Brother is too evil

Chapter 197 Brown Candy Yan Nantian

Chapter 197 Brown Candy Yan Nantian (1)
"What? Impossible!" Xiao Tian was shocked, his face full of disbelief: "My father told me that a devil in red clothes captured him, and he was rescued by people from the Paradise of Heaven!"

Duanmu Changqing's mocking smile grew stronger.

Xiao Tian was stunned, then his body kneeling on the ground softened, and he closed his eyes tightly, with a pained and regretful expression. After a while, he opened his eyes, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but finally gave up again. He lowered his head dejectedly.

Qin Luoyi pursed his thin lips tightly, his eyes were sharp, Xiao order to harm himself, he did everything he could, fortunately he was already dead.

It's just...she glanced at Xiao Tian, ​​who was kneeling on the ground, with a thoughtful expression.The people from Dongtianfudi arrested his father, then let him go, and acted like they rescued him. Those who want to know about the grievances between her and the Xiao family, and even those who know that Xiao Tian sent someone to Piaomiaozong to plot against him, must It's already quite a lot, Xiao Tian hasn't returned to the Paradise of the Paradise for a long time, the movement of her coming up from the Shihu Cliff is not small, I am afraid that the people in the Paradise of the Paradise have already guessed that Xiao Tian and his senior brother are dead. People, you have to be extra careful.

"It's a big taboo for the disciples of the Piaomiao sect to plot against fellow sects. Master said, you can deal with him as you like." Duanmu Changqing said.

Xiao Tian's body trembled.

Qin Luoyi stared at him for a moment, then chuckled and said, "I don't want to be lynched either, so that's fine, let him be handed over to the Law Hall."

The other two participants in the Jinding Mountain Alchemist Competition were disciples of the ninth-rank alchemist Elder Jiang, one named Wen Lingtian and the other named Bai Che.Both of them are Xuanfu monks, they are not very old, both under two hundred years old, because they have been dealing with pills for many years, they both have a smell of pills on their bodies.

Perhaps it was because they were young enough to be able to refine seven or eighth-rank elixir, which was highly respected in the Piao Miao Sect, and the two of them carried a sense of superiority and arrogance in their behavior and speech.Of course, this is for other disciples, for Uncle Wu, Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan, both of them have a very good attitude.

There is still one and a half months before the start of the Jinding Mountain Competition. There is plenty of time, and because crossing the void consumes too much spar, Uncle Wu did not cross the void, but took Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan with Shenhong. Bai Che is already a cultivator of Xuanfu, and he can drive Shenhong.

Watching them leave Piaomiaozong, Liu Qingcheng's enchanting figure came out of the cave, and stood on the Rising Sun Peak, with a cold smile on his lips and strong evil spirit in his eyes.

"Uncle Liu, it's not good. Senior Brother Xiao was arrested by Senior Uncle Duanmu. Uncle Duanmu knew that it was Senior Brother Xiao who wrote the note, which caused Uncle Qin to fall to the cliff of Lion and Tiger, so he sent Senior Brother Xiao When we arrived at the Law Enforcement Hall, the people in the Law Enforcement Hall will send Senior Brother Xiao to Shihuya for five days, Senior Brother Liu, please save Senior Brother Xiao!" Yu Qingyan ran up the Rising Sun Peak panting, her expression flustered.

"What? Xiao Tian was caught?" Liu Qingcheng's expression was startled, and he stared at Yu Qingyan sternly: "Did he say anything that shouldn't be said?"

"No." Yu Qingyan turned pale with fright at her abnormally cold expression, and quickly shook her head: "Senior Brother Xiao didn't say anything, he took care of everything by himself."

Hearing this, Liu Qingcheng felt relieved, blinked, and her eyes that were cold and flickering brightly returned to their usual enchanting, stepped forward and patted Yu Qingyan on the shoulder, signaling her not to worry: "Go and tell him, as long as he doesn't say If I shouldn't say it, I will find a way to save his life."

