God needle ugly princess

Chapter 290 [304] Qixia in the Nine Mountains

Chapter 290 [304] Qixia in Jiuzhong Mountain
"Yes, I also performed his facial surgery."

Diao Yi glanced at Shangguan Qingxi inexplicably, then put his arms around his chest, and raised his eyebrows embarrassingly in front of this old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years.

That appearance is completely different from the cold and coquettish appearance she used to pretend to be in front of Wei Ye and even her own daughter!

Shangguan Qingxi suddenly felt that her brain was not enough.

The impact of Diao Yi's words may not even be realized by him.

Wait, let her take a good stroke.

What is Wei Li's facial surgery also performed by him?
"Wei, Wei Li, Wei Li's face is also fake?"

At that time, Shangguan Qingxi didn't know how to describe her mood anymore?
Is it a shock?Still at a loss?

Or maybe confused...?
Before she started to investigate Wei Li's identity, she suddenly learned from others that Wei Li's face was fake.

Her face is fake to hide her identity, so what about Wei Li?
What is he for?
Could it be that, like her, it was all to hide his identity?

Then, a new question arises, what is Wei Li's real identity?
It seemed that in such an instant, Shangguan Qingxi realized that Wei Li was more than just a blank sheet of paper in front of her?
In addition to the identity of the son of Prince Rong's mansion, she found that the more she investigated, the more mysterious she found this person.

If he is really Wei Yi...

Shangguan Qingxi's nose suddenly became sore, and she suddenly didn't dare to think about it.

In this life, they are no longer Du Yunge, and they are no longer Wei Yi.

Both identity and appearance have actually undergone tremendous changes. Naturally, the trajectory of life has also become completely different from the previous life.

It's just that she was very curious, wondering whether Wei Li in this life would be as stunning and talented as in the previous life, or...

Is it really like what he has shown in this life... a dude?
Shangguan Qingxi didn't dare to think about it, and couldn't think about it, she could only look at Diao Yi with incomprehensible eyes, hoping to know something from him.

But Diao Yi's reaction was still expected.

"Sorry, since you don't know, then I can't tell you. When you are free, go ask him yourself!"

It was just this sentence that Shangguan Qingxi understood immediately, "You know his identity, right?"

"Identity? What identity?"

Diao Yi's eyes flickered slightly, and he began to pretend to be confused.

Because the coverage of this 'identity' was too wide, he couldn't locate what aspect she was talking about, let alone what to say and what not to say.

In the end, he could only answer her like this.

"Then tell me, does Liu Ying know?"

Diao Yi looked at her with certainty, and shook his head: "She doesn't know."

If she knew, I'm afraid you already knew, and it's my turn to show off here?

Shangguan Qingxi was not surprised that he would tell her like this. In fact, it was for the sake of a friend that he was able to say this.

If you put it in someone else's place, maybe you won't say a word.

It is precisely because she knows Diao Yi too well, and she also clearly knows that there are too many secrets in their business, which is the minimum professional ethics.

So she gave up asking, and just nodded lightly, as if she understood.

Because of this embarrassment, the two of them were silent for a while before Shangguan Qingxi changed the topic.

"Where is Liuying, do you need my help?"

Diao Yi shook his head, "No need, you're busy with your work, I'm fine. Besides, a small palace can't stop our father and daughter."

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words, and Diao Yi left.

After he left, Shangguan Qingxi sat very quietly at the table, her long eyelashes cast a dark silhouette under the light of the candle, making it hard to guess what she was trying to write.

"Master ghost doctor, are you alright?"

At this moment, Ruyan's voice sounded outside the door. Shangguan Qingxi was taken aback for a moment, then stood up and opened the door. After the two exchanged a few words at the door, Qingxi pulled her in.

"What's going on? Why did I hear movement in your room just now? Are you okay?"

As soon as she entered the room, Ruyan grabbed her to observe the movement in the room vigilantly. Although her cautious appearance made her dumbfounded, she felt inexplicably sad.

