God needle ugly princess

Chapter 425 [449] Eight layers of hell

Chapter 425 [449] Eighteen Levels of Hell
After thinking like this, Gong Ziyan's eyes brightened with joy, "So, what Yuan'er means is that these women are just fooling people?"

Lingyuan waved her hand, "You can't say that, these guns are still useful to some extent, but we have accumulated a certain amount of experience in fighting zombies for so long,"

"Facing us, the strength is really too weak, and ** has no thinking ability. They say it is **, but in fact it is a mutant of human beings. The ability that can be exerted is also limited."

Because most of the infected people are ordinary people, even if there are practitioners who are infected and stronger than ordinary people, as long as they have a little bit of consciousness, they will kill themselves. want to know their lives.

After all, whether it is a zombie or a murderer, it is a mutual killing of human beings, and the beneficiaries are the people behind it.

But... the things in these eighteen levels of hell really cannot be described as dangerous.

Cerberus, leopard, tiger, lion, wolf, zombie crocodile, zombie python, etc., the existence of these animals before mutation is terrifying, let alone after mutation?

The mere maggot swarm has already shown them the horror of these mutant beasts. Once the beasts inside are released, how can there be peace in this continent?

I'm afraid it won't be long before the end of the world may come.

"Sister, do you think that a Hong Meier can have such a great ability?"

"Also, even including her master and senior brother, I don't think such a large-scale project can be done. In addition to the mutant creatures in the ocean outside, this research will at least go back ten years. to 20 years,"

Gong Ziyan looked around, his eyes getting darker and darker, "You are right, it is indeed not possible to build such an eighteen-story underground base under a small island, and it may have been destroyed before. That base is not a real lair at all, and this is their real research place!"

So here comes the question, since Hong Meier doesn't have this ability, who will support them behind the scenes?

The two sisters exchanged glances, and they both saw deep sadness in their own eyes.

Lingyuan pursed her lips and pondered for a moment, "Sister, you said we took all these things away, what consequences would it cause?"

"You will be exposed!" This is an unavoidable fact. Except for the space owner who has this ability, no one can think of anyone who has such a great ability to quietly transfer these mutants away.

In the past few days of stalking, Hong Meier would look around from time to time, obviously feeling that someone was staring at her, cheating her and not feeling the presence of the other party, but once Lingyuan took these things away, the consequences would be different up.

They will think of space in the first place.

"Then what should we do?" Lingyuan had a headache, "We finally came in, if we don't do anything, isn't it too aggrieved?"

Gong Ziyan covered the long, dark corridor and looked around. When the mutant beasts saw her, they bared their fangs and let out fierce roars. Looking at their ugly black and bloody faces, they felt their gastric juices start to roll.

"Otherwise, don't we use all of them, and take away a small part of each mutant beast?"

After thinking about it, Lingyuan made a bold decision.

Gong Ziyan had no objection to this proposal, but, "What are you going to do when you take them away? Research? Or feed your spirit vines?"

"Let's get these things into the space first,"

After getting the approval of Gong Ziyan, Lingyuan no longer hesitated, starting from the first floor, all the way down, everything she touched was taken into the space, and each kind of mutant beast received two, When the two entered the space again, they were shocked by the shocking scene before them.

These mutant beasts, mutant humans, and zombies all have one thing in common, that is, they are ugly, smelly, and disgusting. They are huge, with a total of 36 of them, filling the huge space to the brim.

As the master of the space, these beasts would naturally not do anything to Lingyuan, but after seeing such a big living person like Gongziyan, they rushed towards her one by one as if they had been dosed with stimulants. Kite immediately yelled at Bingyi: "Take them under control!"

Xiao Bingyi flashed out of the midair with a depressed face, and as a huge blue spell descended from the sky, and slapped those frantic mutant beasts, the space gradually became quiet, and these mutant beasts also became quiet one by one , paralyzed on the ground, those who stick out their tongues, those who stick out their letters, are extremely safe.

"Master, I've already told you how to use the spell, why don't you know how to use it?"

Lingyuan scratched her head in embarrassment, "Isn't this the critical moment, have you forgotten? If you read it wrong, wouldn't it be a delay? Fortunately, I have you, my dear, thank you for your hard work!"

Saying that, he did not forget to pull it into his arms and give it a good intimacy.

Xiao Bingyi raised her tail, patted the back of her hand softly, found a very comfortable position, lay down, then raised her paw casually, and pointed at those ugly things.

"You chose two of this kind, what are you planning to do?"

Lingyuan raised her hand and snapped her fingers, "It's natural, let's go, let's throw half of it into the lake first, these mutant beasts are much higher level than those mutants outside, eighteen of them, the strength level is uneven, the strongest is already Reaching the green rank, you can definitely make up for it."

After the master and servant finished speaking, they started to act on the other side. In fact, it was Bing Yi who did it, and someone was in charge of directing.

As the protector of the Xuanbing space, Little Ice Wing possesses the absolute commanding ability of the space. With a single finger here, following a blue arc, the object pointed will fall into the lake with a plop.

Eighteen types were all processed in less than 5 minutes.

As these beasts fell into the lake, Lingyuan looked at Bingyi worriedly, "Isn't this spirit vine asleep? Can it feel it?"