Yu Qingyan was overjoyed, a stone fell to the ground in her heart, she hurriedly said: "Thank you, Master Liu." Before coming, what she was most worried about was that Master Liu would leave him alone, and that would be bad luck for Senior Brother Xiao.

Liu Qingcheng seemed to know what she was thinking, curled her lips, smiled on her beautiful face, and said meaningfully: "You do things for me, and I naturally won't leave you alone. From now on, as long as you do what I say If you do it, your benefits will always be indispensable."

"Everything is up to my uncle's orders." Yu Qingyan expressed her attitude in a hurry, with a respectful and courteous fawning expression.

Liu Qingcheng is a direct disciple of the Liu family, one of the seven super families in the Xuantian Continent. The Liu family is powerful. Liu Qingcheng is extremely talented in cultivation, and is extremely valued in the family. Following her is equivalent to following the Liu family. It is something that monks can only dream of.

This is also the reason why she and Senior Brother Xiao disregarded the danger and followed her instructions to frame Senior Uncle Qin. It's a pity that Qin Luoyi was so fateful that he fell to Shihu Cliff for two days and did not die.

For more than a year, she and Senior Brother Xiao have gained a lot of benefits by following Senior Uncle Liu and working for Uncle Liu, and their cultivation base has improved a lot.

"The disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall said... Senior Brother Xiao was punished to spend five days in Shihuya. If he is destined to come up, he will no longer be a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect. The Piaomiao Sect has expelled him from the sect." Yu Qingyan said again Another piece of news that was heard came out.

This time, Senior Brother Xiao framed his fellow disciples, and the crime he committed was very serious. There is no doubt that he was expelled from the sect. She is only worried now that even if Senior Brother Xiao is rescued from Shihuya by Senior Uncle Liu, Senior Uncle Duanmu and Uncle Qin will also die. They won't let him go. By that time, he will no longer be a disciple of Piao Miao Sect, and he will offend Master Qin to death. With their current cultivation, they can crush him to death with just a single finger.

"Expelled from the school?" Liu Qingcheng smiled enchantingly: "It's just right, our Liu family just happens to be recruiting a group of disciples this year, you go and tell him, as long as he doesn't say anything he shouldn't say, I will go to him and send him to the Liu family. Let him be the core disciple of the Liu family."

Yu Qingyan was overjoyed and thanked Xiao Tian again.

As one of the seven super aristocratic families in Xuantian Continent, the Liu family has huge power and profound heritage, and compared to the Piao Miao Sect, they are not too shy.

They have no backs, and their cultivation talents are not very outstanding. Originally, they wanted to join the Liu family, but it was extremely difficult, and it was even more difficult to enter the Liu family to become core disciples.Senior Brother Xiao arrived at Liu's house, and Senior Uncle Liu took care of him. As long as he can get out of Shihuya smoothly, it will be considered a blessing in disguise.

"Qin Luoyi... Hehe, so what if you know how to make alchemy, so what if you used the "Supreme Sutra" to cultivate the power of the stars in half a month? You actually want to participate in the alchemist conference, I will definitely let you go forever !" Liu Qingcheng raised his chin slightly, looked at the direction where Qin Luoyi disappeared, and smiled like a spring breeze, but there was a flash of unfathomable coldness in his eyes.

Dare to seduce her elder brother and steal her limelight, Qin Luoyi... must die!
Yu Qingyan blinked, and a cold light flickered in her eyes.Because of Jian Yuyan's matter, they offended Master Qin, and Master Liu was determined to kill Master Qin, so she was naturally happy to see it happen.

Jinding Mountain is in the extreme north of Penglai Continent, separated by millions of miles from the Piaomiao Sect. As a cultivator of Zifu, Master Wu is extremely fast, but even so, it took nearly a month to reach the vicinity of Jinding Mountain .

(End of this chapter)

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