God needle ugly princess

Chapter 293 [307] Craniotomy 1

Chapter 293 [307] Craniotomy 1
Siyou Kingdom Palace
With the double efforts of Lingyuan and Shangguan Qingxi, the situation of Prince Rong is getting better day by day.

Now he can already get out of bed and walk around, I believe that within half a month, all the residual poison in his body will be eliminated.

The four-star difficulty is basically solved. Although there is external help, the system doesn't seem to mind, probably because she is still the main force.

After all, apart from taking out Bing Chan at the very beginning, this 'ghost doctor' is willing to be reduced to a supporting role.

Although she didn't know why, but in this way, it was considered a great favor to her, and she turned a blind eye to pretending to be her.

What Lingyuan never expected was that the reason why Shangguan Qingxi did this was largely because she wanted to see how capable her daughter-in-law was.

Of course, she was very satisfied with the result.

Except for this face and being too young, it is perfect.

Fortunately, her current body is one year older than Ling Yuan, not one year younger.

Originally, being younger than her son was already aggrieved, but if she was younger than her daughter-in-law, where would her future majesty be?
Finally found a sense of balance.

Of course, Lingyuan was unaware of her concerns.

Because she imagined that she was about to get the infusion package she had dreamed of, she was in a very good mood.

I thought that all the four-star problems were solved, and the three-star difficulty was just a matter of hand.

No, as soon as she heard that Prince Rong's Gu poison was cured, many people immediately came to see her for treatment, and most of these people were members of the royal family.

Lingyuan didn't want to break her long-standing rules, treating Prince Rong was already looking at someone's face, but she didn't need to worry about other people.

Especially now that she has cured Prince Rong, with Wei Jie behind her, she doesn't need to look at anyone's face.

However, in order to complete her task as soon as possible, she still chose the old lady of Dingxihou Mansion.

It's not for anything else, just because Wei Jie pointed out this family and wanted her to come to the door for treatment. Although she didn't know why, she was willing to borrow the donkey from the slope. Anyway, saving anyone is possible, as long as the task is completed.

What Lingyuan didn't know was that the reason why Wei Jie chose this family was because this old lady had a good relationship with the Du family.

Based on this alone, they couldn't just let her die.

Therefore, when Lingyuan came to the hospital for treatment, she handed Prince Rong over to the 'ghost doctor' who was about to leave but was left behind by her, and asked him to take care of her on her behalf.

The old lady of Dingxihou's Mansion suffered from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, which was very serious.

After a series of first aid measures by Lingyuan, although her condition has stabilized, there is congestion in her brain, and surgery is needed to drain the blood out so that the blood does not compress the nerves.

But doing this kind of surgery is very risky, especially in the current medical environment, the risk of craniotomy is changing rapidly, and a little carelessness will endanger life.

When she told the old lady's family about her thoughts, they were all frightened by her bold words.

"Open, open the skull? This, what is the difference between this and suicide?"

"No, no, you said it yourself, there is a risk. My mother is too old to bear such a big risk."

"Princess Feng, we appreciate your kindness, but the risk is too great for us to bear, so let's just leave it like this!"

For such a result, Lingyuan was already psychologically prepared.

Even so, she still explained the situation clearly, but she didn't expect that the other party had already rejected her before she finished speaking.

"Although your method may cure the old lady's illness, what if, what if your so-called risk happens to my mother?"

"We can't afford such a consequence. If God wants it to be like this, then that's the only way to go."

Lingyuan frowned slightly, "Are you going to give up [-]% of hope because of the [-]% risk?"

"The old lady has always been in good health. This sudden incident happened suddenly. If she can't get immediate treatment, the old lady may have to lie in bed in the future. I think you should be aware of the consequences."

Even though Lingyuan had reached this point, everyone still looked hesitant.

Seeing this, Lingyuan didn't say much anymore, she took her medicine box and looked up at Dingxihou.

"If Lord Hou has made up his mind, he can come to me at any time. For three days, you have three days to think about it. After three days, the old lady's situation will go from bad to worse."

"In the end, it's your common symptoms. At that time, let alone me, even Da Luo Immortal, can't be saved, so farewell!"

Dingxihou wanted to go forward to see her off, but Lingyuan raised her hand to stop her: "Master Hou, please stay."

