Brother is too evil

Chapter 143 The Unscrupulous Flower Monk

Chapter 143 The Unscrupulous Flower Monk (1)
This predicament of having no fight to fight, finally changed after she accidentally got a fist-sized Huangshi Yuanjing in a deep mountain.

The Yellowstone Essence, on Penglai Xiandao, is an extremely rare thing, and it is an excellent material for refining magic weapons. For countless years, it has been known to people, and it is only a few pieces.

And she can get it, all thanks to Dahei.

There was a part of the mountain that was not sunny, where there was no grass, only bare rocks. When she and Dahei passed by, they happened to see a bald monk lifting the rocks, muttering something, looking for something.

She was curious for a while, so she hid with Dahei and watched. After half an hour, the monk actually pulled out a palm-sized black stone from the crack of the stone. on it.

"I'm done, I'm out, there are obsidian here!" The fat monk was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, he didn't care to clean up the dirt on it, and hurriedly put it into his arms.

Then he began to rummage around again, until he had turned over all the stones in that area and found two more obsidian, then he left with a smile on his face.

Obsidian Qin Luoyi knows that it is a kind of stone with very strong spiritual power, which can help people cultivate. On Penglai Xiandao, apart from many spiritual plants with abundant spiritual power, some special stones, especially crystal stones, It also contains strong spiritual power.Obsidian is one of them.

However, although that kind of obsidian is very powerful, Qin Luoyi is not very rare. Seeing the great monk looking for it for a while, he wanted to leave, but Dahei became very excited, his eyes lit up with excitement, and he was still unwilling to leave.

It finally endured until the monk was far away, and it rushed out quickly, lifted one of the rocks with its two claws, let out a low cry, and burrowed into the hole where the monk took out the obsidian at first.

In an instant, Qin Luoyi saw only a huge buttocks and a tail protruding from the outside, and the sky filled with mud flew out from under its claws.

"Dahei, what are you doing!" Qin Luoyi stared at it angrily and amusedly, it never wanted to leave, she wanted to ask it what it wanted to do, but because the great monk's cultivation was too strong , Afraid of being discovered, they dare not make a sound.

"Haha, if I'm not mistaken, there are still treasures under here, which are many times better than that obsidian!" The big black head was buried in the soil, and his speech was a bit vague, but Qin Luoyi still heard clearly .

"The fat monk has already taken the obsidian, are you sure there are more?" Qin Luoyi was a little unbelieving, raised his beautiful eyebrows, and leaned over to look curiously.

"Haha, I saw it, it turned out to be Huangshi Yuanjing." Dahei was agitated for a while, his paws lay on the mud even more fiercely, Qin Luoyi was close to him, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have eaten a mouthful of mud.

Leaping out of the hole, the big black paws tightly hugged a very inconspicuous gray stone half a foot in size, and lightly tapped the corner, revealing a little bit of crystal golden color, and a terrifying spiritual power spread out from it. : "If you refine this thing into a magic weapon, the power will be at least twice as powerful as before!"

Thinking of the Qiankun Clock, Dahei became even more excited.

"It really is Huangshi Yuanjing!" Qin Luoyi stretched out his hand to touch it, and also sighed, a dazzling light flashed in his phoenix eyes.

In the Piaomiao Sect's Library Pavilion, she saw a special introduction to this kind of spar in a book. It is indeed like what Dahei said, refining it into a magic weapon can make the power of the magic weapon at least greater than before. Double it!
If this kind of Huangshi Yuan is refined into an extremely powerful emperor-level magic weapon, what kind of terrifying power will it be?
"Let's go, let's get out of here first." Qin Luoyi looked around vigilantly, facing the underworld.

Everyone is not guilty, but he is guilty... This thing is too heaven-defying, if people find out, it will definitely cause countless troubles.

Although Dahei was a little bit reluctant, but fortunately, he could still tell the seriousness of the matter. Hearing this, he handed Huangshi Yuanjing into Qin Luoyi's hand, and watched her throw the thing into the space of the bracelet.

Qin Luoyi patted it on the head with a smile, and whispered: "Let's get out of here first, and then find a secret place, and I'll show it out for you to see enough!"

Dahei's eyes lit up, he nodded happily, and carrying Qin Luoyi, he ran to the distance. After running for only a few hundred meters, Dahei's speed slowed down. In front of them, there were two men and two women smiling. Standing with hands clasped behind his back, he stared at them intently.

"Girl, what was that thing you took just now? We seem to have never seen it before, can you borrow it to see it?" One of the young men who seemed to be in their twenties asked Qin Luoyi.

Borrow a look?
Qin Luoyi sneered in his heart, and there was a sharp cold light in his phoenix eyes. The Huangshi Yuanjing is a rare thing in the world, and after watching it, it may no longer be hers!
"It's just a broken rock, what's there to see?" She curled her lips and said lightly.

The man in black who spoke turned dark, squinted his eyes and said in displeasure: "Everyone is like-minded, just take a look, why is the girl so stingy?"

"It's mine. You said you borrowed it. I borrow it if I want, and I don't borrow it if I don't want to... What does this have to do with being stingy?" Qin Luoyi sat on Dahei's back and raised his eyebrows slightly. With his chin up, he smiled.

Of these two men and two women, one man and one woman are at the middle level of a grand master, and the other woman's cultivation is about the same as hers, at the peak of a grand master, and the man in black who spoke has a much stronger aura. Qin Luoyi secretly reckoned that he might have already broken through to the pinnacle of a grand master and advanced to the rank of Martial Saint.

However, even after seeing their cultivation, Qin Luoyi showed no fear at all. In the night, when the breeze blew, her skirt fluttered, her whole body was fresh and elegant, and she looked unparalleled in beauty.

"Yo, the girl is not big, but she has a good temper. I thought a broken stone was nothing to see...Since you said so, I want to see it!" Wearing a yellow dress, she has a long face and thin lips. The young woman gave her a hard look and sneered.

Contempt flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, but the smile on his face became brighter and brighter: "Why, you can't snatch it by force because of the number of people?"

"Haha, so what if you rob you? If you don't eat the toast, you will be punished. If you don't obediently hand over your things, don't blame us for being rude!" The woman in yellow stepped forward and stared at her fiercely.

The group of them were far away just now, and they didn't see clearly what Qin Luoyi was holding, but saw a strange yellow light flashing past...

Originally, they were just curious, and didn't believe what kind of treasure it would be. At this time, Qin Luoyi refused to take it out, but it aroused their suspicion. If they don't take a look, they won't give up.

"Hehe, don't dream if you want me to hand it over, but I want to see how you want to be rude to me!" Qin Luoyi's eyes were bright and his expression was sarcasm.

(End of this chapter)

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