God needle ugly princess

Chapter 449 [473] Shapeshifting and Changing Face

Chapter 449 [473] Shapeshifting and Changing Face
The result is good, if you don't study it, it's enough, once you study it, she was shocked, "This, this water, shit, did you make a mistake, you used this kind of water to wash our faces, aren't you afraid that we will be disfigured? "

As he said, he was going to pull the other two people, "Don't wash it, there is something wrong with the water, these two have no good intentions, they should wash it if you want to wash it, why are you so obedient? Hey, you two, Did you hear what I said?"

As a result, Lingyuan's kindness was not recognized by the other two girls. They washed their faces in the same way, which made Lingyuan angry and helpless, especially when she saw her two older brothers looking like they were watching the show, she was full of stomachache. fire.

However, when she thought of the life experience she had concealed for 16 years, she felt as if a cat had scratched her heart. Finally, she gritted her silver teeth and walked to the sink resignedly to wash her face.

When the three of them finished washing their faces, Mo Yuan didn't let them dry off the water on their faces, but let them move behind the screen.

"Now you lie flat on the couch, no matter what happens in a while, you don't have any objections, just follow orders, understand?"

"Yes." Unusually, Lingyuan didn't speak back, but the slightly twitching expression showed that she was not at peace in her heart.

After the three of them lay down, Mo Yuan raised his hands and clapped three times, and then came out three old ladies who were over half a century old and dressed in national uniforms.

Seeing Mo Yuan, the three of them saluted him and Mo Bank in unison. Mo Yuan helped them up himself, and winked at the three on the soft couch: "The three mothers have worked hard, They're ready to start."

The three nuns looked behind at the same time, groped their faces carefully, and then nodded to Mo Yuan in satisfaction.

"Master Ninth, the three girls are all in good condition, don't worry about the two, now, please give up the space to the servants?"

Hearing this, Mo Yuan retreated from the screen wisely, walked outside, saw Mo Yin who was drinking tea calmly, walked over nervously, and pushed him.

"Brother, are you not nervous at all? I'm really curious, what do you think the real faces of the younger sisters will be? Will they be as beautiful as your mother?"

Facing Mo Yuan's anxious inquiry, Mo Yin didn't even lift his eyelids, and of course don't expect him to say anything.

Mo Yuan was making fun of himself, a little embarrassed and helpless, he had no choice but to walk back and forth in the hall in a hurry, and all the portraits of his mother in the forbidden area of ​​the Mo family came to mind, imagining, Will my own sister come out exactly like my mother?

Time passed by every minute and every second, everyone outside the screen was nervous, but the three girls inside the screen were shocked by the heaven-defying massage techniques of the three nuns.

The seemingly inadvertent movements contained profound spiritual power fluctuations, and even the most common touching, kneading, and pressing could make them clearly hear the movement of their own facial bones. Such a miraculous skill shocked them. At the same time, the slightest pain also impacted the nerve lines around them.

As the only healer among them, Lingyuan's heart was probably only more shaken than the other two, because she could clearly feel the subtle changes in her face. This kind of subtle bone changes is stronger than any modern plastic surgery. Unfathomable, this step can be achieved only by the promotion of spiritual power, God, is this the legendary shape-changing technique?
Time passed by minute by minute, and the pain of the three sisters was gradually revealed, but because they were patient enough, they didn't make a sound. The three sisters saw such a tough scene, and they all agreed. nodded his head.

When the faces of the three gradually appeared, the three nuns who had no psychological burden before saw the faces of Lingyuan and Gongziyan, their eye sockets turned red without warning, and when tears blurred their eyes Sight, never noticed.

They looked at each other, with uncontrollable excitement shining in their eyes that were not cloudy at all. After a quarter of an hour, they finally calmed down and walked to the soft couch to do the final finishing touches.

Two hours later, the three nuns walked out from behind the screen first, and Mo Yuan, who had been worried all the time, hurried forward to ask.

"How is it? Can it be successful?"