Her voice is clear and light, obviously so calm, but it makes people shudder, subconsciously follow her meaning.

As soon as Lingyuan left here, Dingxihou erupted completely behind him: "Master Hou, what's going on with this..."

Dingxihou raised his hand to stop Mrs. Hou's words, and immediately told his second brother at the side: "Go, call everyone over."

The second master immediately realized what the elder brother meant by his words, nodded immediately, and walked out with a heavy expression.

Madam Hou opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything, just sat there quietly, waiting.


The carriage from Dingxihou's Mansion brought Ling Yuan to Prince Rong's Mansion, and the old butler thanked him personally before turning around and leaving.

Looking at his back, Lingyuan shook her head helplessly. It seems that this time, the old matriarch will probably not be saved this time.

When Princess Rong understood the situation clearly, she also sighed faintly.

"The old lady is a good person. If she is paralyzed on the bed like this, unable to speak, what kind of blow will it be to her who is so strong? Lingyuan, is this really the only way?"

Lingyuan nodded: "So far, there is only this method, I can do it, but others can't, especially this method is not accepted by everyone, just because this method is too risky, but if there is no risk , then it cannot be called a difficult disease.”

"It's really shocking. I've grown up to this age, and it's the first time I've heard that a person's head is opened and they can survive."

Ling Yuan curled her lips noncommittally. In ancient times, this kind of situation was indeed rare, and a little carelessness could indeed kill someone.

But the prerequisite is that she has a medical system, and now she has an infusion set, which greatly improves the patient's chances of survival.

Although it cannot be compared with modern times, especially the various complications during the operation are unpredictable.

However, if you do it, you may survive, if you don't do it, you can only lie in bed and wait to die.

She has already said what she should say. As for whether they listen or not, how to choose depends on what they want.

After bidding farewell to the princess, Lingyuan returned to the room and fell asleep immediately.

Over there, Ruyan had already returned to the palace, and Diao Yi also disappeared without a trace with a savagery, needless to say where he went.

Diao Yi's identity is mysterious, and even she, Shangguan Qingxi, is too curious.

And her Liu Ying, it was an accident to save her at the beginning, but she never expected to get such a reward from her.

She once asked where she was from, she respected her, she also respected her, their relationship is also teacher and friend, but definitely not master and servant.

Their husband and wife were able to rescue her from the fire and send her to Diao Yi's organization quietly, and they could also know the innocent lives that survived in a short period of time, and give them advice and nurture them. This ability, While letting Shangguan Qingxi bow down, she was also extremely curious.

Diao Yi, who could he be?

Lingyuan slept until noon the next day.

When she rubbed her sleepy eyes and opened the door, the two little girls immediately stepped forward and blessed her, "Princess Feng, are you awake?"

Lingyuan nodded slightly, looked at the sky, "What time is it?"

"If you go back to the princess, it's already noon."

noon?God, she has been asleep for almost a day?This is really...

"Why didn't you wake me up? You've been asleep for so long."

"Returning to Princess Feng, the princess sees that you are exhausted, and wants you to sleep a little longer. Are you hungry? Lunch is ready, will you pass it on?"

Lingyuan rubbed her stomach, she was indeed hungry, she nodded, and asked about the situation of Prince Rong by the way.

"My lord is already able to walk on the ground. Princess Feng, you are amazing. Just now, my lord and my lord were still walking in the yard. We all want to thank you, Princess Feng!"

Lingyuan smiled faintly, "Where is the ghost doctor?"

"While you were sleeping, the ghost doctor had already left, and was taken away by His Royal Highness Feng Wang himself."

Did Wei Jie take it away in person?
Lingyuan frowned, she was sent away by Wei Jie before she even bothered to inquire about this person's identity?Where did this guy find him?
It seems that this matter must wait until she returns to the palace before she can inquire clearly.

Although Prince Rong has been deeply poisoned by Gu poison for 15 years or even more, this kind of Gu poison will not be poisoned unless guided by special drugs.

Even if the poison is released, if it is removed within a certain period of time, it will not have any major impact on his own body.

Therefore, as long as the mother gu is removed and the remaining poison is cleared, getting out of bed and walking is naturally a trivial matter, within ten days, it will be back to normal.

Now what she has to do every day is to clean up the residual poison for it, using both internal and external methods, taking baths with external medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, and drinking traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning.

