God needle ugly princess

Chapter 403 [425] A man who is not a man

Chapter 403 [425] A man who is not a man

Lingyuan walked in with the food box, Wei Jie's neck was about to stick out, and he hurriedly got off the soft couch, and took the two heavy food boxes.

Regardless of the image, he took a deep breath and smacked his mouth: "It tastes good, what is it here?"

"You'll know if you open it and have a look?" Lingyuan rubbed her sore arms, slumped in front of the Eight Immortals table, and pinched the center of her brows wearily.

Wei Jie's focus immediately shifted to her, "Are you okay? Look at your sunken eye sockets, haven't you rested these days?"

"Open it, I'm hungry too, not only haven't I had a good rest these days, but I haven't eaten well either,"

When Wei Jie heard this, he couldn't sit still, so he quickly opened the food box, and a smell of mutton came over his face. Looking at the steaming pasta in the food box, he swallowed hard, "This tastes so special , there is no smell?"

Of the two oversized food boxes, one contained pasta, and the other contained several delicate side dishes, which only made Wei Jie stare.

"This is mutton stewed noodles. It's suitable for this weather. It's warm and tonic. Try it."

Then she took out the side dishes, and Wei Jie's reaction made her feel amused, "Are you pretending? As for this expression? As if I haven't eaten anything good?"

It was rare for Wei Jie to straighten his face seriously, "You misunderstood me, yes, my identity may tell you, what kind of big fish and meat have you never seen or eaten?"

"But in the past two years, I really haven't eaten anything good. After all, even the food is gone, who would raise livestock? I haven't seen meat for a long time,"

Ancient times are no different than modern times. Everything is fresh ingredients, and nothing is easy to store. After two years, what can be consumed has long been exhausted. Where can there be any big fish and meat to enjoy?
Especially in today's Sifang Continent, a lot of food materials have to be supported by the Dragon Empire. In the days when they are under the fence, who else pays attention to their identity?

One bite is good enough, right?
Ling Yuan pursed her lips, only then did she realize that there was still such a serious problem that had not been resolved.

When she was cooking, she didn't think about it at all. It's no wonder that these days, whether in the city that never sleeps or in the villa, she eats so plainly. At the beginning, she also thought that the ingredients might be in short supply, but she didn't think that she had reached the end of the mountain. .

Although her medical space has all kinds of modern things, such as canned food, they are not suitable for taking out, so her space will also grow some food and raise some chickens, ducks, fish, cattle and sheep. Class, because the space is large enough, there is a lot of open space, and the income is quite considerable.

But because of the special existence of the space, she has no habit of taking the things inside out at all, and only when she cooks, will she use the ingredients in the space. Now she suddenly heard Wei Jie mentioning it, and she knew that she What a disgusting behavior.

Just now she slaughtered a sheep, a chicken, a duck, and a fish. The mutton was stewed in mutton soup, the fish was braised in soy sauce, the duck was roasted, and the chicken was made into beggar chicken. , Soak vermicelli in cold salad, there are meat and vegetables, hot and cold, two large food boxes are stuffed to the brim, and there is a whole table.

It's no wonder that Wei Jie's expression is described as 'shocked', she is clearly showing the rhythm of hatred, if her brothers and sisters saw her, would they just scold her for turning her elbows away?
The guilty Lingyuan never heard Wei Jie ask her what the yuba and fans made, and she was not interested in explaining these things to him, so she immediately responded indiscriminately: "You can just eat it when it's ready, just ask What are you doing with so much? Can’t eating still stop your mouth?”

Poor Wei Jie, who has never eaten these strange-looking but delicious foods, the pity is that the Lord didn't even bother to answer this, and only knew how to eat hard. In other words, is she really that hungry?
After the two of them swept away the food, Ling Yuan belched and asked Wei Jie, "Is it delicious?"

Wei Jie nodded immediately, "It's delicious, now can you tell me what these are?"

Unexpectedly, Wei Jie would have a day when he was curious about everything and looked at her innocently, and he lost his temper right now.

"This noodle is called stewed noodles, mutton stewed noodles, braised fish, beggar chicken, roast duck, and the cold dishes include onion fungus, yuba, vermicelli, cucumber and peanuts. Are you clear enough? Dispose of these residues when you are full, I Tired, go to bed first, find a place to sleep by yourself tonight."

There is also a small side door in the secret room where Lingyuan lives, and there is a small bedroom inside. She will rest in it whenever she is in retreat. It is already very late now, and she has been tossing around for so long, she is already exhausted. , yawning all the way into the room, completely ignoring the person standing upright behind him.

Wei Jie looked at the table full of leftovers, and based on the principle of not wasting, he kept all that could be left, planning to heat it up and eat it by himself tomorrow morning. This is a meal made by his wife himself, and no matter what, he should not spoil it casually. .

In the process of cleaning up, someone's mouth was always upturned, as if he was very satisfied with the current state of the two of them.

Although there is no further development, it is already remarkable to be able to coexist harmoniously. What's more, she even made delicious meals with her own hands today. He never knew that Lingyuan's craftsmanship could be so good. How could he, Wei Jie? To marry such a decathlon lady?
I would probably wake up laughing when I fell asleep.

Although he was very curious about where she got the ingredients, but his wife has performed miracles not once or twice, maybe these foods are not a problem to her at all?
After tidying up, Wei Jie consciously returned to the soft couch, completely ignoring someone's warning. Since he was looking for a place to sleep, then there is nothing wrong with him sleeping on this soft couch, right?
The tormenting night that is always tossing and turning on weekdays, but tonight passed extremely short. Not to mention the fact that I slept until dawn, but was actually woken up by Lingyuan. blushed.