The three nuns looked at the excited Mo Yuan, then at the indifferent Mo Yin, and shook their heads amusedly. When will they, Ninth Young Masters, change their temperament? Look at the six Young master, no matter when and where, he never showed his expression on his face. This is the courage that the Mohist ruler should have!
When Mo Yuan saw the three people smiling and shaking their heads, he was stunned, and impatiently grabbed the nanny standing on the farthest side, and asked in a rough voice: "No, who are you smiling and shaking your heads?" What do you mean? Did it succeed or fail? Can you send me a message to tell me, do you want to panic me to death?"

"Old Jiu, let go of the old man, you will scare people like this!"

"Nonsense, I'm the one who freaked out, okay?"

Mo Yuan poked his neck with an expression of indignation, and the three nuns who watched couldn't help laughing.

"Are you still in the mood to laugh?" Mo Yuan's eyeballs were instantly rounded.

Seeing this, the three nuns stopped teasing him: "Don't worry, Ninth Young Master, the task you entrusted to the slaves has been completed, and they will come out after a stick of incense. Please wait a little longer, both of you. , the servants will take their leave for the time being.”

Mo Yuan opened his mouth and was about to say something when Mo Yin got up and sent the three nuns out of the house who were slaves but had unusual identities in the Mo family.

At that time, the three people behind the screen were lying on the soft couch with stiff faces, making the final fix.

However, Lingyuan suddenly felt the sudden energy fluctuations in the space, and when she entered the space in the state of a soul, she saw that the space was shaking violently, and even the color of the sky changed from azure blue to dark black , the surroundings were pitch black, nothing could be seen, and even the water in the blue lake was making a splashing sound...

"Bingyi, where are you, Bingyi? Come out!"

When Bingyi rolled into her arms in disgrace, Lingyuan grabbed it nervously: "How are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just that the space is not very good!"

"What the hell happened?"

"If my predictions are correct, the space should be undergoing an upgrade,"

"How could the space upgrade cause such a big commotion? Every time the space was upgraded before, it didn't cause such a big commotion. Worse, there must be something wrong with the chemical weapons that were moved from the city that never sleeps, right?"

Lingyuan was about to go to the other side of the blue lake, but Bie Xiaobingyi tightly grasped her fingers: "No, it's not about those weapons, don't worry, this is the space upgrade, as for why there is so much movement this time, Don’t you know after upgrading?”

Lingyuan frowned, "What about those two people? Are they all right?"

"They are smart. They have been hiding since the space began to shake. Don't worry, I'm watching. I'm afraid I can't help you now. Why don't you go out first. The movement here will be tossing for a few days. Woolen cloth!"

It's just that Ling Yuan and Bing Yi never imagined that the spatial fluctuations lasted for half a month...

Of course, this is not the most important thing. What matters now is that the three of them did not move after the time limit for setting their faces passed, and Mo Yuan outside was anxiously walking back and forth.

"What's the situation? This is it. Come out quickly and let me have a look. Quickly, come out quickly. If you don't come out again, I will break in!"

As a result, before he could finish his words, he heard Lingyuan responding impatiently: "Okay, I got it, Rory is talking too much, why don't you have any patience at all, just go out and wait!"

Behind the screen, the three sisters actually didn't open their eyes, and they didn't even get up. Since they could move freely, they just lay like corpses like this, obviously they didn't have enough heart to prepare to see their own faces.

Ling Yuan is on the far left, Gong Ziyan is in the middle, and Mo Han is on the far right.

Probably because they have never encountered such a face-changing technique. At this moment, they are in a moment of high tension, but at this moment, there is Mo Yuan outside the door who keeps urging them. In desperation, Ling Yuan He was the first to sit up from the bed.

She was hysterical for a while, and tried to touch her face, but she couldn't feel anything other than the delicate and smooth touch. She wanted to look to the side, but she was afraid that her little heart would not be able to bear it, so she simply got up from the soft couch. He jumped down and walked out without looking back.

As a result, Mo Yuan on this side waited for a full quarter of an hour after Lingyuan finished speaking, but no one came out, so he rushed in anxiously, unexpectedly bumping into Lingyuan who was walking out with her head down.

