God needle ugly princess

Chapter 260 [273] Vengeance resurgence, Wenchanghou Mansion, destroyed!

Chapter 260 [273] Vengeance resurgence, Wenchanghou Mansion, destroyed!

Even though Mu Han was slapped, his face didn't change at all, instead he looked at the angry Qiu Zhen with flat eyes.

"Even if the empress wants to punish the servant girl, the servant girl will still say that Chen Biyu may not be a big deal, but her father is now being used by the emperor, not to mention that Yu Xiurong is pregnant now, so it is only natural for the emperor to care about her in the past."

"On the contrary, it's your majesty. Now that you have sons and daughters, you have already gained a firm foothold in the palace. Even if you don't have the blessing of your natal family, you are still an existence that no one in the palace dares to offend."

"If there is only one person in a single round, ten Chen Biyus can't match the beauty of the empress, why should the empress lose her status and compare with such a woman? In the end, it's only me who is angry!"

Although Mu Han has a poisonous mouth, speaks directly, and is as cold as ice, what I have to say is that it is precisely because of her that her Yongning Palace has been able to stand upright in the harem these years. Without her to advise and advise, she might not be able to survive at all. There is no achievement today.

Moreover, if there was no Mu Han, her son would have drowned in the pond. For Mu Han, that is the real love and hate.

"Go down, I'm tired."

Probably she really didn't want to see Mu Han's face again, and she was also tired after such a toss.

Then he waved his hand at Mu Han in disgust, Mu Han couldn't ask for more, blessed himself, and retreated respectfully.

Just as Mu Han walked out, a court lady stepped forward and handed her a hot towel and eggs.

"Auntie, are you okay? Hurry up and roll it with an egg, so that your face won't be swollen in a while."

Mu Han took the towel expressionlessly, covered his slightly hot left cheek, looked at the four or five court ladies who loved her dearly, and said calmly.

"Go down if you don't have anything to do. The night duty stays. Thank you for the towels. I don't need eggs. I am 30 years old. This face is old and swollen. calls me."

"Yes, Aunt Mu."

The maid watched Mu Han leave, looked at each other, and sighed quietly.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, their Aunt Mu is the 'Master Miejue', but only the people in Yongning Palace know that Aunt Mu is the only person in this palace who knows how to love their servants.

As long as Aunt Mu is around, they can avoid being beaten, but Aunt Mu...

She is not cruel, she is just cold outside and hot inside, their master has a bad temper and often loses his temper, if there is no Aunt Mu to calm down the anger, I am afraid that their slaves and servants in Yongning Palace are the most frequently changed in the palace.

Everyone thinks that the servants of Yongning Palace have climbed to the top, and the master is favored..., and these servants are also blessed, but only they know that this is just what outsiders look like.

In fact, no one can understand their miserable life.

Mu Han turned around indifferently, without looking at the faces of the people around him in different shapes and colors, covered his still hot cheeks, and returned to his room. The moment he closed the door, he finally isolated himself from all kinds of people around him. complex eyes.

The moment the door was closed tightly, she threw the towel in her hand aside, her eyes gleamed brightly like black jade, she moved with heavy steps, and sat on her own bed, Quietly looking at everything in the room, a hint of mockery hung on his lips.

"Miss, if you saw the servants living in such a humble way, would you fall from heaven in anger?"

"This servant is really about to lose it. Every time I stand behind her, I wish I could go up and strangle her to death, but whenever I think of the unfinished mission, I have to grit my teeth and persevere."

"This road is too difficult, what should we do? What should we do?"

At some point, a thick layer of mist had already appeared in Mu Han's eyes. She slumped to the floor weakly, buried her head in her knees, and twitched slightly. Dare to make any sound.

Because Mu Han's image is as cold as ice, that is, Miejue Shitai.

Therefore, no matter what she does, she should not have a second expression, but that is Mu Han, not Liu Ying, Liu Ying is a person of flesh and blood, Liu Ying will be sad and painful.

Whenever the night is quiet, Liu Ying will sit in the dark, weeping silently, for herself, and for their family and friends who have passed away.

This is not a sign of cowardice, this is the only way to express her depression. If she had to keep her face sullen and not show her face, she might have been driven crazy by herself.

Only when the two roles of day and night are constantly switching, can she live strong...

At midnight, the entire capital fell into silence, and countless purple shadows leaped out of the darkness, gathering towards the Marquis of Wenchang with the same goal.

The purple-clothed man's technique was extremely fast, and the massacre started as soon as he landed. The guards guarding the gate had no time to react, and they fell to the ground and died.

As the men in purple kept moving, one of them kicked Wen Changhou's room open, and the loud sound immediately woke up the sleeping man.

"Ah..." A sharp scream pierced the silence of Wenchanghou's mansion.

