Brother is too evil

Chapter 226 Level 2 Alchemist

Chapter 226 Twelfth Rank Alchemist (1)
"But young master, at that time you were discussing matters with Mr. Tuoba in the secret room!" Qing Zhu plucked up the courage to defend in a low voice.

Duanmu Changqing said with a dark face: "You don't tell me such an important matter, are all the organs in the study room for decoration?"

The organ in the study?

That was an emergency, and the young master had to be notified before he could move.There is a special bell in the study outside, as long as you press it quietly, there will be a sound like an alarm inside.

Could it be that the young master meant that they should use that extremely secret mechanism to inform him that Qin Luoyi was leaving?

Qing Zhu was stunned.

Hanxiang's eyes were full of disbelief.

Wuhen and Cui Hao glanced at each other, causing a moment of thoughtfulness, and then their expressions changed drastically.The young master is so nervous about Qin Luoyi, naturally it is not because she is his junior sister, Liu Qingcheng, who has been the young master's junior sister for more than ten years, has not seen the young master pretending to her.

The only possibility is... that woman didn't untie the acupoints for the young master at all, and the young master still didn't lift it?

"Call people immediately and bring them back!" Duanmu Changqing thought for half an hour, Qin Luoyi didn't know where he had gone, and his face was very ugly.

"Yes!" Wuhen and Cui Hao thought of the speculation in their hearts just now, their faces were also very ugly, and they turned and left.

Han Xiang and Qing Zhu were extremely smart, but at this time they also felt something was wrong, regretful and annoyed in their hearts, they moved their feet, and quickly sprinted towards the outside of the house.


Duanmu Changqing's eyes flashed, and he called them back, walked around the spot for a few steps, thought for a while before saying: "Don't disturb her before you find someone, and let me know quickly."


There was a neat response, and the four figures, like arrows flying off the string, flew away in four directions.

Duanmu Changqing controlled Shenhong, and his slender figure flied out after him.

In half an hour, at Qin Luoyi's speed, he could only walk about a hundred miles, but with Dahei beside him, it was several times faster. When Duanmu Changqing was in a hurry to send someone to find her, she was already standing I walked to a small lake hundreds of miles away, looking at the clear and green lake water, smelling the attractive fragrance of flowers and plants, I felt very happy.

"It's really nice here. If it wasn't for fear of not going back for too long, Master would be worried and would like to live here for a long time." Qin Luoyi said to himself with a smile.

"Hey, you want to live here for a long time, it's not easy, I will help you!" A cold voice suddenly appeared.

Qin Luoyi's heart trembled, and he turned his head sharply, only to see an old man in green clothes, who did not know when, standing silently behind her, the old man had many wrinkles on his face, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

"Little girl, there are beautiful mountains and clear waters here. If you sleep here forever, you will be able to stay here for the rest of your life... Hehe, it's just a matter of raising your hand. Don't thank me too much." The old man in Tsing Yi sneered and walked towards her, The ferocity in his eyes disappeared in a flash, and a powerful coercion shot out from his body.

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes were burning, and he smiled slightly: "I'm still young, and it won't be too late to think about where to sleep forever in a few thousand years, but you seem to be not young, so you can consider sleeping here."

"Haha, this old man's fate is very hard. Hades will not accept me for the time being. You don't have to think about it after thousands of years. Today is your death day next year. I will give you a ride." After finishing speaking, a blue mansion Flying out of him, the radiance was radiant, and with a mighty aura, it pressed towards Qin Luoyi's body fiercely.

The moment Qingfu flew out, Qin Luoyi knew that the old man's cultivation base was stronger than his own, who knew how many times stronger, and retreated quickly, but the smile on his face was still undiminished.

"Let's give you a ride!" Dahei and Heidi jumped out from one side, with a fierce look in their eyes, and rushed towards the old man in Tsing Yi.


The face of the old man in green changed, and he cursed in a low voice. He only came out when he saw that the two strange beasts had gone far enough away. He didn't expect them to come back so quickly.

He quickly retracted the Qing Mansion that was pressing on Qin Luoyi, and stood in front of him, trying to block the attacks of Dahei and Heidi.

Dahei jumped to stand beside Qin Luoyi, and Heidi patted it with his big paws. With a bang, the Qing Mansion shattered, and the old man in Tsing Yi didn't even have time to let out a scream, and his head was crushed by it. His big paw was smashed.

Dahei screamed up to the sky with excitement.

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows. The Black Emperor was really powerful. A Qing Mansion cultivator was actually crushed to death by it like an ant, without the power to resist.

"Why don't we find a place first, and try using the Zihuo Furnace, can you refine a twelfth-order elixir?" Dahei raised his head and said to Qin Luoyi, his eyes full of expectation.

Its strength, in its heyday, was not weaker than that of Hei Di, and today it was really stimulated by Hei Di, and it is eager to take the elixir made from snow ginseng fruit, so as to restore the injured life essence as soon as possible, and improve its strength, even if it cannot be fully Restoration, half of it is fine.

Qin Luoyi patted its head and nodded with a smile.Originally, she was planning to go back to the Misty Sect to refine alchemy. With Duanmu Changqing and Yuhong, she could get there in half a month. Now she has to walk back by herself, and she will have to spend a lot of time outside.

The Hei Emperor's speed was very fast, but with its arrogant and arrogant appearance, it was impossible for Qin Luoyi to ride on it.

His attitude towards Qin Luoyi was originally indifferent, but his attitude changed significantly when he knew that she could refine eleventh-level pills. Dahei rushed out together, so straightforwardly took the life of the old man in Tsing Yi.

Before leaving, Dahei did not forget to loot everything from the old man in Tsing Yi, and got a lot of banknotes, as well as some low-level spirit plant spirit pills.

"It's a monk in the Qingfu, with only such a little thing on his body, it's really shabby."

Dahei was very disappointed.

However, Qin Luoyi was guessing. He didn't know who sent the old man in green, whether it was Dongtian Paradise or the person behind Xiaotian of Piaomiao Sect. Unfortunately, he didn't find anything to prove his identity in his storage bag.

Not long after they left, several graceful figures flying down from the sky, and seeing the corpse of the old man in green clothes whose head was patted to pieces, couldn't help but change their expressions. After looking around, they quickly determined the direction they left , quickly caught up.

Qin Luoyi wanted to refine the twelfth-rank elixir. Naturally, he couldn't be disturbed in the middle of the alchemy, otherwise the attack would be abandoned.Although he couldn't confirm the identity of the old man in Tsing Yi, he knew that there must be someone hiding in the dark and trying to take his life. If he randomly searched for alchemy in a valley, he might be discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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