Chapter 317

How could she be injured as soon as she appeared.

Shanhu and Mingzai knew in an instant that Ye Tianfeng was looking for something that could lead upstairs.

"Boss, was that mysterious woman's muffled snort just now?" Ming Zai asked Ye Tianfeng at this moment.

Ye Tianfeng nodded affirmatively, he was sure of this: because he was quite confident in his ability to listen to the wind and distinguish the shadows!
"Is that mysterious woman the Virgin?" Ming Zai asked again.

Ye Tianfeng said: "I believe so!"

Mingzai was speechless for a moment.

"Come on, you two follow up, I feel like there is a passage inside!"

Next, after looking east and west for a while, Ye Tianfeng suddenly rushed to a corner with a large pot of flowers.

He moved the potted flower away with both hands, but there was still a wall behind the potted flower!

Shanhu and Mingzai followed Ye Tianfeng closely, and stood behind him watching him fumble with his hands against the bare wall with nothing at all.

But they believed in the boss's ability: even if he wanted to conjure up an enemy in a place that seemed empty, he had a way!


Suddenly there was a sound, Shanhu and Mingzai seemed to have just blinked their eyes, but when they fixed their eyes again, the wall in front of them had turned into a doorway.

God!Is this Alibaba's Open Sesame?

And the eyes of the two were still bright at this moment: because the corridor behind the door is not dark, but brightly lit!

The corridor is winding, and in addition to the bright lights, the walls in the corridor are actually inlaid with various luminous orbs, gemstones, etc., which is really amazing.

At this moment, not only Shanhu and Mingzai, but even Ye Tianfeng was secretly amazed.

At this moment, he thought in his heart: Maybe it is also the Holy Mother of the temple that has such a big hand!
"Let's go!" Ye Tianfeng said to Shanhu and Mingzai for a while.

He took the lead and got into the corridor, Shanhu and Mingzai followed closely.

The corridor is not the kind that is so long that you can't see the end at a glance, but it is winding, and it is full of pearls and emeralds, just like a winding dream.

The corridor is also like a winding mountain road.Ye Tianfeng and the other three knew that it was going upstairs.

The three of them quickly came to the end of the corridor.

And the moment they saw the end of the corridor, Ye Tianfeng and the others were stunned again——

There is an armadillo at the end of the corridor!
The disc in Ye Tianfeng's mind suddenly turned again at this moment, but the armadillo disappeared suddenly at the next moment.

Ye Tianfeng, Shanhu, and Mingzai immediately followed the armadillo out of the tunnel.

But the second floor outside the corridor is also very large, as if there are many connected rooms.

Ye Tianfeng, Shanhu, and Mingzai saw the armadillo again for a moment, but the armadillo disappeared after a single jump.

Ye Tianfeng and the other three couldn't help chasing the armadillo for a while, but the armadillo suddenly disappeared in a room connected to other rooms.

After going through several rooms like this, the armadillo actually brought Ye Tianfeng and the three of them to a very grand and magnificent room.

At this moment, a woman is lying on the floor in this large room.

She——is the mysterious woman who showed up to talk to Ye Tianfeng and the three of them earlier!

She was extremely mysterious before, standing on the board like an attic, so noble and condescending.

But now, she was lying here with her eyes closed, as if she was dying.

It was only in an instant, but all the changes were so great, like the vicissitudes of life.

Ye Tianfeng and the other three were just stunned for a moment, but then, Ye Tianfeng strode up.

At this time, after the armadillo brought the three of them here, it disappeared by itself again, and it didn't know where it went.

This mysterious woman is still covering her face, but Ye Tianfeng can guess without taking off the veil: she must be pale at the moment.

Ye Tianfeng now wants to see what's going on with this woman.

At the beginning, when an accident happened suddenly on the attic board, Ye Tianfeng suspected for a moment that someone up there was suddenly doing something bad to this woman.

But now, he ruled out this assumption.This woman's sudden accident should have come from herself.

With Ye Tianfeng's rich experience as a special soldier for many years, and his mysterious and mysterious sixth sense that he can't explain, he feels that he can now conclude that there is no one else in this big house except himself and this woman. .

This woman may be in danger now, and he is in front of this woman.

Ye Tianfeng was a special soldier, not a doctor. However, he had contact with Wu Mingna's genius doctor before, and even got a medical secret book given to him by him.

At this time, he put his hand on the pulse of the woman lying on the ground.

Suddenly, Ye Tianfeng froze -

At this time, he saw Yuanpan again!
The disk rose above his mind, emitting a kind of light right at the mysterious woman's body.

A black gas that seemed to be visible to the naked eye was drilling from this mysterious woman's body into the disc in Ye Tianfeng's mind.Yuanpan was sucking the black gas from the mysterious woman's body, just like he used to suck the purple gas from the purple bamboo; the green gas from the Tian Potato King; the red gas from the Flame Grass King!
Of course, this is just that Ye Tianfeng himself seems to be able to see it in some kind of hallucination, as for Shanhu and Mingzi on the side, they can't see it.

After a while like this, Yuanpan suddenly stopped absorbing the black energy from the mysterious woman.

At this moment, the mysterious woman seemed to wake up with a sudden "wow".

Her eyes suddenly saw Ye Tianfeng who was very close to her.

In an instant, for some reason, Ye Tianfeng suddenly felt a huge force coming.

He fell back to Shanhu and Mingzai as if he couldn't control himself, but the huge force hadn't dissipated yet, and he was shocked to the point where Shanhu and Mingzai were pushed out of the place. Room.

And the door of this room, when the three of them were shaken out, immediately closed with a "bang".

When Shanhu and Mingzai were talking about "evil door" for a while, suddenly the woman's voice came out from the room——

"Follow the armadillo and leave here! Go now, I won't pursue the things you offended the temple before!"

The voice was very clear, Ye Tianfeng, Shanhu and Mingzai could all hear it clearly.

"Excuse me, are you the Holy Mother?" Ming Tsai asked suddenly at this moment.

"Yes!" The woman inside actually replied bluntly, "Now you go!"

At this time, Ye Tianfeng saw the armadillo again.

It just jumped and disappeared from a corner.

"Let's go!" Ye Tianfeng said to Shanhu and Mingzai at this time.

For a moment, the three of them followed the direction where the armadillo had just disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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