Brother is too evil

Chapter 160 I'm Waiting For You!

Chapter 160 I'm Waiting For You! (1)
"Of course not!" Qin Luoyi opened his mouth to deny, because his wrists were being pulled, the two of them were very close, so close that they could even smell the faint fragrance of ambergris from the elder brother's body, his heart trembled, and he struggled even harder.

"Practice by yourself, no one is watching." Feng Feili shook her head, with a disapproving expression on her face, and the hand holding her wrist did not relax.

The canoe is very light, so it can't withstand the struggle and pull of two people. The boat tilted, and it was about to capsize. Feng Feili hugged Qin Luoyi into his arms, and said in a deep voice: "Junior sister, don't move!" , if you move again, it will flip over."

Qin Luoyi was stunned for a while, he never thought that Feng Feili would hug her, her pretty face was forced to be buried in his chest, her slender waist was tightly hugged, and the end of her nose was covered with his body. The smell of ambergris made her body weak for a while, and her chest heaved rapidly.

Steady behind the boat, Feng Feili helped her to sit down opposite her, and then quickly let go of her hand.

"Okay, don't do what you did just now, or you will have to turn over again." There was a faint teasing on the handsome and enchanting face.

Qin Luoyi's heart was beating violently, and he raised his eyes to look at him, but he happened to look into a pair of smiling peach blossom eyes.Hastily turned away his eyes and looked at the rippling lake.

The boat swung towards the lake, floating in the water to form circles of ripples, and suddenly thought of the lie that he was afraid of water, his complexion couldn't help changing, he didn't know whether to close his eyes and not look well, or take advantage of the big brother Unprepared to jump onto the shore of the lake, or simply pretend to be unconscious.

When he was hesitating how to respond so that he could realize his lie, suddenly a white palm like jade landed on her shoulder, patted her shoulder comfortingly, and said with a smile: "Junior sister, don't be afraid, Big brother is here."

Qin Luoyi's heart was shaken by the deep, seductive voice, and he almost fell off the boat.She simply closed her eyes, leaned her elbows on the edge of the boat, pursed her red lips tightly, and said nothing, her pretty face looked clear and bright under the sun.

Feng Feili's eyes dimmed, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips, dangerous and charming.

Liu Qingcheng was hidden behind a big tree in the far distance, her enchanting eyes flashed with cold anger, just now when she saw the big brother holding Qin Luoyi into his arms, she almost couldn't help it, rushed out and took the woman Tear it to shreds!
The boat continued to float towards the center of the lake. Even with his eyes closed, Qin Luoyi could still feel two scorching gazes lingering on her body. Such gazes made her heart palpitate and made her restless.

After a while, she slowly opened her eyes, stared at the water halo scattered in the distance for a while, then suddenly turned her head and smiled happily at Feng Feili: "Brother, it's all right, I found that I am no longer afraid It's water."

"Really? It will be over so soon?" Feng Feili raised her brows, clapped her hands and laughed evilly: "It seems that this method of fighting poison with poison is really good."

Qin Luoyi secretly laughed.

Fighting poison with poison, if someone is really afraid of water, if he forcefully lifts him into the middle of the water like this, he will be fainted too soon!

Before crossing, she had a very good friend who fell into the water when she was a child and almost died. Although she was rescued later, she suffered from the sequelae of being afraid of water. She didn't even dare to go near the swimming pool. I like to take a bath, so I bought an extra-large bathtub and put it in the toilet. On the first night of our wedding, I wanted to take a bath with my wife, but her friend rolled his eyes and passed out after getting into the water... Then their newlyweds The night was sadly spent in the hospital.

"Eldest brother, it's getting late, let's go."

Feng Feili looked at her expectant eyes, couldn't help but slightly hooked the corners of her lips, looked at the sky, and nodded in agreement.

Urging the boat with spiritual power, it quickly reached the shore.After finally finishing this tormenting lake tour, Qin Luoyi was in a good mood, with a charming and brilliant smile on his lips.

"There is a small town dozens of miles away from here. Let's rest in the small town tonight, and come back tomorrow... come a few more times, and you won't be afraid of water in the future." Feng Feili stood by her side , Staring at her excited face, said with a smile.

Qin Luoyi staggered and almost fell, the smile on his pretty face instantly froze.No way, come tomorrow?
The next morning, Feng Feili did as he said, and brought Qin Luoyi to the bank of the Yangtze Lake again, and spent a leisurely morning boating, in the name of helping her continue to overcome her fear of water and seasickness.

After eating at noon, Qin Luoyi, who was so shocked by Feng Feili's invisibly exuded charm, found a very lame reason to go, hid on the back mountain, and walked for a long time. Take a breath.

However, before she had time to appease the frantically beating darling, the big black that hadn't been seen all morning suddenly shot from a distance. Behind it, there were two slender figures, blue and white, guarding God Rainbow came chasing after him madly.

Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, and he straightened his back suddenly. The monks who can walk in the sky under the rainbow are at least the monks who have cultivated Xuanfu.

Seeing that Shenhong from behind was about to catch up with Dahei, Qin Luoyi moved his feet, leaped into the air, and stopped behind Dahei, with a sharp light in his phoenix eyes, staring closely at the two people who were chasing behind Dahei , the light green Sora dress fluttered in the wind, with a tuft around her waist, making her figure even more graceful and graceful, extremely beautiful.

Shenhong stopped a few meters away, one of them was a square-faced middle-aged man in green clothes with a serious expression, and the other was a young man in white clothes who looked very arrogant.

The young man in white looked at her, raised his head high, and said coldly, "You are the owner of this animal? You and this animal killed my sister more than half a month ago?"

Qin Luoyi was very upset when he said that he was a beast. His pretty face sank, he glanced at him coldly, and sneered with his red lips: " do you talk? And your sister is Who, why do you say we killed your sister!"

The evil spirit in the eyes of the man in white disappeared in a flash. After living for more than 20 years, the halo of genius has always shrouded him. Wherever he went, did he not hear praise, envy and flattery for him?Today, a girl who looks less than [-] years old and is only at the beginning of the martial arts is turning around and scolding animals here!

The anger in my heart was raging, I couldn't hold it anymore, and shouted angrily: "You dare to kill my Xiao Tian's sister, but you dare not admit it? Hmph, it's rare to see such a spirit beast growing up in Penglai Xiandao... If you don't admit it, I also know that you killed my sister, neither you nor this animal can escape today!" With a movement of his feet, he moved towards her with terrifying aura, and his sharp eyes were full of murderous intent .

A light flashed across Qin Luoyi's eyes. It turned out that this was Xiao Tian, ​​who was highly valued by Dongtian Paradise... Feng Mou stared at his angry face, and smiled: "I said I don't know your sister, you Don't rely on your own cultivation, just make a list of crimes for others, and kill innocent people indiscriminately... I'm not afraid of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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