God needle ugly princess

Chapter 482 [506] Finale

Chapter 482 [506] Finale (5)

Just when the sisters were playing and telling Ling Yuan what happened in the past six months, Mo Yuan rushed in with an excited and handsome face.

Seeing that her second elder brother has finally recovered, Lingyuan nodded in satisfaction: "That's right, you can only be pleasing to the eye if you are handsome every day. Second brother, why are you running so fast, there are beautiful women chasing you?"

Mo Yuan was running out of breath, his sister was still here leisurely teasing him, immediately swallowed and shouted loudly.

"Hurry up, go to Fulin Garden, father and mother are back, they are back."

The complexions of Lingyuan and the others changed suddenly, and at the same time they walked quickly to Mo Yuan with expressions of disbelief.

"Second brother, what are you dreaming about these days, father and mother? Are you sure?"

Mo Yuan's tongue and tongue were about to get knotted: "You heartless people, what did I lie to you for? Hurry up, pack up and dress up, father and mother are really back."

I thought that the two sisters would be as excited as they were, but when the sisters were sure that the real parents had returned, they were shocked instead, glanced at each other, and sat down like no one else.

"Come back when you come back. They should have come back a long time ago. It's nothing unusual to come back now. Why do we want to see them? Even if we see them, we don't know each other. If you want to see us, just come and find us yourself."

The grievances inside and outside of these words are really enough. Seeing that Mo Qingyan ignored him, Mo Yuan hurriedly went to see his little sister, but it turned out to be a good thing. The little girl yawned gracefully: "Brother, I'm sorry, I am still weak, I am already exhausted from the forbidden area, and if I run to Fulin Garden, my legs will tremble, "

Mo Yuan was furious, "Where are you walking? I clearly carried you back just now."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, that won't work, I'm tired, second brother should do whatever he wants!"

"I know that you have resentment towards your parents, but now is not the time to be angry, they just came back, if you,"

"Second brother, it's okay, you, don't say it, it's useless to say it, you are not us, you can't understand our feelings, for us, it doesn't matter whether we have parents or not, the important thing is that we have sisters and brothers , as long as there is a adoptive father and the others, I don’t care about loneliness.”

After finishing speaking, she turned around indifferently and entered the room. Mo Qingyan looked at Lingyuan's back, pursed her lips, and turned to look at Mo Yuan.

"Brother, don't you understand? Apart from giving birth to us, they didn't raise us for a day. Where were they when we needed them the most? Now that we're back, do you still want us to welcome you? Haha, we don't need a father." It hurts, and there is no lack of mother's love, so go back!"

Now it's all right, not only Ling Yuan, but even Mo Qingyan went back to the room, leaving behind Ling Yun and Mo Hanying with embarrassing faces, facing the angry Mo Yuan.

Unexpectedly, before Mo Yuan could speak, Ling Yun said to Mo Yuan.

"Although I am an outsider, I still need to tell you some things. How much Yuan'er suffered and suffered when she was a child, I think, even your own brothers and sisters may not know it. They are parents. And how do you know?"

"Yuan'er and I grew up together with each other. The road she walked was many times more difficult than mine, but she persisted all the way. All of this is due to her own ability, not you."

"Because none of you were there for her when she needed you most."

"But what's the result now? When she needs you, you're not here, so she can only face it alone, and when they need her, she is half-forced to come back. None of you have ever asked her if she would If you don’t want to, just bring people back like this, tell yourself, is this fair?”

"She has been lying on the ice bed for half a year, but has anyone asked how she has been through the past six months? Even if she is in a coma, who has asked this question? Since you have never asked anything, why do you let her go happily now? How about meeting those selfish parents?"

"If you can do it, that's because you are great. It's because you haven't suffered what they have suffered. They can't do it. It's not because they are petty, but because they feel that they don't need their parents!"

Lingyun's tone was calm, but every word was right to the point. Originally, Mo Yuan still had some resentment, but after hearing this, his face was replaced by self-blame, "I'm sorry, I overlooked it, I didn't think of it, We've been ignoring so much."

"No, this has nothing to do with you. You and your brothers have been really difficult these years. To be fair, the four of you brothers and sisters have eaten too many others for the sake of the Mo family and your unreliable parents. Unimaginable hardships, these sufferings are no less than others, even if you are too busy to find free time, how can you still have extra thoughts to care about others, this is not your fault."

The ultimate root of the mistake lies in the parents, and the root of the parents must extend to the previous generation. In the end, it is still to blame the Mo tribe for having such an unwritten rule. If you say that Lingyuan is really resenting her parents ?
No, how could she have the right to blame them, because why didn't they bear the responsibilities and obligations that she didn't want to bear like her brothers and sisters?
She was silently protesting against the family's injustice to them!
How could Mo Yuan and Mo Yin not understand things that she could understand?

Mo Yuan came happily, but left silently. They didn't know what he told his parents when he went back. In short, they didn't come to disturb the two sisters that day.

But the two sisters in the room sat cross-legged on the bed facing each other, they looked at each other's faces, relatively speechless.

After an unknown amount of time, Lingyuan was the first to break the silence.

"Sister, I have an idea. I don't know if it is possible to realize it. This wish is what I have been determined to fulfill since I came back. Tell me, is it possible for me to change our destiny?"

Mo Qingyan looked at Lingyuan's face that was almost indistinguishable from hers, pursed her lips, expressionless.

"I know what you're going to say. Because I also have the same thought. If we don't try to break this rule, our descendants will face the same choices as us in the future. Therefore, such an unfair rule , must be broken in our hands, rest assured, no matter what you do, sister will stand with you on the united front! After all, what we should pay has already been paid, big deal, we start all over again!"

In other words, the place that the family should use has been fully used, so even if they want to leave here, no one is qualified to stop them, right?

(End of this chapter)

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