After the wife who was sleeping next to Wenchanghou was awakened by the shock, she tightly held Wenchanghou beside her.

"Old, sir, is it, is it they, are they here?"

Compared with Mrs. Hou who was already trembling with fright, Wen Changhou was much calmer after all.

He was dressed in white obscene clothes, walked down from the bed, picked up the saber hanging beside him, took a deep breath, and was about to go out, but Mrs. Hou covered her mouth, holding her hand with tears like rain. He: "No, don't, sir, don't go, don't go."

Marquis Wenchang looked at his wife's pale face, stretched out his hand, and gently wiped away the tears from her face.

"Ma'am, don't panic. I'll go out and have a look right now. Be good, stay here and don't come out. No matter what sounds you hear, don't come out."

Then, he brushed away the hand she was holding tightly to him, and walked out of the inner room without looking back.

Even though he was mentally prepared, when Wen Changhou saw that slender and tall figure in the dark, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He suppressed the surge in his heart: "You, who are you?"

The moonlight is very, very bright tonight, stretching the man's tall figure very, very long. He just leaned against their door frame like that, looking at the bright moon hanging in the night sky with deep eyes, with a creepy smile on the corner of his mouth. smile.

"Wenchanghou, can't you guess who the master is? Have you heard that the fighting has started? It won't be long before your Wenchanghou's mansion will be burned in flames."

Marquis Wenchang's complexion changed, and he suddenly clenched the long sword in his hand: "You, who are you guys?"

"Tsk, why do you idiots like to ask like this? So what if you ask, can it change the fact of your death and extermination? Hey, can't you? If you can't, why bother to ask?"

"You, you, what did this Marquis do wrong to provoke you to act so insanely? This place is at the feet of the emperor, and this marquis is a member of the royal family. You guys, aren't you afraid that the emperor will wipe out the nine clans?"

As soon as Wenchanghou said this, the eyes of the man under the moonlight suddenly turned cold, and with a slight movement of his fingertips, Wenchanghou suddenly let out a painful moan. Under the cold moonlight, he saw a dart shot exactly at Wenchang. Hou's lap.

"The Nine Clans? Hehe, is it the Nine Clans again? What? Isn't the blood of the Du family not enough, and you want to get more blood to enjoy it? Does your royal family only use the Nine Clans to deal with the big families that put pressure on you? Only when it is destroyed can future troubles be eliminated forever, eh?"

Marquis Wenchang raised his head in shock, "You, are you really from the Du family?"

The man turned his head coldly, with mockery in his eyes.

"The Du family? The members of the Du family were all dead 12 years ago. Why do you still care about it?"

Marquis Wen Chang gasped in shock from the sudden words, staggered back a step, and was about to fall, the long sword in his hand was plunged into the hard ground to stabilize his body.

He slowly raised his head, his eyes were full of disbelief: "Since you are not from the Du family, then who are you?"

A bloodthirsty smile emerged from the corner of the man's mouth: "Does it matter who I am? The Wei family has ruled the country for so many years, how many families have been killed in vain? Can you count them?"

Marquis Wenchang looked at the man in front of him who was already stressing him out while talking and laughing. Hearing the wailing sounds coming from a distance, his heart gradually sank to the bottom of the valley.

"The case of exterminating the family in the Du Mansion has nothing to do with this Marquis. Did you find the wrong person?"

"Have you ever seconded?"

Marquis Wen Chang was startled, looked up at him, and suddenly heard the sound of "seconding" when Chang Sheng presented the evidence of Du's collusion with foreign enemies in the court and confirmed the charges against the general Du's family. up.

Is it because of this 'secondary proposal' that you have to pay a full price?

Chang Sheng is dead, and Su Dingsheng is also dead. Countless people who were directly involved in this case have been eliminated. What about now?
Has it begun to pursue those who have committed the crimes of Du Fu?
No matter how calm Marquis Wenchang was, he had no choice but to be so frightened by the opponent's high-sounding reason that his face turned pale, his legs could no longer support him, and he staggered to the ground.

"You, because of these two words, are you going to destroy this Marquis's whole family?"

The man in black sneered, and his voice echoed in Wenchanghou's ears, like a devil from hell. Hearing this, people felt their scalp go numb, and their whole body wanted to tremble subconsciously.

"Just because? Tsk! You are worthy of being Marquis Wenchang, and you are worthy of being a member of the royal family. These two words seem to be very easy to say!"

"What did you do to the Du family, and what did you do to the people involved with the Du family?"

"Is it just these two 'secondary proposals'? No, the 'secondary proposals' are just the beginning, more is... Luo, well, down, stone!"

This cold sound like an ice cellar shattered the last hope of Marquis Wenchang in an instant.

