God needle ugly princess

Chapter 227 [239] Li Family Tree

Chapter 227 [239] Li Family Tree

In Meiguo's adoption laws and regulations, once one enters the ancestral hall, one must enter the family tree.

And once you enter the family tree, no matter who you used to be, you must respect the decision of the adopter. Changing the name is the first and must be done.

On the surface, Li Yuan is indeed a member of the royal family, but——

After hearing what the emperor said, Li Hongtao suddenly showed a trace of uneasiness. What kind of person is Li Quan?
Almost at a glance, I found the unstable factors in it.

"Is there anything else you haven't explained?"

Li Hongtao's lips trembled, and under Li Quan's sharp gaze, he said intermittently,

"Li Yuan is just a concubine, and I don't know if she is, so back then, she wasn't there, and she wasn't recorded in the genealogy."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Quan's expression suddenly became unpredictable.

"So, you're here to tell me that Li Yuan is just a ranking under your name. In fact, you have nothing to do with her at all?"

Even Li Hongtao wanted to slap himself at this moment, but the matter had come to this, how could he change it?
Immediately bit the bullet and nodded.

Li Quan was furious and pointed at Li Hongtao, but he couldn't say a word.

What more can he say?
If there was a genealogy, he could still threaten Lingjiazhuang in this matter, or make an exchange condition, but now, they don't even have this, how can they afford to change their names?

"I ask you, does Li Yuan know about this?"

Li Hongtao shook his head uncertainly: "The child was so young at that time, and this matter is beyond her control. She probably didn't know about it."

"What I want is certainty, not the so-called should!"

"she does not know."

In desperation, Li Hongtao could only grit his teeth to be sure, and the reason he gave himself was very simple. If Li Yuan really knew that he was not in the family tree at all, how could he break away from him?There is no need at all.

But in fact, Li Yuan, a little idiot, really didn't know about this, because she hadn't thought about it at all.

If she could understand the importance of genealogy, she would have cut off her relationship with Prince Kang's mansion long ago. How could they allow them to have a relationship with her here?And use her to attack Wei Jie?

"Since she doesn't know, it's easy to handle. After you go back, immediately record Li Yuan's name in the family tree."

Li Hongtao was stunned by Li Quan's words: "Now, now?"

"What? How dare you disobey my order?"

"No, no, that's not what Weichen meant. What Weichen meant was that it will be recorded now, and it will be seen."

The genealogy is not something you can add if you want, especially the royal family tree, which is even more difficult. In Li Yuan's generation, the children born are not only the few below Li Hongtao?

There may be more than a hundred in the entire royal family. To change it now means to move to the end. Once you do this, what is the difference from hindsight?
But Li Quan's words were understandable.

"What's the difference between joining now and joining in the past? Don't they all mean the fact of the Li family? What's more, as long as she is recorded in the genealogy before the Ling family, it means that she is the Li family first, and then the Ling family." family, and if you want to get custody of Li Yuan, you must get the consent of our Li family. Understand?"

As expected of being an emperor, almost at the same time as he made his decision, he had already thought about how to deal with it later. Compared with this, Li Hongtao, who really came to the matter, seemed to be in a panic.

"Then, what about after it's recorded? Next month, 26th, will be the Ling Family's entry ceremony. Before that, their people will definitely come to communicate with Wei Chen. What's the arrangement for the Emperor?"

This was the primary purpose of Li Hongtao's coming to the palace today. Today's Li Yuan is no longer from Prince Kang's mansion, but a valuable person that the emperor cares about. It has nothing to do with her, so naturally she can't be careless.

Li Quan's eyes suddenly became deep and unfathomable. He walked to the window with his hands behind his back. Li Hongtao stood there, not daring to urge him, just waiting quietly.

There was a moment of silence in the study room, only the sound of his own breathing could be heard.

I don't know how long it took before Li Quan turned around, with a hint of majesty and oppression in his voice: "If people from Lingjiazhuang come, let them enter the palace to meet me, and I will talk to them in person."

For some reason, after hearing the emperor's decision, Li Hongtao felt inexplicably uncomfortable. No matter what, Li Yuan was his daughter. Why did the emperor's attitude mean to exclude him?

Perhaps it was because Li Hongtao didn't manage his expression well for a while, but Li Quan said without raising his head,

"Don't be unwilling, this matter is left to you. You may not be able to give me a good explanation. If the Ling family wants to obtain the custody of Li Yuan from the Li family, the only way to do it is to talk to me. It will be useful, and you, do you think they will put you in their eyes?"

Although it hurt people to say this, there is no doubt that Li Quan pointed out the facts. Otherwise, why would the Ling family have confidently announced it to the world without removing Li Yuan's royal status?
That's because they were bound to win this matter, and they wanted to get Li Yuan's custody at all costs.

In Meiguo, it is not that there are no people who have two identities at the same time, but judging by the scale of the Ling family, it is obvious that they want to take the opportunity to get rid of the identity of the Li family for Li Yuan. After changing the surname, what is the difference with the biological daughter?

Generally speaking, the adoptee has no father and no mother. In the case of both parents being dead, after being adopted, the adoptee will change the name and surname according to the adopter's will.

Of course, there are also those who respect the adopted parents and never change their names, but these only account for a very small proportion.

After all, there is no special legal requirement for this, and everything depends on the negotiation between the adopter and the adopted person.

Situations like Li Yuan's are another matter. First of all, both parents are still alive, so it can't be called adoption, it can only be called adoption, adopting a foster daughter.

And you can only call each other foster father and foster mother, not father or mother.

As for the two identities held at the same time, one of them can naturally be discarded. Generally, those who are discarded are those who have been abused in their biological parents' homes like Li Yuan.

So what Li Yuan will choose in the end, even Li Quan can't be sure.