"My lord has taken a medicinal bath in the morning and has taken two doses of medicine. Concubine Feng, when will you do acupuncture?"

"Let's go after lunch."

Lingyuan just wanted to ask if there was any news from Dingxihou's Mansion, but she swallowed the words again.

If there is really news, the concubine must have come here a long time ago. If it is delayed until now, it is probably useless.

At that time, in Wei Jie's carriage, Shangguan Qingxi was also worried about this matter: "Oh, it's a pity that the old lady died..."

Wei Jie raised his eyebrows, "Do you really believe that she can do well?"

After all, it was a craniotomy, a craniotomy!

Shangguan Qingxi was still dressed as a ghost doctor. Hearing what Wei Jie said, she couldn't help but glance at him teasingly: "What about you? Can you trust her?"

Wei Jie's face darkened, "This king is asking you."

Shangguan Qingxi snorted lightly, and patted Wei Jie on the head, "Stinky boy, since we met, you haven't called me mother yet! Now you're even dragging this king?"

Wei Jie snorted coldly, "You said it yourself, you are no longer Du Yunge, so why do you still call your mother?"

It's better to call someone younger than him as a mother. Just thinking about it, Wei Jie feels goosebumps all over his body.

"Hehe, brat, it's okay, you actually think so? Are you sure you don't want to call?" Shangguan Qingxi narrowed her eyes, and there was a hint of playfulness in her clear eyes.

Seeing her expression, Wei Jie immediately realized what was going on. If he confronted her head-on like this, it would definitely be of no benefit to him, so he immediately changed the topic very sensibly.

"What is the relationship between this old lady and the Du family?"

After being reminded by Wei Jie in this way, Shangguan Qingxi knew that he was changing the subject, but she couldn't help thinking about the past in her mind.

In the past, before she got married, every time she attended a banquet, the old lady would always hold her hand and look at her very lovingly.

"Good boy, how great would it be if you were my grandson-in-law? Sigh..."

The old lady and her grandmother were very close when they were young. They wanted her mother to marry Dingxihou, but unfortunately things backfired. After Du Ruhui was killed halfway, everyone's life trajectory changed.

Therefore, every time the old matriarch sees her, he will cherish her very much, and sometimes even complain to her secretly.

"You two, it's true, every time my old lady takes a fancy to you, why are you fixed by someone else?"

"If I knew this earlier, I should have arranged this marriage when you were born. What a pity, what a pity!"

Now that I think about it, I can't help but smile, she is a lovely old man, and she is extremely kind to everyone.

Although she is relatively strong on weekdays, these are all forced. The old lady passed away early. Without the old lady's support, no one can imagine what Dingxihou's mansion is like now.

She is the sky of the Dingxi Hou Mansion, if the sky collapses, it means the Dingxi Hou Mansion collapses...

Hearing this, Wei Jie finally understood. Seeing Shangguan Qingxi's pensive look, he couldn't bear it, so he awkwardly said the first words to comfort her since they met each other.

"Don't worry, the Dingxihou Mansion will agree."

Sure enough, Ling Yuan had just finished her lunch when a little girl ran over panting.

Seeing her appearance, my heart suddenly twisted, and I hurriedly beckoned her in: "What's wrong?"

"If you want to return to Princess Feng, the princess will invite you to the Flower Hall and say yes, someone from the Dingxi Hou Mansion has come."

Lingyuan didn't show any emotion on her face, but she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and immediately put down her chopsticks: "Okay, let's go."

Lingyuan thought it was Mrs. Dingxihou who came, but she didn't expect that Dingxihou also came, and even Prince Rong was there, so she frowned immediately.

"Brother Emperor, although your body has just improved, you should not be too tired. It is better to rest in bed."

As soon as Prince Rong saw Lingyuan, he wanted to stand up, but he didn't expect that the girl would say such a word, which immediately made him dumbfounded.

"Seventh brother and sister, you are really strict, okay, okay, I'll go and lie down in a while, okay?"

Lingyuan snorted angrily, and then remembered the Dingxihou couple next to her. When they saw her, they saluted quickly, but she avoided it.

