Brother is too evil

Chapter 188 A Dream Comes True

Chapter 188 A Dream Comes True (1)
Just about to undress and go to bed, a white figure suddenly opened the door and walked in. She was startled, put down her undressed hand hastily, turned around and saw that it was Duanmu Changqing who had just left.

Qin Luoyi became angry: "What are you doing here again?" He even ran into her inner room without any scruples.

Duanmu Changqing looked at her, his eyes were dark and scorching, and he walked over slowly.

The faint moonlight slanted in from the window, allowing him to clearly see the beauty in front of him. Her skin was as white as cream, her forehead was plump and smooth, her chin was sharp and round, her bright red lips were slightly pursed, and her phoenix eyes were as clear as autumn water, shining like Lang Xing, with a few traces of natural blush on his cheeks, it's really bright and gorgeous!
Duanmu Changqing didn't stop until he walked to Qin Luoyi's side, staring fixedly at her pretty face. Originally, he had a lot of things he wanted to say to her, but seeing the strong defense in her pitch-black phoenix eyes He had no choice but to sigh secretly and give up.

"You take this jade slip. If you encounter someone without eyes who dares to sneak up on you in the future, as long as you crush the jade slip, I will be able to lock your position and come quickly." He took out a crystal clear jade slip. Put it in Qin Luoyi's hand.

A strange look flashed across Qin Luoyi's eyes. Looking at his face, he wondered if it was because of the moonlight, but he felt that his cold expression looked extraordinarily gentle tonight, and the expression in his eyes was even more gentle. .

Blinking her eyes, a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of her lips, she would feel gentle to a man who was ready to take her own life at any time, what the hell!

"You barged into my room in the dark just to give me this jade slip?" Looking at the jade slip in his hand, Qin Luoyi raised his chin slightly, his expression becoming sneering.

He didn't stay here for a short time this afternoon, and he didn't give it up sooner or later, but he just took it out at this time, and she couldn't help but suspect his motives.

The corners of Duanmu Changqing's eyes twitched, and his eyes were untied a little on her, and he could clearly see the delicate collarbone turning around his neck, then he raised his head again, curled up the corners of his lips, an extremely charming look appeared on his handsome face With a smile, her evil eyes locked on her phoenix eyes, and her voice was low and hoarse: "Why do I hear this, I feel that my junior sister is very dissatisfied... Could it be that I, my senior brother, don't understand the style and disappoint my junior sister?"

While talking, he stretched out his fingers towards her, wanting to caress her face, and the words "Little Junior Sister" came out of his mouth, coupled with his wicked eyes and deep and hoarse voice, It makes people feel extremely ambiguous.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help trembling his heartstrings, cursed the evildoer secretly, quickly took a step back, stretched out his hand and quickly slapped his fingers that were obviously out of order, and said coldly: "The things have been delivered, you can go !"

"Hehe, Junior Sister, don't be angry, I'll just go!" Duanmu Changqing put his hands behind his back, chuckled nonchalantly, and took a deep look at her. With a movement of his body, he had already drifted away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. no trace.

Qin Luoyi didn't expect him to be dismissed so easily today, he was slightly taken aback, frowned and stared at the direction where he disappeared for a moment, then stepped forward to close the door heavily, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked at the jade in his hand under the moonlight. simple.

The jade slip is not big, just the size of a thumb, but when held in the hand, there is a warm feeling. The jade is delicate and crystal clear, and it is not ordinary at first glance... Pursing her red lips, the light in her phoenix eyes flashed away.She put the jade slip and the jade slip that Ouyang Ling gave last time together and put it away, humming softly.

Duanmu Changqing is already a monk of the Yufu, no matter what purpose he gave her the jade slip, with this jade slip, in the Misty Sect, she has a trump card to protect herself, as long as anyone who wants to plot against her If you want to do something again, without her asking, Duanmu Changqing will definitely deal with him or her more actively than her!
After all, her life is related to his future lifelong happiness... There was a smile on the corner of her pink lips. Although it was very immoral, she couldn't help but feel complacent, and secretly rejoiced. Duanmu Changqing has done such a good job, otherwise where would she find someone who is so considerate of herself, who values ​​her life more than her own?
He took off his coat and lay down on the bed. Because he was in a good mood, he quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, as soon as she opened the door, she saw Duanmu Changqing's handsome and slender figure standing outside the house, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and said with a crisp smile: "Second senior brother, good morning!"

Breaking into her room last night, seeing Qin Luoyi's alert face, Duanmu Changqing was already prepared to look at her cold face this morning, but he didn't expect to see her smiling face so early in the morning, he couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous. Flattered, my mood suddenly soared.

A smile appeared on the corners of his lips, which made his already handsome face even more handsome: "Morning...Yi'er, I went to the library to find a few books of secret striata, read them when you have time, maybe it will be a breakthrough for you." At the pinnacle of Martial Saints, cultivating Xuanfu is somewhat useful."

He raised his hand and handed her a few books. The paper was dark yellow, and it was very old at a glance.

The smile on Qin Luoyi's face was even stronger, and while reaching out to take it, he said with a smile: "Thank you, Second Senior Brother, for the secret striata carefully selected by Second Senior Brother, I will go back and take a good look at it, Junior Sister."

Haha, it's exactly the same as what she dreamed last night, it's unbelievable!

In the dream, Duanmu Changqing not only found many cultivation secrets for her, but also found many heavenly and earthly treasures for her to improve her cultivation as soon as possible. He will follow wherever he goes, just like a free bodyguard!

Looking at the bright smile on her face, Duanmu Changqing's heartbeat started to speed up, he took two deep breaths secretly, and then suppressed the strange urge to hold her tightly in his arms, maintained his demeanor and smiled slightly: "You Don't be too anxious, practice should be done step by step, you have just reached the peak of Martial Saint, take your time, you will definitely be able to cultivate Xuanfu, if you don't understand anything about those secret striata, just ask me. "

His voice was as warm as the spring breeze in March, and there was not even a trace of his usual coldness. Even though Qin Luoyi was surprised, his face did not show it at all.

"Since that's the case, I'm afraid I will have to bother the second senior brother in the future. At that time, the second senior brother shouldn't think my junior sister is dull and troublesome." Qin Luoyi said with a smile.

"Of course not." Duanmu Changqing's eyes became a little hot: "We are not far away, if you have any questions, you can come to me at any time."

It's just that he can't stay in the Piaomiao Sect forever, he wants to ask her to go with him again, and thinks that the relationship between the two of them has just eased, and he is afraid that if he speaks out, the relationship between the two of them will come to an impasse again, in his heart As soon as he pondered, he didn't say it.

Anyway, he won't leave for a while, and it will be the same after a while. At that time, Yi'er understood his intentions, and everything will fall into place.

(End of this chapter)

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