God needle ugly princess

Chapter 23 Official Assassination

Chapter 23 Official Assassination
Finding a dense forest, putting the snow in it, and letting it find food by itself, Li Yuan couldn't bear the sudden tiredness any longer, so she lay down on a branch and fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Yuan's sensitive nose first smelled a bloody smell, and then, she heard the fierce sound of sword fighting from the official road. She frowned slightly, and slowly sat up straight, with a dark face A look of impatience flashed across her face, how could she sleep if this went on like this?

Although she is a doctor, she always hates the smell of blood, let alone such a strong smell of blood. The smell of blood alone is enough to determine the number of deaths ahead.

It seems that the scale of this battle is not small. What kind of big man can attract so many killers?
While thinking, Li Yuan couldn't hold back any longer, but seeing a flash of black figure, she disappeared in place.

By the time she rushed over, dozens of corpses had already been lying here and there on the originally quiet and deserted official road. These corpses were all in black clothes and black faces, and it was impossible to tell which side they belonged to.

Not far away, there was a carriage that had been shot into a hedgehog. The carriage was black and looked ordinary, but Li Yuan felt that the owner of the carriage must not be an ordinary person to be surrounded by so many people.

Li Yuan looked around, but found no survivors. Just as she was about to approach the carriage, she heard a slight muffled sound. She stopped and turned around abruptly, her sharp eyes were like X-rays. General searched around, and finally found a tall man in brocade clothes in the earth pit next to the pipe.

Because he was sitting there crookedly, Li Yuan didn't see what he looked like.

Around him, lay guards in black who had fallen down in various postures protecting him. In his hand, on a long sword with a cold light, drops of bright red blood were slowly dripping. Obviously, here just now He had experienced an extremely brutal assassination, and judging from the direction in which these people fell to the ground, the target of the assassination was the man in front of him.

It's a pity that apart from him, there was no one alive in the audience.

Although the man was sitting there, his back was straight. Even though the place was covered in blood, it didn't affect the man at all.

The man also wore a black brocade robe, with a jade crown and hair, and a tall figure. Li Yuan felt inexplicable pressure just from the back. After careful observation, she noticed that the man's breathing was heavy. body, but also let her sharply see a special blood that is different from other people.

He was poisoned, and not just one kind of poison.

She was able to wipe out so many killers in one fell swoop while being poisoned in her body. At that moment, Li Yuan felt the word "danger". She squinted her eyes, and something flashed in her eyes.

Such a person, she was a little curious, who is this person.

It was too late and then too soon, Li Yuan suddenly stepped down and attacked the man's back. Just when she thought she could easily take him down, unexpectedly, a frost-like coolness came from her back, Li Yuan Yuan suddenly felt something was wrong, and when she raised her eyes to look over, she was completely stunned.

In front of him, apart from the dead bodies all over the ground, where is the half shadow of a man?

At the moment when she lost her mind, she felt a pair of dark eyes staring at her from behind. Li Yuan frowned slightly, stopped suddenly, and turned around slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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