Brother is too evil

Chapter 194 The real murderer behind the scenes

Chapter 194 The real murderer behind the scenes (2)
It's just that the master and the master master kept silent about how many grades of elixir she could refine. Liu Qingcheng asked a few times, but they all laughed it off, obviously wanting to keep it a secret.

Seeing their astonished and unbelievable expressions, Qin Luoyi smiled, nodded and admitted, Mingyan's face was calm and calm, and she was not overly proud because of this.

Duanmu Changqing looked at her more softly, and the golden sunlight shone on him, making his slender figure look more handsome and tall, as rich as jade.

Liu Qingcheng's chest heaved violently, and she secretly gritted her silver teeth in anger.Unexpectedly, in Zongli, Duanmu Changqing, who is notoriously ruthless, also looked at this woman differently.

Before Qin Luoyi came to Piaomiao Sect, his cultivation talent was definitely second to none among all the female disciples in the sect. Wherever he went, there were countless envious eyes following him, but now... Qin Luoyi It took half a month to use the "Supreme Sutra" to cultivate the power of the stars. Thinking that she would definitely replace her in the future and be looked up to and envied by others, she had the urge to vomit blood.

"Junior Sister, Master said that he will leave Piao Miao Sect early tomorrow morning, and let you prepare early." Rong Yunhe said with a smile.

In fact, the original words of the master are, if Qin Luoyi quits cultivation, she will leave early tomorrow morning, if not, she will wait another two days. Cultivation is not good.

Because of the storage ring, Qin Luoyi didn't have anything to tidy up and prepare. All the frequently used things were stored in the storage ring.

After Liu Qingcheng and Rong Yunhe left, Qin Luoyi went to the main peak to meet his master.Duanmu Changqing walks together.

Knowing that Qin Luoyi has been able to absorb the power of the stars, and that he is practicing the "Supreme Sutra", Sect Leader Ge is very happy.

After reciting Duanmu Changqing, Qin Luoyi told the master about the strange phenomenon after she absorbed the power of the stars, thinking that the master has lived for thousands of years and is the master of a sect, so he may be able to solve her doubts .

As a result, it was the first time Head Ge had heard of such a thing, so he immediately mobilized his spiritual power and observed her body with his spiritual sense.Qin Luoyi's dantian really didn't have the power of a star.

Walking around in the house and meditating for a long time, she couldn't find the answer, so she could only let her continue to practice. Maybe after a long time, after absorbing more power from the stars, it would be able to condense in the dantian.He also guessed that such a situation might have something to do with the Hunyuan Dzi in her body.

"Hunyuan Dzi can help people absorb the power of the stars, and there are extremely unusual phenomena when they are promoted. As for whether they are like you when they practice, the power of the stars will be absorbed in the internal organs. I know, after all, the people who got this bead in the past are no longer there, so if I want to inquire about it, I'm afraid there will be many difficulties."

Qin Luoyi was a little disappointed, even his own master didn't know why this happened.Now we can only take one step at a time.

Back in Yuqing Peak's house, Dahei looked extremely excited, with unconcealable pride in the corners of his eyes and brows.In contrast, Hei Di looked a little downcast.

"Hurry up, hurry up and swear, or we will leave tomorrow." Dahei urged Heidi with a smile.

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows curiously and asked silently.

Dahei shook his head and said proudly: "It wants you to take it down to Shihuya to get its treasure, but we can't take it down for nothing, can't we? We discussed it. If you take it down, it will take the storage ring Give it back to us, and then swear with the heart demon that it will not be taken back again, and it must be protected by our side for ten years, and it must not refuse when it needs help."

Originally, it wanted to keep the Black Emperor for 30 to 30 years, but now that Qin Luoyi is able to absorb the power of the stars, and with the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on his body, in [-] to [-] years, he might be able to cultivate Yufu Zi With the Black Emperor by his side, in case the vision of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead was discovered when it was promoted, they would have one more helper.

But Hei Di disagreed with life and death, and almost fought with it, and only agreed to protect them for ten years.

Although it is far from its original intention, it can still accept it. Moreover, although it cannot get the treasure under it, they are naturally sensitive to treasures. In the next ten years, it will definitely make full use of it. Little by little, let Qin Luoyi take Hei Di to travel all over Penglai Immortal Island and Tianxuan Continent, and sweep away all the treasures that can be looted on these two continents!
Qin Luoyi was a little surprised, and more surprised.Unexpectedly, Dahei reached such an agreement with Heidi.

Regardless of whether it is a human monk or a beast, if you swear by your inner demon, you must abide by it, otherwise it will be fulfilled, and demonic obstacles will arise everywhere, and you will definitely go crazy when you practice, and your cultivation base will be useless from then on.Such an agreement is neither beneficial nor harmful to her.

Under Dahei's urging, the Hei Emperor reluctantly swore an oath with the Heart Demon.

Qin Luoyi glanced at Dahei approvingly, and Dahei happily handed over the storage ring to her, because the object of the Heidi's heart demon oath was Qin Luoyi, he held it in his hand, and Heidi snatched it away, Not bound by the oath of the heart demon, and what's more, if these spiritual plants are taken like this, the effect will be greatly reduced. If they are refined into pills, the effect will be infinitely better.

The things were also given, and the vows were made, Qin Luoyi simply went to get the spar on the lion and tiger cliff that could be crushed and returned.

The person in charge of the spar is a cultivator from the Xuanfu, and Qin Luoyi knows him. In the Piaomiao Sect, there is probably no one who does not know the closed disciple who is the head of the sect.Martial sage's cultivation base fell under the lion and tiger cliff, and there was still no place to teleport the formation. After two or three days, she was found alive. She created a miracle for countless years!
When he handed the spar to Qin Luoyi, he had a suspicious and worried expression on his face.

Qin Luoyi explained inadvertently that she had dropped something, and she wanted to go down and get it back.Then he jumped into the lion and tiger.

Of course, Dahei and Heidi had already been put into the bracelet space by her in advance.In the Piaomiao Sect, except for Duanmu Changqing, Master and Uncle Wu, who knew that Heidi was brought up from Shihuya with a bracelet, the rest of the people only thought that Heidi was Dahei's friend, and they came to Piaomiaozong to find Dahei. black.

Qin Luoyi descended from the sky, with Heidi and Dahei at his side, and Shihuya Xia suddenly boiled.

Mang Niu was circling Hei Di's treasury, when he saw Hei Di come back, his face turned green first, and then he greeted him with great joy.

Hei Di put all kinds of spiritual plants, spiritual fruits, and crystals in the treasury into the storage ring that he carried with him, and walked around under Shihuya again.

There is no need for it to speak, every time it goes to a place, just glance around with its eyes, there will be a huge beast take the initiative to leave it for half a month, the treasure that the Hei Emperor expressly forbids to be picked and dug is handed over, covered in sweat Like rain, for fear that Hei Di would be upset, he would let them be wiped out, and his mind and soul would be scattered.

The things that can be seen by the Hei Di are the best of the best. Others that are slightly inferior, or immature spiritual fruits, and younger spiritual plants, Hei Di naturally despises them. Those things, It has been allowed to be used by other beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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