He looked up at the face under the moonlight, which was clearly close at hand, but could not be seen clearly, his eyes filled with despair.

"Next, Your Excellency, don't you want to kill all the people who seconded in the case of the Du Mansion back then?"

"What's the difference between you and an executioner?"

"How many tragedies are you going to create?"

"How are you different from us back then?"

"When is it time to repay the injustice? Your Excellency, I am not guilty of death, but my wife and children have done nothing wrong. I beg you to let them go, okay?"

The successive massacres have made Wen Changhou desperate to the end. He doesn't think he can escape. Instead of wasting words on himself, it is better to save his wife and children. At least this way, it won't make him die.

It's a pity that the person he faced was not soft-hearted. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his smile was a little cold.

"Do you really think that you are much kinder than Chang Sheng?"

"You really think that others don't know what you have done?"

"Do you really think that you are qualified to live?"

"Marquis Wenchang, people are doing what the sky is watching, now is the time for you to receive retribution, it's here!"

"You, what do you mean?"

Marquis Wenchang's voice trembled a little, and there was even a trace of panic flashing in his eyes. All of this was seen by the man in black, and the mockery on his face became more and more obvious.

"What do you mean? You forgot what you did in the Du family's army? You forgot how you were jealous of the Du family and how you designed the Du family? Well, it doesn't matter if you forget, Grandpa, I will remind you well."

The man in black looked at him coldly: "In the 40th year of the first emperor, during the battle with Gu Yueguo, the raid team led by the general was inexplicably besieged, but you, as the deputy commander, deliberately delayed the time to provide support, so that the general The general and his elite squad were nearly strangled by the enemy!"

"If it weren't for the great general's martial arts skills, he would have died in the 40th year of the first emperor! Such things happened one after another in the next few years. Do you really think that if you don't tell others, others won't know?"

"The Du family's army is deeply rooted. The reason why the Du family's army swept away thousands of troops is that you can control it? Hmm? Do you want me to continue talking?"

As soon as these words came out, Marquis Wenchang was already shaking like a sieve. He looked at the young man in front of him in shock, his face was as gray as earth in an instant.

"These, you, how do you know? How could you know? Who are you?"

These things, not to mention the late emperor, even the current emperor would not know about it, Wenchanghou was really afraid that a person who was not from the Du family knew him so well.

In fact, since the curse of "Du Ziyan" spread in the capital, he had already started to feel guilty. Seeing countless guilty people sending his wives and children out of the capital, he felt that they were deceiving their ears. A stupid move, with the slightest disapproval in my heart.

He even thought that no one would be able to find out about him. After all, those who knew about the things he did back then are all dead. Naturally, it is impossible for anyone to stand up and testify against his infidelity.

He, Marquis Wenchang, has been walking in the court for decades, and he is honest and fair. In the eyes of others, he is both civil and military, and he is loyal to the country. Who knows that his reputation is all due to the great achievements of being framed by the Du family army. Woolen cloth?
"If you want people not to know, unless you do nothing, the sky net is extensive and sparse, haven't you heard of it? Do you think that the old general, the major general, and the minor general are all blind, and they don't know the existence of a scum like you? Wenchang Hou, now is the time for you to pay the price for everything you have done!"

"No, it's impossible. Since they know it, why do they let me succeed again and again? What am I? A pet that they play with in applause?"

The man in black looked at his suddenly distorted face calmly, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "Do you think everyone is like you, a hypocrite? Do you think everyone is like you, repaying favors? Hmm? Collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country?"

"Hehe, didn't you secretly guide those so-called criminal evidences and send them in front of them logically? In the end, Chang Sheng and the others were cast aside, but you picked them all up. Do you think you deserve to die? "

"Saving your life until now is an insult to the Du family. However, it is not important. What is important is that you will pay a full price to go to hell to atone for the Du family, and it will also bring fear to Wei Yuchen. Don't worry, this emperor will accompany you to hell in a short time!"

Marquis Wenchang's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the man in black with bloodshot eyes, "You guys, are you going to rebel?"

The man in black walked up to him expressionlessly, and slapped a stack of crimes on his face, "Let's draw a charge, I believe you know better than anyone else what you have done, do you need me to give it to you, grandpa?" Read it clearly? Sign it obediently, maybe the master is in a good mood and will leave you a whole body, if... Hehe, you know the consequences!"

Marquis Wenchang met the other party's cold eyes as if looking at a dead person, then looked at the more than ten crimes in front of him, and heard the screams getting closer and closer, complete despair flashed in his godless eyes. It's coming, it's coming...

 Recently, the role of the male and female protagonists is a little bit less, so don't worry, once this grievance is sorted out, the idea of ​​​​revenge will be much smoother later.

(End of this chapter)

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