The best soldier of the beautiful president

Chapter 304 The White Strange Flower

Chapter 304 The White Strange Flower
And even though he was already on the road, and the previous flow of information about the armadillo did not keep coming under the vibration of the disc, Ye Tianfeng's heart did not calm down.

He still didn't understand why the armadillo would cause Yuanpan to have such an effect, but at this moment he couldn't discuss this issue with Shanhu and Mingzai.

Others just think that the matter of Yuanpan is just his own secret. Anyone who wants to hear him say these things will find it inconceivable, and it is impossible for anyone to help him with this matter, because they don't know what to do. will understand.

In the next few days, nothing happened. It’s just that there are very few wild animals in the range of this route, and most of them are vegetarian, such as potatoes, corn, and peanuts, which can be used as nuts. In addition, there are more fruits. , Subtropical fruits such as bananas, pineapples, pears, etc. are endless.

Shanhu and Mingzai were too hungry, but they didn't dare to complain to the boss.This route was chosen by Ye Tianfeng, according to him, try not to deviate from this route.

Shanhu and Mingzai were also afraid that Ye Tianfeng would not be able to find the Wanlingcao, and it would be over if they kept on like this.

On this day, Ye Tianfeng looked at the parchment-based map in his mobile phone, and it seemed that he was about to finish walking, and then the arrow was fixed at one location, and he did not guide him any further.

Ye Tianfeng's heart skipped a beat when he saw it. In his meditation, he thought it was the excitement that the Wanlingcao was waving to him in front of him.

But one more day passed, and for a moment he began to feel the vibration of the disc in his head in surprise.

Then sometimes, Yuanpan suddenly rose above his mind.

But during these times, Ye Tianfeng didn't notice any armadillos coming out of his vicinity, and Yuanpan didn't absorb the Qi of Purple Bamboo, the Qi of Field Potato King, or the Qi of Flame Grass King on anything around him like before. direct effect.

Yuanpan just started to be so mischievous from time to time like a restless fetus in its mother's womb.

Ye Tianfeng suddenly remembered that some time ago, when he was still with James, the disc vibrated against a certain mysterious direction.He now thinks: the direction he was wondering at that time might be the direction of the legendary temple.

At that time, Ye Tianfeng really didn't know: the direction sensed by the disk in his head, the legendary temple was holding an international conference, and the content of that conference was shocking and weeping ghosts and gods. The disc vibrated.However, he himself didn't know the reason for the vibration of the disk in his mind.

However, now he felt as if he was about to reach this temple, if he believed that the legend of this temple was true.

Shanhu and Mingzai have some doubts about Ye Tianfeng's sudden sinking into his own world sometimes. In their previous impression, the boss was not like this, and he never was like this.The boss before was very straightforward, very manly, and decisive in killing and killing. He had never had such a strange appearance before.

They were not used to it at first, but they slowly realized that Ye Tianfeng became like this because of the poison from the hundred meters, and finally got used to it.

The three of them walked for another day, and Ye Tianfeng felt that since yesterday, Yuanpan's restlessness in his mind had become very frequent, and he thought to himself that it was fortunate that it wasn't the frequent coma.

However, he has already paid the price now, becoming a super ordinary person who can't win a fight with others. This is not much better than before when he was unconscious at every turn!

However, Ye Tianfeng is glad that he has Shanhu and Mingzai by his side now, if the sky is going to fall, let them fight it first!
"Boss, I seem to feel that the air at this time is a bit wrong?"

When the three of them walked to a botanical garden that seemed to have been slightly modified by someone, Ming Zai suddenly shouted.


As soon as Ming Zai spoke, Shan Hu sneezed suddenly, a feeling similar to some kind of pollen allergy spread in his nervous system, but he didn't remember that he was allergic to any flowers before!He clearly knows that he is not allergic to any flowers!

Shan Hu wiped his nose, his nostrils were running out of nasal fluid just now, and he didn't feel that he had a cold these two days.

He said at this time: "Yes! Boss, there seems to be something wrong here!"

Ye Tianfeng felt it himself.

"Hey! What kind of flower is that?"

Ming Zai suddenly stretched out his hand, and Ye Tianfeng and Shan Hu immediately looked in the direction he pointed——

At this time, they saw some white flowers blooming in some extremely green vines. Each flower was about the size of an open palm. The flowers were not very beautiful, but their characteristic was like an extremely pale, pale white flower. It looks like a dead man's shroud, and if you look at it a few more times, you will have a bad imagination.

Shanhu was more impulsive and bold than Mingzai, he immediately said: "Boss, why do I feel that this flower looks weird!"

Ming Zai continued his words: "Boss, I suspect that it is this kind of flower that makes us suddenly feel that the air here is not right."

Ye Tianfeng's perception is not as good as that of Shanhu and Mingzai in all aspects because of the poisonous poison in his body. However, he seems to have already developed a natural instinct similar to some kind of mysterious sixth sense. .

"I think it's it!" Ye Tianfeng said with certainty at this moment, "Let's take a detour now!"

"However," Ming Tsai said at this time, "I want to find out what kind of flower this is."

Mingzai said that he used his mobile phone to take pictures of those plants with pale flowers, and got them on the Internet to check.

For a while, Ye Tianfeng followed the two of them to avoid this botanical garden with strange white flowers growing there.

"This..." For a while, Mingzai, who was lagging behind, quickly followed Ye Tianfeng and Shanhu. At this moment, he suddenly said: "The English name of Apedalas is the local dialect!"

Shanhu let out an "ah".

But at this time, Ye Tianfeng said unexpectedly: "I already knew it just now! But these may be just side flowers!"

Both Shanhu and Mingzai looked at Ye Tianfeng in admiration, but were a little surprised at the moment.

"Deputy flower?" But for a while, Shanhu and Mingzai were still a little confused about the meaning of Ye Tianfeng's words.

"I know that 100-meter flowers are divided into main flowers and side flowers," Ye Tianfeng explained to the two of them, "Have you forgotten the meaning of [-]-meter flowers? We looked at flowers so close just now, and they are [-] meters away from them." No rice? If it is Zhenghua who is [-] meters down, even with the strength of the two of you, you may not only feel that the air is not right if you are so close to them. If it is serious, you may even faint. Hua, you won’t be in vain!”

(End of this chapter)

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