Brother is too evil

Chapter 127 You Can’t Make an Exception

Chapter 127 You Can’t Make an Exception (3)
Liu Qingcheng's eyes flickered, and he said with a light smile: "Then according to you, she is talking nonsense and wronging someone? Why did she do that? It seems to have no benefit at all except to tarnish her own reputation, right? "

Ji Xuan frowned, and a look of disapproval flashed in his eyes. After hearing what the junior sister said, he knew that the junior sister was going to stand by this woman.

It's not just him who feels this way, other people are also sensitive to Liu Qingcheng's attitude.Xiao Tian and the others were overjoyed, but Senior Brother Luo and Jian Yuyan changed their expressions.

"Uncle Liu..." Senior Brother Luo was about to speak, but Liu Qingcheng's face turned cold, and he said coldly: "Needless to say, hmph, it's useless to argue any more, do you think us women are easy to bully?"

She walked to Yu Qingyan's side, with a charming smile on her lips: "In the future, if someone bullies you, just tell me, don't be afraid."

Yu Qingyan was overwhelmed by the flattery, and hurriedly bowed to her: "Thank you Master Liu for making the decision for me, Qingyan is very grateful."

The joy on the faces of Xiao Tian and the others was even greater, and they proudly looked at Jian Yuyan and his party, wishing that Master Liu could make a move, wipe out these bastards at once, and dare to injure them.

Liu Qingcheng turned around, looked at Jian Yuyan and the others coldly, and said with a cold snort: "All of you, go to the lion-tiger cliff. You are not allowed to come up in two days, less than an hour!"

"Junior Sister." Ji Xuan said, considering that Jian Yuyan and his party are all venerables, if they descended from the Lion-Tiger Cliff, one of the four would be able to climb up, it would be considered lucky.

He had a good impression of Jian Yuyan, but he didn't want him to lose his life in vain because of his junior sister's self-willedness and partiality.

"Forget about Lion and Tiger Cliff, you have to teach them a lesson and let them go to Mizong Forest." Compared with Shihuya, Mizong Forest is much less dangerous.

It's also their fault that they were unlucky to meet their junior sister. She wants to protect that girl today, and they won't be able to be punished if they are punished.

"Third Senior Brother, they not only bullied female junior sisters from the same sect, but also fought outside privately. Letting them go to Lion and Tiger Cliff, I think it is taking advantage of them." Liu Qingcheng was a little dissatisfied with Fourth Senior Brother's stop.

Ji Xuan's eyes flashed slightly, and when he was about to speak, a blue meandering figure suddenly came out from one side, looked at Liu Qingcheng, and smiled brightly: "Fifth Senior Sister, who are you going to let go to Lion Tiger Cliff?" ?”

"Hey, isn't this little junior sister Luoyi?" Liu Qingcheng raised her eyebrows, thinking that she was actually living in the elder brother's cave, she felt very uncomfortable, and said sourly: "Why did little junior sister come here?" ?”

Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile, "I'm here to find a friend." After a pause, he said, "Fifth Senior Sister, who are you going to send to Lion Tiger Cliff?"

Qingling's eyes turned on Jian Yuyan's face, Jian Yuyan looked at her softly, Qin Luoyi smiled slightly, and then looked away.He looked at the few people standing opposite him who were beaten into a mess.

Hearing the shouts of their fifth senior sister and junior junior sister, Ji Xuan instantly understood the identity of this beautiful young girl.He also knew about the fact that the master master had accepted a closed female disciple.

Not only him, but other people also instantly understood Qin Luoyi's identity. Brother Luo and the others looked downcast and did not speak.

In their view, although Qin Luoyi is a closed disciple of the head of the sect, his cultivation base is really not very good, not much higher than them, and it is nothing more than a venerable cultivation base.In addition, since he joined the sect not long ago and is a junior sister, he must have nothing to say in front of Martial Uncle Liu, and it is even more impossible to question Martial Uncle Liu's decision for their sake.

Liu Qingcheng pointed to Jian Yuyan and the others and said, "They violated the sect's rules, so the senior sister will punish them to go to Lion Tiger Cliff."

Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed, in fact, she had been here for a long time, hiding in the distance, watching them fight together, she felt that Jian Yuyan was not in any danger, so she never came out.

The smile on Ming Yan's face faded, she asked: "What's going on? What rules did they violate, and Senior Sister wants to send them to Lion Tiger Cliff?"

She knows Lion Tiger Cliff, it is very dangerous inside, it is divided into several areas, each area is separated by enchantment, the dangers inside are different, but it is the lowest risk area, Jian Yuyan and his group enter, afraid It's also bad luck.

Liu Qingcheng didn't expect that she would break the casserole here and ask the bottom line, a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes quickly, and patiently, he quickly told her what happened.

Qin Luoyi sneered secretly when he heard this, and felt more and more that Liu Qingcheng was an indiscriminate master, just because he was a woman, he put the crime of bullying his fellow disciples on Jian Yuyan without hesitation!
Leaning at Yu Qingyan who was slightly proud, she lightly parted her red lips and said, "Fifth Senior Sister, to tell you the truth, I came here today to find him." Jian Yuyan not far away.

"I may not understand others, but I still understand him. We have known each other for a long time. He is not that kind of person who bullies women... Maybe there is some misunderstanding in this?"

Damn Yu Qingyan, I will deal with you properly in the future!Now if it is said that Yuqing is trying to harass Jian Yuyan, Liu Qingcheng will definitely not obey.

"He's your friend?" Surprise flashed in Liu Qingcheng's eyes, and the corners of his slightly smiling lips tightened.

"Yes!" Qin Luoyi nodded and admitted.

The faces of Yu Qingyan and the others turned pale in an instant, and their eyes flickered, but Senior Brother Luo's eyes lit up.He secretly thought that this kid Jian Yuyan hid really deeply. They had known each other for half a month, and they got along well with each other. He had such a friend who was accepted as a closed disciple by the head of Ge, but he didn't even hear him mention it.

"Junior Sister! It's not that Senior Sister is talking about you. It's better for you to have less contact with this kind of person in the future." Liu Qingcheng said to her in a deep tone, as if she was doing it for her own good.

Qin Luoyi smiled slightly: "Fifth Senior Sister, Luoyi feels that there must be some misunderstanding. My friend has a very good temper, and he will definitely not do such a thing of bullying a female classmate."

He glanced at Yu Qingyan again, his eyes were extremely sharp: "Miss Yu, you have to think about it carefully, we are all from the same school, so don't hurt everyone's harmony because of a little misunderstanding." Pointing eyes looked at the monk surnamed Song, and then at her, which was self-evident.

Yu Qingyan's body trembled, and her face turned even paler. She was obviously a Venerable, not a few levels higher than her, but the fierce aura emanating from Master Qin's body made her feel abnormally afraid for no reason. .

Her guts were green with regret, she knew that Jian Yuyan had something to do with the head disciple, even if she was given a hundred guts, she would not dare to provoke him.

It would be fine if Master Qin didn't come just now, but now that she is here, she obviously wants to protect Jian Yuyan. If this matter is brought to Master Fang who is in charge of the criminal law, Jian Yuyan still has witnesses, and she can't get anything good at all.

(End of this chapter)

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