In particular, such a scene had appeared by her side countless times, but at that time, she had no idea that one day in the future, she would burst into tears because of a certain familiar scene.

People are often like this, only when they lose can they know how to cherish.

Qingxi struggled to look away with tears in her eyes, and shook her head slightly, her voice trembling.

"Good smoke, I'm fine, isn't this standing right in front of you?"

"It's you, who came to my man's room in the middle of the night, what if someone finds out?"

Ruyan curled her lips indifferently, "I'm already 30 years old, do I still care about the so-called reputation?"

As he spoke, he glanced at her suspiciously, then pouted his chin, glanced at the teacup on the table, and said angrily.

"He said it's okay, did someone come just now?"

Qingxi took a look, then suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly pulled Ruyan to sit down.

"What I said was that I'm fine. It was Diao Yi who came just now. Diao Yi, do you remember him?"

When Diao Yi came during the day, she was still guarding Prince Rong, so naturally she had no chance to communicate.

Ruyan's pupils suddenly dilated, and then, she slapped her thigh, and her mouth opened into an O shape.

"God, let me tell you why this name is so familiar to them today. The Diao Yi you mentioned, couldn't be, could it be Yingzi's senior brother?"

Shangguan Qingxi took the tea calmly, took a sip, and nodded at her: "That's right, it's him."

It was only then that Ruyan felt that she seemed to have missed something. Thinking of the girl she accidentally saw today who looked like a shadow but had a weird personality and was beautiful and flamboyant, she couldn't help covering her mouth.

"Then, that child, shouldn't it be the child of Yingzi and Diao Yi?"

Shangguan Qingxi glared at her angrily, "It's not with Diao Yi, is it still not with someone else?"

"It's a pity, because of me, they only have one child. If there is a chance, Diao Yi has to take the initiative. Well, yes, it's best to conceive a second child this time, so that I can be worthy of the two of them. "

Ruyan stared at her master dumbfounded, "If Yingzi hears this, he will definitely pester you forever."

"We haven't finished our business now. She is still a female official in the palace. If the female official is pregnant, it will be a big deal and she will lose her head! Moreover, we are already old..."

"Hush, from now on, don't talk about these things with me. What is your age? What's wrong with your age? It's just over 30 years old. Don't worry, with me here, I will definitely let you conceive successfully. "

"Whether it's a man or a child, there will be one. Only such a life is complete, isn't it?"

Facing her master's rhetoric, Ruyan no longer knew what mood to use to describe her mood at this moment.

Say she doesn't want to, that's a lie, every woman wants to find an honest man to marry and give birth to a child that belongs to them.

Live an honest life, especially, after nearly 20 years of changing times, their state of mind is no longer what it used to be.

If in the past, as the personal maid of the empress, or as a dowry maid, how could she be able to match a small official with an innocent net worth as the main wife? If she was lucky, the standard might be even higher, but now...

After the Du's murder case, their mentality has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In this life, people don't want to be rich and powerful, don't want it, really don't want it, no matter how much wealth and glory there is, you have to live to enjoy it.

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, so why not rights?
I have heard long ago that once a man possesses these things at the same time, he will change. At first, they all thought that this kind of thing would never happen to them, and it was even less likely to happen to their master, but what happened?
What did that woman who sacrificed herself wholeheartedly for her husband and the world behind him get in the end?
Not only did she die without a complete body, but even her children, even her family, and those innocent people died because of her.

Although she didn't think it was her fault, the fact had already been created and the tragedy was irreversible. Even if she didn't admit it, so what?
The result is still the result, this is a fact that cannot be changed.

Although the outcome cannot be changed, the life trajectory of a living person, even a reborn person, can be changed!
She is already 30 years old, and she doesn't dare to expect too much, she just wants someone who knows the cold and the hot, who really loves her, even if he doesn't have a prominent status, no money, no face, as long as his heart is towards her, she I am satisfied.

Of course, the prerequisite is that she has to have that life.