Bing Yi rolled his eyes and was about to speak when countless vine feet suddenly stretched out from the messy lake water tossed by these mutated beasts, wrapping up the prey and pulling it into the lake in an instant, but in the blink of an eye, The lake calmed down.

And the polluted black water is also being purified at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ling Yuan stared at this scene dumbfounded, "It's amazing!"

"Of course, as the level of your space gets higher, the number of segments in it will continue to climb,"

"Yuan'er, look quickly!" Suddenly, Gong Ziyan yelled, Ling Yuan followed her fingers to look up to the sky, and was stunned again.

In the sky of the space, lines of clear characters suddenly appeared, and the content of these characters was clearly aimed at the eighteen mutant beasts that had just been dragged into the water.

The content covers the various genes, toxins, and even research formulas in these mutated beasts, and its precision has reached an unprecedented height in the medical field.

Seeing Lingyuan's eyes widened, her mouth could not be closed from ear to ear, God, she just thought about it, how could she have thought that this spirit vine really gave her the data?

That's right, when she was outside, when she decided to throw these things to the spirit vines, she also wanted to know the virus and evolution process carried by these monsters. Of course, this required her research, but she never expected What's more, with the absorption of the spirit vine, he actively told her everything she wanted to know.

"Bingyi, hurry up, send the rest of them in, it's useless."

With such important data, why do I need her to study further?

Lingyuan and Gongziyan took out the paper and pen at the same time, and started to copy the data facing the sky.

Bingyi also knew the importance of these data to the master, and immediately sent the remaining rations to Lingteng's mouth.

After the two finished copying, the blue lake also returned to calm, Bing Yi glanced at the calm lake, and said to Ling Yuan.

"Lingvine is very full this time, go down and digest it,"

Lingyuan nodded, and raised the data in her hand, "Let's go, it's time for us to study these data."

With the most complete data, it is not difficult at all to develop more targeted drugs to restrain it, and her goal is more than that.

Judging from the data, these mutant beasts are different from the zombies outside, on the contrary, they are all under the control of humans just like the beasts.

Yes, they are all controllable, and all unstable factors are within the controllable range. Once the people behind them give orders, these mutant beasts will attack the predetermined target.

And all she has to do is to erase the other party's controllable commands and re-install her own commands. In this way, without her commands, these mutant beasts will not be used by them.

In this way, you can kill the opponent by surprise.

After hearing Lingyuan's plan, Gong Ziyan immediately became excited: "Great, if you can change their DNA, it would be equivalent to winning without a fight. Come on, let's see what I need to do?"

"Sister doesn't need to do anything. Our space has everything, generators, all kinds of equipment, everything, and now I realize how wise you are to entrust these things to me, hahaha!"

Lingyuan happily ran to her laboratory to study the data, and Young Master Yan followed him in as he was fine, and beat him by the way.

While the people in the space are busy, Hong Meier outside the space has always felt uneasy recently, especially no matter what she does, the three of Yuhen seem to have disappeared out of thin air, without a trace.

Even Ling Jifeng, who was staying in the trap, disappeared without anyone noticing.

This really pissed her off. While she was using all her strength to find these people, she also had to pay attention to Wei Jie's situation from time to time.

Speaking of Wei Jie, Hong Meier had to admire him. Even in such an environment, he could close his eyes and rest without eating or drinking. Every time she passed by, he never even opened his eyelids, let alone Said to speak to her.

Even if she knew he could hear him, she couldn't help it.

It's not that she doesn't want to do anything to him, but that after knowing his identity, she can't do anything to him.

Since she couldn't eat it, and she couldn't let him go, Hong Meier put a ban on the No. [-] hole and ordered ten columns of people to guard it, so that not even a fly could fly in.

What she didn't know was that after she left, Ling Jifeng, who was supposed to be in the trap, quietly appeared beside Wei Jie: "Hey, people are gone, why are you still pretending, hurry up and talk to brother, These days, I'm so bored that I'm going to die!"

Wei Jie slowly opened his eyes, and glanced at him without emotion: "How is the investigation going?"

"What about it? What else can I do? Let me tell you, this island is very weird. I have entered all the places I can go, and all the places I can't go."

"However, I think this small island is not as superficial as we saw. You don't know that the gray area outside the small island is completely different from when we first came in. I think we will , I have met my opponent."

"Is this a ghost?"

Ling Jifeng nodded sharply, "Yes, it's the legendary ghost creature. Not to mention, the name is really good, it's very evil!"

"How is your injury?"

"It's almost there, but since you can't go out for the time being, and the aura here is extraordinarily abundant, what's the point of using it as a practice?"

Ling Jifeng choked on his own saliva, "No way, why are you so calm, don't you know that your daughter-in-law came here for you?"

Shangguanjue's expression changed suddenly, he turned his head suddenly, and grabbed Ling Jifeng's collar: "What did you say? Yuan'er is here too?"

"Yes, yes, you were taken away by that bitch, I didn't know, so I went back to Fengchi Villa to ask, and when I heard that you didn't go back, your wife went with me to the place where you disappeared, and later she confirmed After following your direction, I rode a silver dragon and chased after you, "

"You don't know how cold-blooded your daughter-in-law is. What happened when you took me with you? She even flew away on her own, and let my father run underground to the point of death. He didn't catch up. Fortunately, he met later,"

But before he finished nagging, he felt that the surrounding air seemed to freeze suddenly, which made his nose itch, and he sneezed.

(End of this chapter)

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