"I don't dare, I will go back and arrange the genealogy and ask the emperor to let me go first."

Li Quan waved his hand and pointed at Li Hongtao.

When he left Qinzheng Hall, the cautiousness on his face gradually dissipated, replaced by a complexity that could not be expressed in words.

Finally, after ten days

  Although he was mentally prepared, Li Hongtao was shocked when he saw Ling Wuya and Mu Qing coming to the door in person.

Because, from it, he could see how much the Ling family cherished Li Yuan. How could this be the level that the foster father and adoptive mother could do?

It's better to be born than to be born. Is there really such a family relationship in the world?

I thought it was necessary to be polite, but I didn't expect that when the two arrived at Prince Kang's mansion, they just nodded as a greeting, and then got straight to the point.

This way of greeting obviously made Li Hongtao a little unacceptable: "What? After all, Wu Ya and Sister Qing came to the door once. Do you have to talk to brother Wei in such a blunt way?"

Ling Wuya glanced at Li Hongtao indifferently: "Brother? If brother really cared about the friendship between you and me, why would you take Yuan'er away without even saying hello?"

"She is the king's daughter. Does the king need to report to you if he taught her daughter a lesson?"

Mu Qing said nonchalantly: "Since there is nothing to say, it's better for us to get to the point now. Let's make a condition, how can Li Yuan be removed from the royal family tree."

Li Hongtao was shocked, his eyes widened, and he stood up quickly: "What does sister Qing mean by this? Hehe, let me make a condition? Lingjiazhuang really speaks loudly, my daughter, why? To remove my name from my family tree? Do you know what you are doing? This is hard buying and selling!"

In the depths of Ling Wuya's eyes, there was endless sarcasm: "Your daughter? Have you ever really treated her as a daughter? We are here today, not to pursue the past with you, but just want a letter of dismissal. If you It would be great to be able to break away from the father-daughter relationship with Li Yuan, "

"What if the king doesn't?"

Li Hongtao did not expect that the development of the matter would be completely out of his control. No matter what, he should be on the initiative side, and he should be in control of the other party, so as to offer the conditions he wants, but why is Lingwu now? Ya is forcing him to submit?

"If not, we don't mind making the scandal of Prince Kang's mansion public!"

Mu Qing stood up suddenly, with endless disdain on her beautiful face.

"I used to respect you as a brother in vain, but I didn't expect you to do such an inhumane thing. How could you do anything about your own daughter? If you don't agree today, you have to agree. We want the custody of Li Yuan It's settled, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken, and no one will be left behind!"

The more Mu Qing thought about it, the more angry she became. Ling Wuya saw that she had even used threats, so he quickly comforted her in a low voice: "Qing'er, why did you get angry when you talked? What did you say when you came here, be good, sit down first Come down and let me talk to him."

Li Hongtao looked at the two people's affectionate look without any scruples, and felt agitated in his chest. Just at this time, Princess Kang's voice came. Li Hongtao was about to drive them back, but he thought of something and let her in.

This is not the first time Mu Qing has seen this woman, but she has never been as disgusted as she is now. Thinking of all the evil deeds of this woman, Mu Qing suddenly stood up and pushed away the man next to him, with a touch of Lian Ling Wu Ya at the corners of her lips. Everyone was dumbfounded by the graceful and bright smile,
"Hey, isn't this the famous Princess Kang? It's been a long time. After all these years, you are still so dignified and bright!"

"This morning, the magpies in my Hibiscus Garden were screaming non-stop. They thought they had brought me some great event. It turned out that Mrs. Ling, the first lady of the Jianghu, came here. The arrival of the honored guests really makes the humble house shroud in brilliance, seeing Madam Ling is even more shocking, the flowers in the garden may not be able to withstand the beautiful smile of Madam Ling!"

With an impeccable smile, Mu Qing walked to Concubine Kang's side, and saluted generously, "Mu Qing has met Concubine Kang, and the concubine is blessed."

"Sister, please hurry up, we are all a family, why should you be so polite?"

Concubine Kang falsely helped Mu Qing, her beautiful face was full of hypocrisy.

Ling Wuya and Li Hongtao on the side just stared blankly at the sister and sister scenes they took turns performing, and finally brought the topic to today's protagonist.

"Yuan'er, this child, has never been cared by his mother since he was a child. Although I am a aunt, there are several children below, and sometimes I can't help but take care of it. I didn't expect that the servants under the bottom would bully this child while I was not paying attention. Waiting for me By the time I knew it, the child had already run away, I feel sorry for the child who has been alone for so many years, wandering outside alone..."

  No matter how well-bred Mu Qing was, when she saw Princess Kang shedding crocodile tears, she still couldn't help the corners of her eyes twitching, she squeezed Ling Wuya's hand tightly, gritted her teeth, and forbeared.

Does this woman really think these people are stupid?Who are you crying for?
"Li Yuan has been very good these years. She has not been wandering or lonely. She has lived a very comfortable and wanton life. So let her go about the past. What we are going to talk about today is Li Yuan's genealogy."

Concubine Kang was slightly taken aback, "Genealogy? This, I'm afraid it's not easy to handle. You also know that the surname 'Li' is so big and the rules are so strict that we can't solve it in a few words. I'm afraid this matter, You have to go to the emperor."


Mu Qing and Ling Wuya quickly exchanged glances, and looked at Li Hongtao involuntarily: "Dare to ask King Kang, who might bring us into the palace now? Or, let us know?"

Before Li Hongtao could speak, the housekeeper outside the door ran over panting, "I, my lord, my majesty, my majesty has sent someone to deliver a message."

Li Hongtao's expression changed suddenly. The emperor got the letter before this man sat here?
 The second update will be delivered, and the seven thousand words will be updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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