She knows what she is doing now, and even more what she will face in the future.

In fact, being able to have children is really a luxury. For more than ten years, she even felt that she had survived by picking up the wrong things.

If she can complete the mission of living in this life, then she will have no regrets in this life.

For her, men and children are an unattainable dream!
Therefore, regarding Shangguan Qingxi's words, Ruyan just smiled slightly, "Then Ruyan is looking forward to this day!"

There is a bit of reluctance in Ruyan's smile, a bit of sincerity, and the clarity can be felt.

But at this moment, besides being silent, what else can she say?
To say that everything I say comes from the heart?Or should you trust me?

In the past, she might have promised to find a good husband for them, but what was the final result?
Even after many years, Ruyan is still alone, and even stays in the deep palace for her, fearfully guarding against Wei Yuchen who could kill her at any time.

Among the four servant girls, Liu Ying was the one she accidentally rescued, and she didn't sell herself to her, nor did she grow up with her.

But even so, she still dedicated half of her life to herself.

Not to mention Ruyan, Magpie, and Jinmo who followed her since childhood, they wished to give their hearts to themselves.

No matter if she is Du Yunge or Shangguan Qingxi, how can she make them pay for themselves like this?
The clarity of this moment is incomparably complicated.

She knew that no matter how much she said or promised, it was useless.

Instead of wasting time here, it's better to plan for the future and use practical actions to repay the sisters who have done everything for her.

To live, as long as they can live well and find their own happiness alive.

That's what her master should do most, everything else is just floating clouds, floating clouds!
Qixia Mountain Villa, although it is called a mountain villa, in fact it is not just a simple villa, but is located in the most mysterious Nine Layers Mountain within the territory of Tiandu Kingdom.

Jiuchong Mountain, as the name suggests, is composed of nine mountains with different altitudes.

Between the mountains, there are mountains next to each other, leaving only a line of sky for one person to pass through.

Some have mountains surrounded by water, and some have mountains surrounded by lakes.

In short, there are nine turns and eighteen turns. If you are not careful, you will get dizzy in the process.

If you are not an authentic mountain dweller in the Jiuchong Mountain Range or a tribe of Qixia Mountain Villa, it must be quite difficult to bypass it.

In the eyes of outsiders, Jiuchongshan is mysterious because of its unique geographical location.

On weekdays, Jiuchong Mountain is considered safe, but once abnormal humans are found to enter Jiuchong Mountain, at least they will get dizzy in the mountains, they will be sent away after starving, and at worst they will be swallowed by poisonous fog.

Just because above the Nine Layer Mountains, every mountain is a branch point of Qixia Villa.

Therefore, once you enter the boundary of Jiuchong Mountain, you will be listed as a key investigation target.

Wei Li wore a black brocade robe with a golden mask covering his face. He didn't need someone to lead the way, let alone row a boat. He only needed to rely on his own internal strength to make the boat float on the lake and row automatically.

As soon as he showed his hands like this, he immediately raised the vigilance of the secret followers.

Looking at this level, it is definitely not something they can resist.

But in the blink of an eye, a sea dongqing flew out from the first mountain and passed down one after another.

The corners of Wei Li's lips curled up slightly, looking at Jiuchong Mountain in an excellent mood, who had been away for many years, besides being excited, she was also curious.

After not returning for many years, is the present Jiuchongshan still the Jiuchongshan he was familiar with?
This road must be intercepted to varying degrees, right?
Just take the opportunity to challenge and exercise your muscles and bones.

If you get to the top, you have to do warm-up exercises before being pestered by a few old guys.

Moreover, he also wanted to see if Jiuchongshan's defense system had improved after so many years.

Just when Wei Li was gearing up and preparing to accept a series of challenges, his face, which was still full of interest, suddenly collapsed when he saw several small boats galloping towards him in the mountains.

Not only collapsed, but even completely blackened.

Immediately there was a posture of turning around and leaving immediately.

But before he could put it into action, someone had already chased him even faster.

