Chapter 121
When she went in again, Duanmu Changqing was lying on the bed with her upper body naked.The skin is as smooth as jade, without blemishes, exuding a lustrous luster, the back line is smooth, the texture is clear, the shoulders are wide and the waist is narrow, there is no excess fat on the body, and it looks very powerful.

Qin Luoyi secretly praised, this man's figure is perfect, but it's a pity that the waist is hidden in the trousers, otherwise she would be able to feast her eyes on a perfect work of art today.

"Have you seen enough?" Sensing Qin Luoyi's scrutinizing gaze, Duanmu Changqing narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of unpredictability flashed in his eyes.It's just that when she looked at him like that, the blood in his body boiled again... And her admiring and unabashed gaze made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Second Senior Brother, I've started. Don't move any more." Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, and he quickly suppressed the admiration in his eyes. He held the silver needle solemnly, stared at his perfect back, and brushed What was brushed was a few needles.

Duanmu Changqing closed his eyes, and his slender eyelashes cast fan-shaped shadows under the eyelids, making him look a lot softer.

"Okay!" After a few breaths, Qin Luoyi withdrew the needle and let out a long sigh of relief.

Duanmu Changqing opened his eyes, looking at her with black eyes fixedly, Qin Luoyi immediately understood, turned around and walked out, the corners of the white skirt fluttered up and down, light and agile like a beautiful butterfly.

After a while, the neatly dressed Duanmu Changqing came out.The soft sunlight shone lightly on his face, outlining the outline of his handsome face.

"Brother, is this the Yuqing Peak?" Qin Luoyi asked him, tilting his head slightly.Although this mountain peak is not as tall as the main peak, it is full of aura. Compared with the main peak, it does not give way too much. If you can stay here for a long time in the future, you will definitely enter the state very quickly.


"This is really Yuqing Peak, that's great, second senior brother, take a good rest, I'll go shopping around." Qin Luoyi couldn't hide a smile on his face, waved at him, and walked out of the house .

The master asked the second senior brother to accompany her to look around. She did not dare to instruct this cruel man. Anyway, the mountain is only two to three thousand meters high. She walked slowly, and when she saw the empty house that the master said, she would choose one at random. There is time.

After walking hundreds of meters, Duanmu Changqing suddenly appeared beside her with Shenhong, and said indifferently: "You can't find that place, I will take you there."

Seeing that he was so active, Qin Luoyi was a little flattered, and said with a smile, "No need, second senior brother, I will definitely find it in such a big place. Your body is just right, so you should rest well."

She always has an ominous premonition about being courteous for nothing, rape or stealing, letting him give her away.

"Junior Junior Sister, do you want me to disobey the teacher's order?" Duanmu Changqing glanced at her lightly, and said again.

have to.

Moved out all the division orders.

Qin Luoyi had no choice but to agree.

A deep smile flashed across Duanmu Changqing's black eyes, and with a flash of Shenhong, he took her and shot towards the top of the mountain.

"Woo. It's so cold here." Landing on the top of the snow-covered mountain, Qin Luoyi was so cold that he rubbed his hands vigorously.

Compared with the temperature on the top of the mountain, the temperature at the bottom of the mountain is at least ten degrees lower. The clothes on her body can't keep out the cold at all.

Duanmu Changqing's skirt fluttered, his hands were behind his back, his figure was tall and straight, the jade tree faced the wind, and he was not affected by the severe cold weather on the top of the mountain at all.

Stepping forward a few steps, he pointed to a small room that was almost half covered by ice and snow and said to her, "This room is empty, you can live here from now on."

Qin Luoyi's eyes widened, and he was so shocked that he even forgot to rub his hands to keep out the cold: "It's too cold here, and I can't see anything except a piece of snow. I don't want to live here. Didn't Master say that there are two vacant rooms on Yuqing Peak?" The house, I’d better choose another one.”

She is not a child of a certain age, she is not interested in making snowmen or snowball fights, let alone living in such a place of ice and snow.

She came here to practice, and in such a cold place, even if she used her spiritual power, she couldn't resist the severe cold here, could she practice.Thinking of this, she shook her head resolutely again.

"Master hasn't returned to Piao Miao Sect for several months, so he doesn't know about some things." Duanmu Changqing glanced at her slowly, and said lightly.

"What's wrong?" Qin Luoyi's heart sank instantly when he heard this.

"Except for this one house, the other one has already collapsed due to an accident." Duanmu Changqing raised his eyebrows and said to her with regret.

How could it be such a coincidence?
Qin Luoyi secretly slandered.Second senior brother, this is Chiguoguo's revenge.

"It's okay, if it's down, then repair it and you can live. I'm not picky about food and housing." Qin Luoyi touched his nose, and he didn't want to live in this place even if he killed her.

Duanmu Changqing stopped talking, and the divine rainbow suddenly appeared beside him, and took Qin Luoyi to the halfway up the mountain quickly.

Qin Luoyi was dumbfounded when he saw the gravel that was nearly half a person's height paved in front of him.

What kind of disaster could cause a monk's extremely strong cave to collapse like this?And only this place was broken, the other places... the one on the top of the mountain, as well as the Duanmu Changqing cave not far from here, are all intact!

This place was clearly vandalized!And looking at the imprints of broken stones and the faint smoke nearby, she dared to bet with the head on her neck that it would never take more than a quarter of an hour for this cave to collapse!

Her chest was heaving violently, she gritted her teeth secretly, and it took a lot of effort to suppress the anger in her chest, and murmured: "What a coincidence, why did it fall down when I came here?" .”

Duanmu Changqing stood beside her with an indifferent expression on his face and did not speak.

After being annoyed for a while, Qin Luoyi suddenly smiled again: "That's fine, the old ones don't go, and the new ones don't come, so I can just build a new cave here in the way I like."

The corners of Duanmu Changqing's eyes twitched: "Little Junior Sister wants to rebuild the cave, which is naturally good, but this Penglai fairy island is not comparable to the Shenglong Continent. Building a cave suitable for cultivation is of great value."

"It's okay, we're not very rich, but it's not a problem to build a cave." It's not about boasting, she, Qin Luoyi, may not have much other things, but a lot of money!
She now has tens of millions of taels of silver bills on her body, even if the silver is worthless here, it is not enough, she will start alchemy again.

Just like that, I wanted to baffle her and let her live in the ice and snow on the top of the mountain, with no doors!

"In that case, Junior Sister, please slowly hire someone to build the cave." Duanmu Changqing narrowed his eyes slightly, not paying attention: "However, it doesn't take a month or two to build the cave, and I'm afraid it won't work."

(End of this chapter)

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