Lingyuan was much shorter than Mo Yuan, so she plunged into his arms, her head was stunned by the impact of her solid muscles, she covered her head at that time, and glared at her brother with displeasure.

"Why, didn't you say go out, why are you really breaking in!"

The four eyes met, but the scene became quiet for an instant. Even Mo Yin, who was sitting not far away and had nothing to do with himself, also looked over when he heard the movements of the two brothers and sisters.

Well, it's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you can't help standing up and walking over.

As for Mo Yuan, who had almost no distance from Lingyuan, after seeing her face, his pupils constricted and he trembled violently, then he stretched out his hands uncontrollably and shook Lingyuan's shoulders vigorously: "It's so similar. , It’s so similar, I knew it, I knew it was like this.”

Because of his excitement, his voice trembled slightly, and his gaze towards Lingyuan was even hotter to the point of tears. On the contrary, Lingyuan was frightened by his reaction, "Brother, let me go, it hurts, you pinch me!" My shoulder hurts!"

Lingyuan's voice immediately brought Mo Yuan back to reality. Looking at the girl who was frowning and looking at him pitifully, he quickly let go, but the reddish eye sockets showed his involuntary emotions Conveyed: "Like, really like,"

"Brother, have you seen it? I knew it, I knew that my sister and the others would look exactly like my mother. Now that we have seen it with our own eyes, we can finally put our hearts in our stomachs, right?"

Excited, Mo Yuan grabbed Mo Yin's arm who had moved to their side at some point, and pushed him in front of Ling Yuan.

As soon as Lingyuan raised her head, she bumped into a pair of deep and unpredictable pupils. His eyes were clear and sharp, as if she could see everything. Every time Lingyuan met his gaze, Lingyuan felt an inexplicable pressure surrounding them. , let her involuntarily take a deep breath.

"Brother!" When Lingyuan's not-so-sweet, but clear voice sounded, Mo Yin just came back to his senses. He fixedly looked at her face. Laughing, she tucked her sideburn hair behind her ears lazily.

"Good job, thanks for your hard work."

Lingyuan blinked, seeing that Mo Yin, who doesn't care about anything and can maintain a normal mind about everything, lost his mind in front of her. She became more curious about her face. Instinctively, she asked Mo Yuan.

"What about the mirror, but I have prepared a mirror, I want to look in the mirror, show me quickly!"

Mo Yuan looked at her extremely beautiful face, and couldn't hold back his heartbeat. Even if they were brothers and sisters, he couldn't control his instinctive reaction. Now looking at her tense face just like his just now , I couldn't help but make fun of her.

"There is no mirror. If you want to see it, you will know what you look like when you look at your sister's face after a while!"

As he said, he pushed her on the seat next to him, and went behind the screen to shout: "Yan'er, Ji'er, why don't you two come out?"

The two people behind the screen actually sat up one after another after Lingyuan went out. When they saw each other's faces, the shock in their hearts was indescribable.

The moment Mo Hanyi saw Young Master Yan's face, her heart stopped beating for a moment, and a light flashed in her mind, and she immediately understood why these two girls were welcomed in with the highest etiquette of the Mo family. .

If everything before was just speculation, and even a little bit of luck, then the first time she saw this face, she completely gave up, and understood why from the beginning, the two brothers of the Mo family Just ask the people below to be equal to her.

With just this face, the two sisters can completely walk sideways in the Mo family, and even, with just this face, they can set off a bloody storm in the Dragon Empire!

While Mo Hanwei was shocked, he was more disappointed and dejected.

Just when she was secretly sad, her shoulders suddenly warmed up, and at some point, the girl opposite actually walked up to her, looking at her with clean and clear eyes like the moonlight.

"Although I know that our arrival may bring you infinite troubles, I still want to say that what the two elder brothers said before was by no means just words, and my sister and I will not give up because of the upcoming reveal of our lives. , have any disrespect for you, I hope we can coexist peacefully and get along with each other slowly!"

Gong Ziyan's voice was reserved and heavy, but with an irresistible sincerity. She stared fixedly at Mo Hanwei. The first close contact between the two girls captured their mutual hearts in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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