He felt a red shadow flashing in front of his eyes, and that graceful red shadow had landed steadily on the small boat at his feet that could only accommodate two people.

The moment Ni Hongluan saw Wei Li's magnificent face, she immediately leaned forward excitedly with her plump bust.

"Yi, are you finally here?"

Wei Yi frowned slightly, and said displeasedly: "Hongluan, how many times have I told you, don't call me by that name, it has become a thing of the past, and I can't go back to the past now, why do you always put yourself Closed in the past?"

"How many times have I told you, you don't want to live for him anymore, you have to live for yourself, for yourself, understand?"

"I'm doing it for myself now, you are him, and he is you, aren't you?"

"As long as I know this, that's enough. For so many years, every time I meet, I always say the same thing. Can't you change it to something new?"

Ni Hongluan was somewhat dissatisfied with his indifference, and was about to step forward when Sikong Linghao taunted him unceremoniously from behind.

"You old lady, don't even look at how old you are now, and still want old cows to eat tender grass?"

"Don't say that Wei Li is only 16 years old now, even if he is the same age as before, do you think you, Ni Hongluan, are worthy of him?"

"You reckless and martial idiot, is there a place for you to talk here? I am willing, I am willing, how about it? Are you capable of hitting me?"

Facing someone's unceremonious ridicule, Ni Hongluan seemed to be used to it, and her face seemed to be getting thicker and thicker, she immediately turned her head to look at Wei Li.

"No matter who you are, I only believe that you are him. Even if we can't be together in this life, as long as I look at you and feel your breath, I am satisfied."

"Ni, Hong, Luan..." Wei Li was really defeated by this woman, he gritted his teeth and stared at her bitterly.

After being stared at by him like this, Hong Luan became more and more excited.

"Yes, that's how it is called. You can feel my love for you by calling me a hundred times a day."

"Yi, don't let me stay here, okay? Take me away, even if I'm a maid by your side, I just want to watch you every day, every day!"

"Fuck, Ni Hongluan, you're showing shame if you say you're shameless, aren't you?"

"It's just that you are quite old, and you are more than enough to be his mother, but you still want to go to him and be a maid?"

"Is there a maid as old as you? Do you feel uncomfortable if you don't feel ashamed for a day? Get out, get out, I look disgusting, hurry up!"

"Sikong Linghao, you who have suffered thousands of knives, you have the ability, tell me again? If I don't peel your skin today, or constrict your tendons, I won't be named Ni!"

"Your surname is not Ni, don't think that I don't know, your surname is basically made up by yourself, right?"

"Not only that, but I also know your previous name, hahaha, do you want me to say it in public?"

"Let everyone on and off Jiuchong Mountain know that you, Nihongluan, also had the name of a scumbag back then."

"Sikong Linghao, how dare you!"

"Look if I dare! Let me tell you, you don't threaten me, I'm not a big threat!"

"I don't even lower my head to take a look at what I look like. Who wants you but me, you, a woman, actually despise this and that!"

"I have been chasing after me for so many years, I said, it's almost done, huh? If we continue to toss, we will be half buried in the loess!"

"Ah, Sikong Linghao, try saying another word!"


The corner of Wei Li's mouth twitched as he watched the scene that made him laugh and cry, and couldn't bear the howling of these two people like a lion's roar, so he stroked his forehead immediately.

Just as he was about to turn around, Zhangsun Wugou had already swayed towards him slowly, Wei Li got up and jumped onto his boat without thinking.

Wugou seems to have long been accustomed to the quarrel between the two, but before he couldn't figure out why the third master loved Wei Li so much, now, he finally understood, and immediately scanned him with an extremely ambiguous look.

Wei Li squinted her eyes in displeasure: "If you still want your eyes, you'd better move your eyes away quickly."

Wugou curled his lips, and looked at him very hurt: "What's the matter, we were also summoned by you, what? Are you going to drive people away before you say a word?"

 Merry Christmas MMs!Add [-] words today.

(End of this chapter)

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