God, could it be that his sleep quality has improved because of the lady sleeping nearby?
Wei Jie rubbed his eyes, sat up embarrassingly, and faced her roar with embarrassment.

Yes, it was roaring, and there was no one else except Lingyuan who came out early in the morning to practice her voice.

"Who told you to sleep here? Didn't you tell you to find another place to sleep? You sleep here, and I sleep here too. I don't know. I thought we had something. Why are you so worried? "

Lingyuan came out of the stone room with a fluffy mess of hair. Originally, she wanted to go to the toilet to relieve the pressure of the night, but she suddenly caught a glimpse of someone who was sleeping on the soft couch, and she immediately slapped her with a shudder. Not to mention that the sleepy bug ran clean, she was so nervous that she almost peed on her pants.

It forced her to go to the bathroom quickly, and when she came back, she woke up the beautiful Wei Jie who was sleeping.

She was really shaking, and she belonged to the kind where the earth shakes and the mountains shake, which scared Wei Jie awake at that time. Can sit there awkwardly, waiting for her to vent.

"Cough, you, you are too much, I know, I shouldn't be so polite to you, why do you say I am so cheap, starve to death, you pull down, cough, cough,"

Because she was too excited, her voice rose a few degrees, and she forced herself to cough for a long time. When she finally recovered her breath, Wei Jie hurriedly served her tea, acting like a good gentleman, no matter how angry she was After scanning, people seem to have not heard it, what should I do, what should I do.

If he hadn't been sure that the person in front of him was Wei Jie himself, Lingyuan would have slapped him to death, are you dazed?
What about domineering and indifference?

Why are they all gone?

Why treat her like this?
She is very uncomfortable, okay?

"Ahem, I said, don't do this, can you? This is not your style, and it shouldn't be what you do. Who are you, Wei Jie, who is Wei Jie? It's the fighting spirit of your Siyou country." , you beat and scold me like this, is your adult doing it?"

Lingyuan put down the teacup, and stared at Wei Jie with a serious face, in addition to helplessness, there was more disapproval in her eyes.

But Wei Jie didn't intend to change at all, and even pushed the tea towards her in a serious manner.

"If you get so angry early in the morning, you shouldn't open your voice like that. Drink some water to calm down the shock. As for the rest, that's my business. You don't have to worry about it. How should you treat it? Treat me, don't worry about me!"

"Brother, you let me not worry, is it possible? This is not what you should do at all. I know what you want to say, but you will cause me trouble, do you understand? My Lingyuan I don’t want your future to come from being humbled by you!”

"But, I did this voluntarily. If it causes you trouble, then I, then I will lower my sense of existence? Try not to cause trouble for you, try not to embarrass you, and you don't have to give me any trouble in the future." Now that I’m cooking, I’ll find a way to solve it myself, okay?”

Lingyuan: ...

He co-authored with her and talked for a long time, but it was all bullshit?

"Wei Jie, I know you understand what I mean, and you also know what I want to express. A man's ambition is everywhere, and he should not be confined to women's side. A man has gold under his knees, so he shouldn't be soft-spoken like this. This is not the Wei Jie I know, nor the Wei Jie I admire,"

"If you do this again, maybe it will change my mind about you."

As soon as Lingyuan saw that he wanted to interrupt, she immediately let out the last ruthless words, if you pretend to be a wolf with a big tail here again, I will directly wipe out your qualifications, so that you have no reason to stay with me side.

Pretend, I'll let you pretend, let's see if you dare to go on being so 'soft' again!
Wei Jie: ...

It is said that women have needles in their hearts, and now he finally understands.

In the past, he didn't cherish her well. No matter when he treated her, he always treated her with a cold look. At that time, he didn't think there was anything wrong with doing so. All the responsibilities of the princess were agreed by them at the beginning, if you can't hold on, that's your problem, not him!
So, the final result is that the two of them didn't even meet the minimum communication standard. If it wasn't for this, how could she have accepted the one that made him regret for the rest of his life but also made him full without explaining? What about the entangled and helpless patients?

Because she didn't trust him, he never expressed his gratitude and trust to her. In the end, the two of them misunderstood a lot, and even made her leave with resentment.

Who else could understand the despair at that time except himself?

If it weren't for that person's "three years later", he would not know how to live the rest of his life. He gave him hope, gave him the courage to live, and gave him a goal to work hard for.

In the past three years, he has vowed countless times that if he can see her again, he will redouble his efforts to treat her well, be true to her, and obey her. He just wants to make up for her, just wants to love her well she.

But why is the current result different from what he imagined?

He obviously worked very hard, so why didn't she feel his love for her, but instead felt that such a man was too 'soft'?
It even caused invisible pressure on her. This result completely interrupted his enthusiasm!

If it weren't for such a personal matter, he wouldn't want to talk about it. He really wanted to find someone to ask for advice.

"Yuan'er, I just want to be nice to you, I just want to be nice to you!"

After holding back for a long time, Wei Jie finally held back such a sentence, and even looked at Ling Yuan with innocent eyes, as innocent as possible.

Looking at Lingyuan, countless heads of ××× roared past!
Cooperating with men's methods of coaxing women, is it just stalking?It won't change for thousands of years, right?Can't use your brain?
 Chapter 1, there should be two more chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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