"You two came to the door this time, but you have thought clearly?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Empress Dingxi and his wife were quite ashamed, and immediately said to her in embarrassment: "Princess Feng, please forgive me, the reason why I hesitated yesterday was because I was really worried about my mother's physical condition, and I absolutely did not mean to doubt your level. I hope you don't misunderstand,"

When Lingyuan heard this, what reason did she not understand?Immediately said: "Madam, you are being polite, this is human nature, understandable, then Lord Hou and Madam came today, have you considered it?"

After Madam Hou heard this, she quickly turned around and looked at her husband. It happened that Ding Xihou also walked towards them.

When I arrived at Lingyuan, I cupped my hands very politely, and made a deep bow, "Princess Feng, old lady, please!"

In fact, long before entering the door, their hearts were still swinging from side to side.

But when they saw Prince Rong, who was helpless with so many imperial doctors back then, but now walked in front of them with the support of the princess, Dingxihou suddenly made the biggest decision in his life.

"No matter what happens, do you have no regrets?"

Lingyuan raised her eyebrows and looked over, Dingxihou and his wife were slightly taken aback, obviously they didn't expect her to ask such a question, after the couple looked at each other, Dingxihou gritted his teeth firmly.

"No matter what the situation is, we have no complaints or regrets, and we beg Princess Feng to treat my mother."

Tangtang Dingxihou actually used the word 'begging' in front of her. I have to say that Lingyuan was surprised in her heart.

Even though she is Princess Feng, the concubine princess of Mei Country, and the second lady of Lingjiazhuang, when she arrives in Siyou Country, she is just Princess Feng.

Ever since she got married, the royal family had never acknowledged her identity, and even Wei Jie kept a low profile for a while.

In addition, her age and this honor greatly discounted her image very intuitively.

Even she never put on airs in front of Dingxi Hou and his wife, but these two gave her the etiquette that Princess Feng should have.

It has to be said that Lingyuan was moved in her heart.

Wei Wei raised her eyes in surprise, fixed her eyes on Ding Xihou, trying to see something from his eyes.

Did he really want to simply save his mother's life?
Or do you want to save the fate of Dingxihou Mansion?
After all, this old lady Jun is a figure that even the Queen Mother respects. The Dingxi Hou Mansion with her in charge is naturally much more noble than the Hou Mansion without her.

Dingxi Hou, what kind of mentality does he have?

"Concubine Feng? Concubine Feng? But, it's my mother's illness. Is there any danger that you didn't mention?"

Seeing that Lingyuan just stared at them without speaking, Dingxihou frowned slightly and asked nervously.

Only then did Lingyuan come to her senses, thinking that she still couldn't get rid of the habitual suspicion of the ghost doctor, especially when facing people like the clan and the royal family, whose heads were always turning faster than usual, she immediately laughed at herself sneer.

When he raised his eyes again, he had already recovered his status as a simple doctor.

"Master Hou, please don't worry, since Master Hou and Madam have already discussed it, the princess naturally has no room to refuse."

"Well, please go back home, both of you, and help me find a place with better lighting, a quiet environment, and good ventilation, which is suitable for recuperating."

"The old lady's illness is very complicated. I need to make some preparations before going there. How about tomorrow?"

Madam Hou opened her mouth just now, but was interrupted by Master Hou, who immediately said to her cheerfully.

"Then there is Princess Lao Feng. I will go back and make arrangements. If Princess Feng has any orders, please feel free to contact me."

"In that case, let's not bother you for the time being. Let's take our leave. His Royal Highness, Princess Wang, we would like to thank both of you here. Please rest well and rest well. I will come to thank you sometime later."

Dingxihou refused their send-off, and left with his wife in great strides. Seeing him walking in a hurry, it was obvious that he was in a hurry to go back and prepare the room according to Lingyuan's request. No matter how you looked at it, he seemed to love his mother rather than ...

Haha, she is really worrying unfoundedly, no matter why Ding Xihou agreed, isn't this the result she expected?

Even if Dingxihou is a Marquis, even if he cares about the entire Marquis Mansion, he is still the old lady's son after all. In this regard, it is an undoubted fact.

She is an outsider, why should she ask people's ultimate purpose?

Heck, she is really living a life, as long as everyone's ultimate goal is the same, isn't it all right?
"Seventh brother and sister? Is it because the old lady's illness is difficult to deal with? Judging from your appearance, it seems that you are not very optimistic?"

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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