua glanced at her host who was sleeping very sweetly on the bed, she couldn't believe that her host didn't hear it.

The little raccoon stretched out its claws curiously, and the little meat pad wanted to pick up the little flower, but was dodged by the little flower.

The little meat pad didn't stop the car, and overturned the box on the corner of the table with the seal on it.

The box spun three and a half times in the air, and landed firmly on the ground. The lid of the box was opened, revealing a corner of the Begonia flower handkerchief.

The room was eerily quiet for a few seconds.

Yazi's eyelids lifted, he glanced this way lightly, and then lazily closed his eyes.

Xiaohua hid in the space with a 'swoosh', jokingly, her host sealed the handkerchief in the box because she thought it was too noisy, and it ran first as a respect.

Little Lihua seemed to realize that she had made a mistake, so she jumped off the desk and hid under the bed, unable to see it.

Even the howling voice in the talisman was silent.

At this time, there was a sudden strong wind outside the window, and the leaves in the courtyard were bent down by the wind, and they even reached the sliding door of the balcony, crackling against the door.

The person on the bed turned over, frowning slightly, with a little impatience.

But the wind outside didn't seem to have any intention of stopping.

Cen Shu opened her eyes suddenly, "It's very noisy."

His voice was extremely cold.

The wind outside has softened, but it hasn't stopped completely, as if protesting against something.

Cen Shu sat up from the bed, listened to the sobbing wind, raised her eyebrows lightly, and her gaze slowly fell on the talisman on the desk.

This little thing was caught by her yesterday from Ren Ying. It looks like a little ghost who has lost his soul. Because his soul is not completely incapable of reincarnation, he has been wandering in the world.

I don't know where I learned a method of charm, which evokes the deepest obsession in people's hearts, and uses words to encourage people to dedicate their souls.

Because they have no ability to control people to do things.

Just like the salesman who sells a house, he makes hundreds of phone calls a day, and casts a wide net to find someone who is destined.

And Ren Ying is the target of this little ghost, but unfortunately, before the little ghost can continue to sugar-coat the temptation, he was caught by others first.

The little ghost felt that his prestige had been challenged, so he didn't give up and stayed by Ren Ying's side, trying to improve his performance.

Cen Shu accepted it easily.

However, Cen Shu did not expect that this brat was actually Yin Hong's long-lost sister.

Yin Yin.

 The update is complete~
  Report the progress to the cuties. This book is already in the final stage. It is expected to be completed by the end of this month or the beginning of next month. Starting today, the text will be updated every day. If the inspiration comes, I will add more. ah~
  The report is over!

  Thank you for your votes, I love you guys!

  Good night in advance!
  God of Wealth Day, may we all get rich! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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