Brother is too evil

Chapter 204: One Match

Chapter 204 A Showdown (1)
"Murongjue is an alchemist, you actually want to give him medicine... What kind of medicine are you going to give him?" Qin Luoyi leaned on the trunk of a big tree, looking at him playfully, with delicate black long hair. Her hair was gently brushed behind her head, her eyes were flowing, her skin was as white as jade, it was really beautiful and moving.

Staring at her unintentionally exuding a different kind of seductive style, Yan Nantian's heart beat a little out of control, he blinked, then put his hands on both sides of the big tree she was leaning on, and wrapped Qin Luoyi ambiguously on his chest , leaned close to her and said in a low hoarse voice: "Junior Sister Qin, you are still thoughtful, ordinary medicine will definitely not work, why don't I do it?"

Because he was too close, his scorching breath blew on Qin Luoyi's face. Qin Luoyi was a little speechless, and pushed him away: "Do him? I think you should save your energy, you just You have so little confidence in me that you think I will lose to him?"

Now that he is Murong Jue, an idiot would guess that it has something to do with her.

Yan Nantian, who was pushed away by her, took advantage of the opportunity to lean against the tree trunk she was leaning on just now, feeling that the air was filled with her delicate fragrance.I couldn't help but took a deep breath, looked at her affectionately, and said charmingly: "Of course I have confidence in you, but I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

"There is no chance, the purple stove will be mine." Qin Luoyi raised his chin slightly, his bright eyes looked forward, and he smiled like a flower blooming in spring dawn.

Yan Nantian's heart that had finally calmed down suddenly started beating wildly again. He felt that standing in front of her at this moment, Qin Luoyi, who was dressed in red, was like a fairy who fell into the mortal world from the sky. He had seen those women before. It can't compare with her... No, it can't even match one of her fingers.

"Yes, that purple stove is yours." Yan Nantian fixed his eyes on her face, his eyes were so hot that they seemed to melt her.I swore in my heart that even if she lost, I would try my best to snatch Zihuolu back for her.

"It was originally mine." Qin Luoyi felt uncomfortable under his fiery gaze. She was not interested in getting involved with a flirtatious playboy. She originally made up her mind to keep a distance from him, but unfortunately he It was like a piece of brown candy, and it stuck to it after a little carelessness. Fortunately, he didn't do anything excessive, otherwise he would have asked Dahei and Heidi to do it and shoot him away.

"That's all you asked me for? It's okay, I'm leaving." Qin Luoyi turned around and walked down the mountain.

Yan Nantian managed to find her out to be alone with him. He knew that she was going to make alchemy tomorrow, so she should rest early and adjust to the best condition, but he really couldn't bear her to leave like this.With a movement of her feet, she immediately stopped in front of her, and said with a smile: "Junior Sister Qin, after this alchemist competition, you and I will go back to the Yueyue Pavilion, okay?"

"Not good." Qin Luoyi refused without hesitation.

Yan Nantian stretched out his hand to pull her, but Qin Luoyi was on guard and quickly passed him by.He was a little annoyed, but he was afraid of offending the beauty, so he didn't dare to act recklessly, sighed secretly, and quickly followed up from behind.

After sending Qin Luoyi back to the Piaomiaozong's camp, Yan Nantian also returned to the Zhaixinglou camp.

After the two of them disappeared, a slender black figure came out from the darkness, pursing his thin lips, his handsome face was expressionless, it was Jian Yuyan who had been restless since Qin Luoyi went out with Yan Nantian .

He had been waiting here for half an hour, and when he decided to go up the mountain to find them, Qin Luoyi finally came back.

"Yi'er, what should I do with you?"

Jian Yuyan looked at the position of Piaomiaozong's tent, murmured in a low voice, in the dark eyes, there was an indelible tenderness.

He likes her, and from the first time he saw her, he had an unspeakable affection for her, but it's a pity that his love has always been hard to express in his heart.

The first time he was on Shenglong Continent was because of her marriage contract with Murong Xiu. At that time, he could only tightly suppress his inner emotions.

After finally ushering in Shuguang, Qin Luoyi joined Penglai Xiandao, and the engagement between the two was successfully terminated. He thought he could express his love to her...Unfortunately, he did not succeed in worshiping the head of Ge. Under the sect, he only became a registered disciple of Penglai Xiandao.

Qin Luoyi follows Sect Leader Ge, and his future achievements will be limitless. Although he knows that he will not be a registered disciple forever and has the confidence to become stronger, it will take time. Before he becomes stronger, if he follows Qin Luo Together, Qin Luoyi will definitely bear many strange looks.These... are what he doesn't want to see.

Accidentally joined the master's door, which made him ecstatic, so he practiced hard, wanted to become stronger, and then he could justifiably stand by her side, but he ignored it, Yi'er's beautiful clothes are good, he is not the only one can see.

Yan Nantian's appearance made him question his decision for the first time. If he doesn't express his feelings to Yi'er, in the future, even if he comes back stronger, Yi'er may already have someone else in his heart!Such a thing, just thinking about it, made him unbearable.

"Yi'er, you are mine."

After a long time, a flash of determination flashed in his dark eyes, and he decided not to suppress his emotions anymore. After the game, he immediately expressed his heart to Qin Luoyi, and he could not wait any longer.

the next day.

The sun is rising in the east, and above the main peak of Jinding Mountain, which is full of aura, there are countless rays of morning glow.

Amidst the melodious bell, the third round officially started.

Because of the big bet with Murong Jue, Qin Luoyi became famous overnight.

There are more people watching the game than yesterday, and everyone's eyes are on Qin Luoyi and Murongjue. Of course, in comparison, there are more people paying attention to Qin Luoyi, because everyone wants to know her status. How good alchemy is, how dare he make such a bet with Murong Jue.

Qin Luoyi and Murong Jue were betting, and there was also a big bet off the court, betting whether Murong Jue would win or Qin Luoyi would win the final victory.

The most people think that Murong Jue can win, the shadow of a famous tree, Qin Luoyi is only a ten-year-old girl, no matter how good alchemy is, it is impossible to reach Murong Jue's realm, many people feel sorry for her, that is The two ancient beasts obviously belonged to her, but because of a momentary carelessness, they were about to become a paradise.

Looking at the handsome face of Wu Shan on the high platform, it was so cold that it made people feel chills. It was completely different from yesterday when he was always smiling. Those people were even more sure that Qin Luoyi would lose this time. Routong will lose two ancient alien beasts.

The gambling game is very polarized, too many people buy Murong Jue to win, and too few people buy Qin Luoyi to win—they are just some people who are not used to Dongtian Fudi and Murong Jue's haughty hypocrites, or have some grudge against them People, buying Qin Luoyi to win is purely to sing against Dongtian Fudi and Murongjue.

In order to win a beautiful woman, Yan Nantian spent a huge sum of money without feeling sorry for him, and bought Qin Luoyi to win. Yan Guigui, the master of the Pavilion of Picking the Moon, wanted to marry Piaomiaozong, but he didn't stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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