Brother is too evil

Chapter 103 A lesson to Du Yudie

Chapter 103 A lesson to Du Yudie (1)
After leaving the East Palace, Qin Luoyi wiped the sweat from her forehead, and continued to run outside without turning her head. Although her talisman was powerful, she didn't know how long she could hold those people in place. trouble.

Chu Yifeng's people had reservations about her, why didn't she?Except for the talisman and the slowing talisman, she is completely useless for other offensive talismans. She really doesn't want to hurt his people.

She had been running for several miles, but no one was chasing after her, so she was completely relieved. She turned her head and silently looked at the gorgeous palace hidden in the scene, and sighed softly.

"Why, are you reluctant to leave?" A mocking and cold voice suddenly sounded beside her.

Qin Luoyi frowned and turned around, seeing the black figure standing under the big tree ten meters away, a dark look flashed in his phoenix eyes, and he cursed in his heart, Chu Yixiu, he really was spying on him!
Chu Yixiu looked indifferent, and slowly walked over from a distance, staring at her sharply: "Qin Luoyi, this is the real reason why you don't want to marry me, isn't it?"

"What do you mean by that?" Qin Luoyi frowned even tighter, and also looked at him expressionlessly.

Chu Yixiu sneered, blood-thirsty frenzy surged in his handsome eyes: "What do you mean, do you have to let me explain? The Shougongsha in your hand is gone... Tell me, who is the adulterer? As long as you Tell me, in the prince's mansion, I can reward you with a concubine, otherwise..."

He looked away and looked in the direction of the East Palace, his eyes were full of cold and ruthless killing intent.

Qin Luoyi was shocked.

This kind of Chu Yixiu is probably the real Chu Yixiu, his usual gentleness and gentleness are just his cover.

If this matter is really pulled out, whether it is a rumor or a fact, it will definitely have a huge impact on Chu Yifeng. The matter started because of her, and she does not want to involve him.

Thinking of this, she raised her chin slightly, raised the corners of her lips, and said mockingly: "Actors? I have many adulterers. Which one do you want me to tell you?"

And rewarded her with a concubine, this man, damn it!Who does he think he is?
Chu Yixiu's face turned livid in an instant, and he thought of Jian Yuyan who he saw at the foot of the mountain last night... A fishy sweetness rushed to his throat so abruptly.

"You woman, you are so shameless!" Before Chu Yixiu could speak, Du Yudie suddenly jumped out from the side, and yelled at her with contempt and anger: "In a few days, you will marry the third prince!" Mansion, you dare to do something that is sorry to my cousin, hmph, Zhennan Wang really taught a good daughter! Fortunately, my cousin found out early and saw your true face clearly in advance!"

The pride in her eyes disappeared in a flash, she turned her head to look at Chu Yixiu, and said with righteous indignation: "Cousin, you must tell the imperial concubine and the emperor about this, such a shameless woman must not be forgiven lightly! "

Du Yudie's fifth elder brother, Du Lengye, who came out with her, also nodded and echoed sullenly: "Yes, Your Highness, you must tell the emperor about this as soon as possible!" Things they don't know yet.

Du Yudie had no hope of marrying into the third prince's mansion, and she threw things down a lot when she went back, but Chu Yixiu personally made the promise that Du Lengye wanted to help her sister, but there was no way to help her. When someone examined Qin Luoyi's body, Qin Luoyi would not say that he was dead, at least he would be ruined, and after three days, he would never want to marry into the third prince's mansion again.

Qin Luoyi looked at the two brothers and sisters who jumped out suddenly, and the killing intent flashed in his phoenix eyes.

Chu Yixiu also frowned.

"What do you need to tell the emperor as soon as possible? Tell me, and I will listen to you!" A wicked voice suddenly sounded, and Chu Yifeng led the guards of the East Palace, and slowly walked over from a distance, sweeping his smiling eyes at Du Yudie and Du Lengye are two siblings.

Seeing him, Du Yudie bit her lip, and suddenly flinched behind Chu Yixiu in fear.

Chu Yifeng was dressed in black clothes with dark patterns, his facial features were as handsome as jade, and under his sword-shaped eyebrows were bright and narrow phoenix eyes. His tall and slender figure like a scorching sun made everyone around him eclipse.

There was a smile in his eyes, he looked coquettish and handsome, and he also had a wickedness that made people blush and heartbeat, but that smile was intimidating for no reason.

She will never forget, before leaving Du's house, the family members told her that among the emperor's princes, she should not be presumptuous in front of the prince. The prince looks harmless and easy to talk, but he kills decisively , but even the emperor is full of praise, and he is the only prince who has led troops to the battlefield and has really trained hard in the flames of war!
After Empress Yao passed away, her aunt Xian Guifei had doted on the harem for the past ten years, and she even had such an excellent son as her cousin, but she didn't dare to neglect the prince in the slightest.As long as the crown prince opens his mouth, the emperor will definitely attach great importance to the big and small matters of the state of Chu, and the emperor will rarely refute the opinions raised by the prince.

Du Lengye's expression also changed. He and his sister were in the mansion. Hearing that His Royal Highness the Third Prince had brought people outside the East Palace, he thought that something had happened, so he rushed over immediately. When he came, he happened to hear Qin The woman in Luoyi was talking a lot about her adulterer.

The younger sister was excited and happy for a while, so she couldn't help running out. She planned to teach this woman a lesson, but unexpectedly, the prince came out with someone.

Seeing that his younger sister was a little scared, he bowed to the crown prince, then pointed at Qin Luoyi angrily and said, "Your Highness, Princess Anping is about to get married, but she doesn't obey women's ways and loses her chastity before marriage..."

"Leng Ye!" Chu Yixiu didn't wait for him to finish, and scolded him with a dark face: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Du Lengye was stunned, glanced at him quickly, and his heart sank.Cousin won't let him say, is it because he still wants to marry this woman after saving?
Chu Yifeng also frowned, and looked at him with a stern expression: "The princess of Anping has lost her chastity, so you can't talk nonsense. The crime of slandering the princess is not something you can afford!"

"Your Highness, we didn't slander, Princess Anping himself admitted it just now!" Du Yudie boldly stepped forward and said, looking at her cousin expectantly with her eyes.

Chu Yixiu pursed his lips tightly and did not speak, looking at Chu Yifeng with cold eyes.

Chu Yifeng laughed loudly, his eyes full of sarcasm: "Admit it yourself? Is Princess Anping a fool to admit such a thing?"

"This..." Du Yudie's eyes flickered, she and her brother didn't know the truth of the matter, they just listened to Qin Luoyi and his cousin's words.

The truth of the matter, only my cousin knows... Now that I think about it carefully, what Qin Luoyi said just now was obviously a joke, although last night, she and her cousin saw her and Jian Yuyan walking up the mountain together, But that proves nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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