Brother is too evil

Chapter 192 The Power of the Stars

Chapter 192 The Power of the Stars (3)
It is reasonable to say that she has just started to practice now, absorbing the power of the stars, and she is still too early to be promoted... But God knows if she starts to absorb the power of the stars successfully, will there be any abnormalities in the Hunyuan Dzi in her body.

The person who plotted against her last time has not been found yet, but she was able to sneak into Yuqing Peak silently and put a note. If the person in the dark is not found, she is really worried.

But now that Hei Di wanted to stay here, it made it even more worried, stood up, flicked its tail a little impatiently, and stared at Hei Di with a dangerous gaze.

Hei Di smiled.

"I'm really curious why you chose to form a soul contract with her."

"I said it's none of your business!" Dahei became even more impatient.

"I'll go out after you say so." Hei Di raised his eyebrows and continued to smile.In the past two days, it has discovered that Dahei's body is injured, which hurts his life essence, so his cultivation base is so weak. If not, he might be able to compete with it.

It couldn't help being curious that a person whose cultivation level was not much lower than it actually formed a contract with such a weak human being.

They are of the Biyan clan, as ancient beasts, how noble is their bloodline?It's not that they didn't make contracts with humans before, but those were all invincible existences, and what they made was not a very unfair soul contract for beasts, but a life contract!

Dahei gritted his teeth, and his face became even more gloomy. After making a contract with Qin Luoyi, he was alone in an oolong. This is the eternal pain in his heart!
Walking towards Hei Di, the light in his eyes became extremely fierce, Hei Di felt the murderous aura on it, and laughed dryly.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, I'll just ask casually."

Then he raised the storage ring on his paw, and said with a giggle: "I have a discussion with you, as long as you agree, I will share some of the things here with you."

There was a flash of light in Dahei's eyes, and he snorted coldly, "What's the matter?"

Hei Di looked at it, then looked at Qin Luoyi, and said: "She has the space of the bracelet, and can lead us through the strange space restriction under the Lion and Tiger Cliff, as long as she can take me down, and then Bring me up, and I'll give you half of these things, how about it?"

Hei Di's eyes filled with anticipation.

Dahei was excited, but he sneered and said, "You want to get the treasure under the lion and tiger cliff?"

Hei Di chuckled and did not deny it.

"It's only half for me, you want to go down and get your baby, you're dreaming!"

Dahei said coldly, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

This black emperor has lived down here for at least 10 years, and has been dominating the bottom. In the past 10,000+ years, the treasures below have won, and I don’t know how much they got. If they want to get half of the things in the storage ring, they will get rid of it. No, there are no doors!
"Then what do you want?" Hei Di's expression was also a little ugly, and he asked sullenly.

"It's not that bad, naturally I get half of the things in your hands, and you also get half of the things brought up from below, otherwise it's out of the question!" Dahei pursed his lips and said.

"You!" Hei Di was extremely angry, this lion's mouth is really wide open, it even wants the baby under itself! "Impossible, at most I will give you everything in this storage ring."

It flatly refused.

Dahei didn't take it seriously either: "You keep it for yourself, I don't want it anymore." He turned around and left the room inadvertently.

Hei Di was so angry that his chest heaved violently. He looked at Dahei who was walking out, and then at Qin Luoyi. He really wanted to take off the bracelet from Qin Luoyi's hand, and then go down with a random disciple of the Piaomiao Sect.

However, this thought was only fleeting, and it quickly gave up.

Qin Luoyi is the closed disciple of the head of the Piaomiao Sect. He robbed her of something, and it is such a heaven-defying thing. Maybe it will confront the entire Piaomiao Sect. It is not afraid to come to it one by one, but if it attacks it in groups , coupled with Piaomiaozong's sect-protecting formation, it is dangerous.

After stomping its feet, it followed Dahei out, approached it, put on a close-up, and hoped that Dahei's heart would not be so dark.

In the next few days, Dahei never left Yuqing Peak. Although he didn't return to Qin Luoyi's side, he was always paying attention to everything about Qin Luoyi.

The Hunyuan Dzi Bead on Qin Luoyi's body has not changed at all, it expresses joy on the one hand and worry on the other.

The joy is that there is no change, and the Heidi and the unruly people hiding in the dark will not be noticed. The worry is... Several days have passed, has Qin Luoyi not been able to absorb the power of the stars?
If her physique really can't absorb the power of the stars, then there will be big troubles in the future.

As a strange beast, even if its life essence is damaged and its cultivation level is less than one-fifth of what it was before, its lifespan is extremely long. It is not a problem to live for 10 years like Heidi.

But if Qin Luoyi can't absorb the power of the stars and cultivate the Profound Palace, then she can live up to five hundred years old, which also means that it can only live five hundred years old!
500 years may be a long time for mortals, but for them, it just flies by!
The more time passes, the more anxious it becomes.

Hei Di noticed its anxiety and saw it looking at Qin Luoyi's residence from time to time, so he couldn't help but sneer.

"She has only practiced for a few days. What are you in such a hurry for? It is normal for some people to spend several years, ten years or even hundreds of years to cultivate the Profound Palace."

From its point of view, Dahei was simply worrying for nothing.

"What do you know!" Dahei said angrily.

It wasn't it that formed the soul contract with Qin Luoyi, of course it didn't hurt its back when it stood and talked.

Hei Di is speechless, is it comforting it, okay?
Dahei stared at it with staring eyes, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he smiled maliciously: "Well, you also form a contract with her, and she will definitely be willing to take you down to get your baby."

"You think I'm as stupid as you." Hei Di rolled his eyes and snorted coldly.

"You don't need a soul contract, you can form a life contract with it." Dahei still didn't give up.

If Qin Luoyi really couldn't absorb the power of the stars, it would pull this bastard as a backing, and it would be inevitable that it would not take out many treasures for Qin Luoyi to use.

"Natural contract doesn't work either, so don't waste your time." Hei Di glanced at it and said, "Then why should the girl make a contract with me? Let me form a contract with her, it's better to let me hit her head to death!"

"Then get out, don't be an eyesore to me!" Dahei was furious, and slapped his paw towards it.

It's just that with its cultivation base, of course it can't hurt Hei Di now, Hei Di dodged easily.

Dahei's worries are indeed superfluous. Qin Luoyi was able to absorb the power of the stars after just two days of practice. Although it was small, it at least proved that her physique was capable of continuing to practice.

On the third day, the green beads in her altar began to glow, and the emerald green light illuminated every corner of her altar, and then the speed at which she absorbed the power of the stars began to accelerate, from a little bit at the beginning. The imperceptible luster later converged into tiny silk threads. It is conservatively estimated that the speed is at least ten times faster!
(End of this chapter)

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