Brother is too evil

Chapter 175 The Black Emperor's Queen

Chapter 175 The Black Emperor's Queen (2)
But just when her fingers were about to touch the Qiankun Clock, suddenly, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, which had been motionless in her Lingtai acupoint, suddenly shone brightly, and the claws placed on her head seemed to be scalded. , quickly retreated back.

"Damn it, what is that? It's so powerful?" Hei Di missed a single blow, and looked at Qin Luoyi with a suspicious expression.

But in a split second, the faint green light that suddenly emanated from her body when she was attacked by him has already dimmed, and there is no trace of strangeness. If the feeling just now is still fresh in the memory, it will think it was hallucinations.

Qin Luoyi didn't expect that at the critical moment, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead would react and save her own life. She couldn't help being surprised and happy, but facing the extremely powerful Hei Di at this moment, she didn't have time to think about it s reason.

After Hei Di was startled, a look of greed flashed across his big eyes, and he knew intuitively that it must be a treasure.

Slowly walking up to Qin Luoyi again, sized her up from head to toe, and decided to make another move, kill this human, and it will get the treasure.

Just when it stretched out its hand again, Dahei and the puppet finally arrived. Dahei saw a black figure, who actually made a move towards Qin Luoyi, and couldn't help being angry again, his eyes turned red.


It raised its head to the sky and let out a long roar, rushed over recklessly, waved its paws and rushed towards Hei Di.There was only one thought in his mind, Qin Luoyi was going to die!When Qin Luoyi died, it was also dead, and if it was going to die, it would drag its enemies to back it up!
But the puppet stood on the side, motionless, with dark eyes, looking at a corner of the sky... The figure of the mang ox stood there far away.

He was ordered to kill it, so the moment he saw Mang Niu, its dark eyes suddenly lit up, as if it had locked on to the target, and as soon as it moved, it rushed towards Mang Niu.


Qin Luoyi saw it from the corner of his eye, and hurriedly called him back. At this time, he went to find Mang Niu, that is, meat buns beating dogs, and he never returned.

Dahei's speed was very fast, but it was not as fast as Heidi's. Before it fell on Heidi, Heidi's claws fell on Qin Luoyi's body again.

Qin Luoyi tried, but there was still no way to move it away, so it was not in vain, he closed his eyes, and concentrated all his mind on the Lingtai acupoint.


But Dahei thought she was helplessly closing her eyes and waiting to die, and became even more angry. With a roar, the sharp claws finally landed on Heidi's body.


Just like last time, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, which had been quietly staying in the Lingtai Cave, suddenly became brighter, and violently shook the claws on Qin Luoyi's head away.

When Hei Di got angry, he didn't look back, shook his body, and threw away the thing that dared to grab his body.

"Big black!"

Qin Luoyi opened his eyes peacefully, but just in time to see Dahei being shaken out, his pretty face sank, and he rushed over.

Dahei was shaken far away and seriously injured, but it was not fatal. Qin Luoyi took out a healing pill and put it in its mouth. After feeling relieved, he realized that his natural feet could move.Overjoyed in his heart, he whispered to Dahei: "This thing is too powerful, we can't deal with it, let's go!"

The blood in Dahei's heart was churning violently, Qin Luoyi was fine, so it naturally didn't want to go all out, blinked, jumped up, followed Qin Luoyi, bypassed Heidi, and ran away into the distance, the puppet had already Recognizing Qin Luoyi as the master, he followed behind without Qin Luoyi's greeting.

Heidi's copper-bell-sized eyes watched their disappearing figures, and it took a while to react, and roared, "Don't go!"

Dahei was shaken by the sound, and ran faster. Qin Luoyi raised his slender hand, put the puppet into the bracelet, and then threw out two magic amulets, one for himself, one for Dahei, and two for Dahei. The figure swept forward like lightning.

It's just that they were fast, and Hei Di was even faster. In the blink of an eye, he chased after them and stopped in front of them, but this time it didn't even look at Qin Luoyi, and looked straight at Dahei.

Dahei was terrified by it, Qin Luoyi thought it was resenting Dahei's sneak attack on it just now, and with a movement of his body, he stood in front of Dahei, staring at it with cold eyes.

It's just that when she blocked, Hei Di was not happy. He gave her an extremely ferocious look, and shot twice in succession. He already knew that he couldn't hurt her, so he didn't want to slap her on the head this time. The gust of wind howled, directly blowing her several meters away, and then it moved its body, and stood in front of Dahei, looking at it with burning eyes.

Dahei is an ancient alien beast, Bi An. Ever since he saw this Hei Di who looked almost the same as it, Qin Luoyi knew that this was also a Bi An, but this one was bigger than Da Hei. For some, their cultivation base is also many times higher.

Fearing that it would be bad for Dahei, after she stood firm, she jumped over again, exchanged a look with Dahei, and was about to join forces to fight again and kill a bloody path, when the words that came out of Heidi's mouth were actually Let them be one person and one beast, and at the same time, they staggered and almost fell.

The corners of Qin Luoyi's mouth twitched, and he stared at Hei Di. Dahei's face was too hairy, and it was hard to see if he had cramps, but his expression was obviously very ugly.

"Are you male or female?"

Dahei didn't answer, but Heidi couldn't help it, and asked again, his eyes full of expectation.

"Wow, go to hell!" Dahei roared wildly, and a tyrannical palm wind suddenly swept out, attacking Heidi.

Hei Di easily dodged away, a sly look flashed in his eyes, and while Da Hei wasn't paying attention, he rushed over and knocked Da Hei to the ground.

"Haha, I've seen it even if you don't tell me, you are the mother!" Hei Di laughed wildly, almost dancing: "I, Hei Di, have been trapped here alone for 10,000+ years, haha, I finally have a companion today, I I decided to let you be my queen—from now on, you will be called the Black Emperor!"

Dahei got up quickly, his face turned green, and he didn't care about using any tricks, so he pounced on it and bit it violently.

Hei Di was not annoyed either, and looked at it with a smile, as if it was a mosquito bite without pain or itching, and let it flop around.

Qin Luoyi stroked his forehead, looking at the sky speechlessly.

Misty Sect.

Early in the morning, Duanmu Changqing jumped into Qin Luoyi's cave again. He was dressed in a white brocade robe, looking like a tree facing the wind, with a majestic aura, but his thin lips were tightly pursed, and he looked at Jing Jing thoughtfully. The swing set hanging there.

Since the day she left the customs, he hadn't seen her for two whole days. Jian Yuyan had been sent out of the Piaomiao sect two days ago because of Uncle Wu's temporary business, and she hadn't come back yet. When he went out, he was the one who saw her. As you can see, Qin Luoyi did not follow him.

(End of this chapter)

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