Chapter 173
Dahei's face also changed, the poisonous gas on this centipede is too powerful, I'm afraid they will all die if they get a little bit on it.

Qin Luoyi was a little excited. If such a poisonous centipede was extracted from its body, it might be of great use.

Dahei was about to run, but Qin Luoyi stood still, staring at the big centipede with sparkling eyes. Dahei had no choice but to stop and stay by her side.


Before they got close, the black centipede spewed a black poisonous smoke towards them. Fortunately, Dahei and Qin Luoyi were already on guard, and they quickly avoided it with a movement.

The black centipede's attack failed, with an extremely angry expression on his face, and his body rushed towards them even faster, and when he got closer, he sprayed out another poisonous mist.

After doing this several times, Qin Luoyi figured out its strength, and cooperated with Dahei very tacitly. Dahei distracted its attention, and she threw out a fixed amulet while it was not paying attention, and then Holding a long sword, he bullied himself up, and with a single stroke of the sword, he chopped off its head, which was the size of a leather ball.

It struggled a couple of times, then stopped moving.

Qin Luoyi waited for a while longer to make sure that it was dead, then went up, put a pill bottle around its severed neck, and took many bottles of black venom. She also let go of the huge body, throwing it directly into the space of the bracelet.


Looking around, they didn't find anything unusual, Qin Luoyi and Dahei ran forward quickly again.

After they left, the reckless cow covered in blue scales suddenly appeared, looking at the messy ground and the ground dripping with black venom, his eyes flashed brightly: " can this one survive? The poisonous insects of ten thousand years have been killed, but I have underestimated you! But if you dare to trespass on my territory, you will only die!"

The figure flashed, and the huge body shot forward.

"This is Nether Grass, this is Seyun Fruit, this is Jiuhanxiang...haha, this is really a treasure land!"

Dahei walked carefully all the way, and after walking for another ten miles, he found a lot of spiritual plants that are also very rare on Penglai Xiandao. It is a place of right and wrong, dare not laugh out loud.

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes also shone faintly, and did not stop Dahei. There are many dangers under the lion and tiger cliff. In order to be able to get out as soon as possible, she will not go on a special treasure hunt, but this kind of thing that is under her nose should not be for nothing.

It's just that after Dahei picked more than a dozen bright red spiritual fruits from a tree several meters high, a huge figure appeared behind them, accompanied by an extremely powerful killing intent .

"The things here are all mine, and you dare to pick my things, I think you don't want to live!"

Dahei was so startled by the sound that he almost fell off the tree.

Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, and when he turned around, he saw the Mang Niu who had torn apart the giant python just now. At some point, he was already standing behind them, with a terrifying and fierce light shining in his eyes as big as copper bells.

Dahei leaped, jumped down from the tree, got the thing in his hand, but there was no reason to take it out, he stuffed it into his storage space, and then ran to Qin Luoyi, his whole body was tense, knowing that Now a fierce battle is inevitable.

However, after seeing its appearance clearly, the ferocious beast was stunned, a strange color flickered in its eyes, and then it glanced thoughtfully towards the north.

Qin Luoyi and Dahei, taking advantage of its distraction, suddenly rose into the air and attacked it.


The reckless ox covered in scales roared wildly, and its whip-like tail swept across, cutting off a piece of forest on the spot, causing the leaves to fly, and even Dahei was almost swept away by it.

Qin Luoyi threw out a tenth-order wind and thunder talisman, and with the sound of rolling thunder accompanied by huge spiritual power, he attacked the beast, trying to hit it with one blow.


The wind and thunder whizzed past, hitting Mang Niu's body heavily, but it was a pity that its skin was rough and fleshy, and it didn't leave any scars.

"Oh! Go to hell, you guys!"

The voice of anger with infinite killing intent made Qin Luoyi secretly startled. He didn't dare to underestimate the enemy. He pursed his thin lips, and with a thought, he summoned the puppet. An obsidian was quickly installed.

"Go! Kill it!" Her phoenix eyes were sharp, she pointed at the mad bull, and softly shouted at the puppet.

The puppet, who was originally unable to move at all, opened its eyes after the spar was placed on its body, the eyes were dark and cold, locked the direction, and rushed out without hesitation.



The mang ox was extremely ferocious, and the puppets didn't give way too much. The two sides fought fiercely together. In an instant, the surrounding area was filled with fog and clouds covered the sky.

"This puppet is really powerful!" After dozens of rounds of fighting, the puppet didn't land at all. Dahei couldn't help but exclaimed. He just stood at the formation and prevented himself from going in.

Thinking of the order Qin Luoyi gave him just now, a flash of inspiration flashed in its mind, and it instantly understood.At the beginning, the ancient clan's orders to the Holy Master were probably only to prevent him from killing people who crossed the formation, so he never stepped into the formation to kill people.Thinking of this, I couldn't help the cold sweat running down my back, and said to myself that I was lucky.

The mang cow has rough skin and thick flesh, and ordinary attacks can't leave scars on it. The puppet's resistance to blows is far behind him. After a quarter of an hour, the two sides fought in the dark, but there was still no winner.

Qin Luoyi pondered for a while, quietly sneaked behind Mang Niu, took out the centipede venom juice he had just obtained, and with the idea of ​​trying it out, he summoned his spiritual power and poured it over.Black smoke billowed from the invulnerable Mang Niu in an instant.

With one hit, Qin Luoyi was overjoyed.


Mang Niu screamed wildly, let go of his puppet, and rushed towards Qin Luoyi with a ruthless face.

Qin Luoyi backed away quickly, and poured out another bottle at the same time.It's just that this bottle not only missed it, but made Mang Niu even more mad.

While backing away, Qin Luoyi took out a tenth-rank immobilization amulet with the highest rank on his body without hesitation, and threw it at it.

Mang Niu's body froze, his limbs and body couldn't move for an instant, his expression became a little frightened, and he couldn't believe it.


Dahei was so excited that he rushed over and bit its neck. Unfortunately, it was too small for the mang ox. The neck instantly became dripping with blood.

The puppet fell from behind and stabbed it fiercely in the stomach. Qin Luoyi jumped over and stabbed it fiercely. Before he could make up another sword, the immobilization talisman had expired. Mang Niu moved his body, his eyes shot a fierce and crazy light, roared wildly, and rushed towards her again.

(End of this chapter)

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