Brother is too evil

Chapter 202: Shocking Gambling Game

Chapter 202: Shocking Gambling Game (1)
"God, that's an ancient alien beast, Bi An!" Some of the well-informed ones finally recognized Dahei and Heidi as ancient alien beasts.

The entire Yuelai Building was in an uproar, and everyone looked at them with sparkling eyes. Ancient alien beasts are extremely rare in Penglai Xiandao.If the contract can be made, one's combat power will definitely increase a lot in the future.

It's just that Dahei just slapped Qi Yun downstairs, causing him to be seriously injured. Although everyone was tempted, no one took the lead in acting rashly. They wanted to find out why these two ancient beasts appeared In this Yuelai Building, they still ridiculed Murong Jue endlessly.

"Senior Brother Qi!"

The two women standing beside Murong Jue paled in shock, jumped down from the window, helped Qi Yun who fell to the ground in a panic, and fed him a healing elixir.

But Murong Jue didn't go down, evil spirit shot out of his cold eyes, after knowing that these were two ancient strange beasts, surprise and calculation flashed in his eyes quickly, ready to seize the opportunity to tame them and use them for his own use.

Just about to make trouble, Qin Luoyi stood up suddenly, patted Dahei's head to pretend to be worried, and said, "Dahei, are you okay, are you injured?" While talking, he carefully looked at his body.

"What, those two ancient beasts belong to her?" Yue came upstairs, and there was another exclamation.

Qin Luoyi is the closed disciple of the head of the Piaomiao Sect. This time, Wu Shan, who protected his disciples to participate in the alchemy competition, is unpredictable, and together with the members of the alchemist guild, he is the referee of this competition... Hei and Heidi, those who wanted to do something, instantly gave up their thoughts.

Then seeing Qin Luoyi looking and touching the strange beast very worriedly, he couldn't help laughing to himself.

The injured one was obviously Qi Yun from Paradise of Paradise, but she didn't even look at it, and she didn't know if she didn't know Murong Jue and his party, or she clearly didn't take Paradise of Paradise seriously.

The corners of Yan Nantian's mouth twitched, Xie Si's eyes could not help but smile, only then did he realize that these two ancient beasts belonged to Qin Luoyi.

Qi Yunhui was photographed downstairs by Dahei, but Jian Yuyan was not surprised. With the body cleansing technique, the hand that had peeled off the crab shell instantly became slender and clean. He stood up and stood beside Qin Luoyi. You are extraordinary, but there is a flash of icy coldness in the dark eyes.

Murong Jue also understood, looked at Dahei with cold eyes, and then fell on Qin Luoyi, wanting to explode on the spot, but when he saw Yan Nantian beside Qin Luoyi, he had no choice but to hold back, Yan Nantian has been in trouble for half a month. Come on, I am very interested in Qin Luoyi, and pursue it with all my strength, many people know this.

It's fine if it's someone else, Yan Nantian is the young master of the Moon-chasing Pavilion. Although Dongtian Fudi is not afraid of the Moon-chasing Pavilion, he will not easily make enemies with the Moon-chasing Pavilion. Before he finds out how much Yan Nantian values ​​Qin Luoyi , he will not do it in public.

Qi Yun, who was in a mess, was quickly helped up by two girls. Seeing Qin Luoyi and Dahei kissing each other, he pointed at Qin Luoyi and shouted angrily: "So these two spiritual pets are yours... How dare you instruct them to attack me!"

Qin Luoyi raised his eyes and glanced at him casually, and said lightly: "I ordered them to attack you? Are you wrong? The eyes of the hundreds of people upstairs in Yuelai have seen it just now. It was you who first Shot against Dahei."

Qi Yun's heart froze, and blood escaped from the corner of his lips that had just stopped the blood.

Murong Jue's eyes flashed, he turned around and shouted at him: "Junior Brother Qi, shut up."

Then he turned his head and said sincerely to Qin Luoyi: "Miss Qin, my younger brother is young and ignorant, with a straightforward personality. He only knows how to practice and rarely walks around. If there is any offense, please forgive me, don't Comparing with him."

Qin Luoyi's eyes fell on him, knowing that he wanted to be a good person in front of the monks in the world, so naturally he couldn't let him focus on his beauty, so he also curled his lips and smiled lightly: "My Dahei has a bad temper, as long as Tell Junior Brother not to take it to heart, I naturally have nothing to compare with."

Anyway, it's not Dahei who suffers.

Dahei left Qin Luoyi's side, ran to Qi Yun's side and turned around twice, he laughed maliciously and said, "Why did you attack me, am I wrong? The result of the game hasn't come out yet, how do you know that you are I’m sure I’ll be able to go in, it’s really shameless.”

The smile on Murong Jue's face couldn't hold back any longer, he felt that the beast was kicking its nose on its face, and really wanted to slap it to death.

Qi Yun didn't expect that he would suffer a loss today. Senior brother Murong, who was always good to him, not only failed to avenge him, but also took the initiative to bow his head to make amends, making this animal even more presumptuous, and he couldn't help being very wronged.

A cold light flashed in Murong Jue's eyes, but the speed was extremely fast, and he quickly disappeared without waiting for anyone to see clearly.

Pull Qi Yun behind him and stand still - he was really afraid that Dahei's palm would slap Qi Yun down again, and if he went down again, even if he had the healing pill he refined, Qi Yun would not go back to the teacher's door and lie down for half a year. I'm afraid I won't be able to get up.

He winked secretly at Qi Yun, and when he looked at everyone upstairs in Yuelai, a sense of arrogance emanated from him: "All of us alchemists want to enter the ice field, in order to wait for this The ice field is open, I have been preparing for nearly a hundred years, to enter the ice field - I am determined to win!"

"Cut, anyone can say that." Dahei laughed and said, "You said you would definitely be able to get in, and I also said she would definitely be able to get in." Hei paw pointed at Qin Luoyi, also with a proud expression on his face.

"Her? How can you compare with my senior brother!" Qi Yun snorted coldly, looking at Qin Luoyi with disdain in his eyes.

"You don't believe me, why don't we take a gamble?" Dahei chuckled, staring at the depths of his eyes full of calculations.

The people in Dongtianfudi dared to design it, and forced it and Qin Luoyi to live under Shihuya. Xiao Tian and that senior brother Gao died, so this account can only be credited to Dongtianfudi. If you start to attack it, you will naturally teach them a lesson.

"Gambling?" Qi Yun said with a sneer: "If you lose your two pets and follow us, we will bet with you!"

Hearing the discussion upstairs, he already knew that these two beasts were not spiritual pets, but ancient holy beasts that could grow very powerfully after countless years.

Dahei was furious, he dared to say that it was a spiritual pet, and even wanted to play tricks on it... There really is no good thing in the heaven and earth!

Not only Dahei was angry, but Heidi, who was standing on the sidelines casually watching the fun, also had a strong murderous look in his eyes. He wanted to slap him to death, but felt that it was too cheap for him. He wanted to keep this person and torture him slowly .

Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan stood side by side, handsome men and women, like a beautiful scenery, both of them had faint smiles on their lips, no one spoke when they looked at Dahei.

"Want to bet on us? Let us go with you... Then you have to show some sincerity!" Before Dahei could speak, Heidi looked at Qi Yun and Murongjue and said first: "I heard that you have a purple furnace , you are going to lose, give us the Purple Stove, and we will bet."

(End of this chapter)

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