Brother is too evil

Chapter 106: A Blockbuster

Chapter 106: A Blockbuster (1)
"Princess Anping, where is your sword?" Du Yudie frowned when she saw that her hands were empty.Damn Qin Luoyi, what does she mean?At this time, I still want to delay the time.

Qin Luoyi smiled, the sparkle in the pitch-black phoenix eyes flashed away, and said lightly: "Compared to you, I don't need to use a sword!"

"You!" Du Yu bowed angrily, his delicate and pretty face changed a few colors in an instant, and then raised his chin slightly and said: "In that case, I will not be polite."

With a movement of his feet, the long sword imbued with spiritual power slashed towards her like lightning.

There was a glint in Qin Luoyi's eyes, and a sneer appeared on his red lips. Without waiting for her to get close, he raised his slender hand, and a powerful spiritual force blasted directly at Du Yudie.


The spiritual power collided with the long sword, and Qin Luoyi's spiritual power was obviously stronger. Du Yudie couldn't bear the force, and took two steps back. When she finally stabilized her body and stopped, the two Eyes wide open, he looked at Qin Luoyi in disbelief.

How can it be?

Although she didn't use all her strength just now, she only used five percent of her strength... But why was Qin Luoyi not only not killed by him, but instead took a few steps back?
After only a few days of apprenticeship, Qin Luozhu actually cultivated spiritual power and blocked his own blow. How is this possible?

Gritting his teeth, he didn't dare to take it lightly any longer. He mobilized all the spiritual power in his body and poured it into the sword body. The dazzling light flickered, and he attacked Qin Luoyi again with all his strength. The crucial point.

Qin Luoyi blinked her phoenix eyes, she didn't ignore the murderous intent in her eyes, but there was still no fear on her pretty face, her face was calm and clear, and when her attack was close to her, she wanted to When stabbing the body, he suddenly raised his hand amidst the exclamation of the surrounding people.


Du Yudie's body, like a kite with a broken string, screamed and flew towards the distance. After flying nearly ten meters, he fell heavily on the ground, and a stream of blood spurted out.

"younger sister!"


Du Lengye and Du Lengmo brothers rushed up and hugged the younger sister who was vomiting blood, while Goatee took out a healing pill with a pale face and asked Du Lengmo to feed Du Yudie.

"God! That little genius from the Du family lost!"

"It's unbelievable. That's an elementary martial artist! After two rounds, he was beaten until he vomited blood!"

"What kind of cultivation is that Princess Anping, did any of you see it just now? Why is there no spiritual power fluctuation in her body now?"

"It's a bit weird. Fortunately, we were the first to go up without impulse just now... To be able to defeat the young genius of the Du family, Princess Anping's cultivation base should be higher than her."

"Isn't Princess Anping unable to cultivate before? Why did she suddenly have the spiritual power to beautify a martial artist?"

At the foot of Yuewu Mountain, because of Du Yudie's injury, everyone started whispering in shock. Their surprised eyes looked at Qin Luoyi for a while, and then at Du Yudie who fell to the ground and was lifted up, but kept vomiting blood.

Qin Luoyi was dressed in white, standing calmly in the open space of the arena, with a pretty face, black hair fluttering, eyes shining like black gemstones, black eyebrows curved, exuding a beautiful style that blended elegance and charm, The hearts of all the young men around were shocked, and their eyes became hot.

"Sister, sister, what's wrong with you? Don't scare brother!" Compared with Qin Luoyi's proud and beautiful demeanor at this time, Du Yudie on the other side is much more embarrassed. The blood in his mouth has been falling since he was injured. He kept rushing out desperately, and ate the fifth-order healing pill that was taken out by a goatee, but it didn't work. His face became extremely pale. Seeing that he had already released more breath and less breath, he rolled his eyes.

Du Lengye, who was holding her, showed a rare panic on his dark and prey face, he hugged his sister even tighter, and kept calling her.

"Quickly, feed her some more pills!" Goatee hopped his feet anxiously, never expecting that the opponent who thought he could easily defeat was actually so powerful.

He took out the storage ring and poured out all the pill bottles inside. As the elder of the Du family, he has lived for nearly a hundred years, but fortunately he still has a lot of pills on him.

Two more Tier [-] Healing Pills were fed into Du Yudie's mouth. Du Lengmo's face was dark and cold, and he took out a Tier [-] Healing Pill from his storage ring.

This is the highest-grade healing pill in his body. When he bought it, he spent a lot of his savings. It was originally prepared to be used just in case. Now, in order to save his sister, he didn't care about the pain.

Seeing Du Lengmo's actions, Du Lengye, who was anxious and angry and red-eyed, also woke up, hurriedly took out a fourth-grade healing pill that he was carrying, and fed it into Du Yudie's mouth together.

"Brother... I... I can't do it..." Du Yudie blinked hard: "My heart is broken... Don't waste those pills... It's useless..."

After she finished speaking, she shifted her unwilling and resentful eyes to Qin Luoyi in front, that white figure, under the sunlight, was astonishingly beautiful, and his demeanor was unmatched.


Chu Yixiu, who was originally standing behind the emperor, came over. Even though he was far away, he found that something was wrong with Du Yudie.


In Du Yudie's slack eyes, he saw the cousin who was as gentle as jade and worried in his eyes, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he stretched out his slender and weak fingers tremblingly.

Chu Yixiu's eyes flashed, he took a few steps quickly, and took her over. Du Yudie fell into his arms weakly, closed his eyes, and murmured softly: " can die in your arms." In my arms, Dieer..."

Before she finished speaking, her head suddenly dropped heavily, and she couldn't breathe anymore.

"Cousin! Cousin!" Chu Yixiu was shocked and called out twice eagerly.

No one answered him.

Chu Yixiu raised his head and looked at Qin Luoyi who was on the open ground in the field, his dark eyes were deep and cold.

The goatee is grey.

Du Lengmo closed his eyes, clenched his fists, and hung them by his side. He couldn't believe that Sister Yudie, who was alive and kicking a moment ago, just disappeared.

"Sister!" Du Lengye was stunned for a moment, and finally came back to his senses. With a roar, he rushed towards Qin Luoyi like lightning, stared at her through gritted teeth, and said, "You are so shocked!" broke her heart...Qin Luoyi, you are so cruel, you actually killed my sister!"

There was silence all around, and the eyes of the onlookers widened. They thought that Du Yudie was just injured... I didn't expect that in such a short time, it would be so gone!
Those younger generations in Mingyue Pavilion who almost signed a life-and-death contract because they wanted to join the Piaomiao Sect couldn't help but look at each other, with cold sweat dripping from their foreheads.

(End of this chapter)

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