Brother is too evil

Chapter 239 The Ultimate

Chapter 239 The Ultimate (2)
Duanmu Changqing frowned, disapproving very much, decided to wait for her to come out, and tell her well that it is one thing for her to like alchemy, but she does not rest for such a long time and only cares about alchemy. Even good monks can't stand it.

Although he doesn't know how to make alchemy, the alchemy room he built here is purely for decoration, and he is very clear about many things about alchemy.

Nearly ten hours later, Qin Luoyi came out of the alchemy room again. Hei Di took the elixir, his eyes glowing, and ran out quickly.

Qin Luoyi looked at its back, rubbed his forehead, and then remembered a very important thing. They both ran to practice, and she was the only one left... If the enemy attacked, who would protect it? who!

Although the puppet is also very powerful, it consumes too much spar, so you can't call it out casually, even if she is not short of money, using the spar still makes her heartache.

Duanmu Changqing saw that she was rubbing her forehead with her hands, thinking that she had practiced alchemy for too long and exhausted her energy so much that her head hurt... He felt very sad.

Standing beside her, he stretched out his slender fingers with well-defined bony joints, and gently pressed her temples. A soft spiritual force slowly penetrated from the acupuncture points, relieving her fatigue and headaches.

"Yi'er, are you tired? I have spiritual tea over there. You can drink two cups later and go to sleep." There are many things I want to say, and I want to blame her for only caring about alchemy, not caring about her body, just watching She is like this now, and she can't bear to say those words anymore.

The gentle pressing of fingers on his forehead surprised Qin Luoyi who was thinking.When he spoke, his hot breath even blew on the skin on the back of her neck, numb and itchy, which made her tremble subtly.

She was not used to such a gentle second senior brother, and his act of leaning against her to massage her was too intimate.

Just as he was about to take a step forward to avoid his ambiguous movements, Duanmu Changqing had already put down his hands, hugged her shoulders and let her sit on the swing frame beside her, with a low and soft voice: "Sit down first, I'll go and put it on." Make some tea."

He turned around and walked into the house, and came out quickly, holding a very delicate cup made of suet jade in his hand, steam was rising from the cup, and a clear fragrance could be smelled even if it was far away.

"Thank you, Second Senior Brother." Qin Luoyi took the cup, raised his lips slightly, then lowered his head and took a sip of the spirit tea.

The temperature of the spiritual tea is just right, obviously when Duanmu Changqing was holding it, he used his spiritual power to cool it down. The spirit suddenly lifted.

Qin Luoyi drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, a strange light flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

The swing frame she was sitting on was not there before. It was woven with ancient vines, and the ancient vines still had a fresh smell.

She sat on it, the height was just right, as if it was specially prepared for her, and his small actions to cool down the tea... made her heart tremble, and there was something in the deepest part of her heart, quietly of melting.

Duanmu Changqing reached out to take the empty cup, looked at her pretty face, and smiled happily: "There's still in it, I'll pour another cup."

Qin Luoyi shook his head: "That's enough, I'll go and meditate for a while." Then he got up and walked towards one of the rooms.

I was surprised when I opened the door.

This is the room she stayed in before she practiced advanced. It was empty and there was nothing. When she was practicing here, she sat on the soft couch that she took out from the bracelet space.

But at this time, everything in the house is complete. The bed, desk, soft couch, screen, and even the curtains are newly replaced. Everything is extremely exquisitely made, and it is worth a lot of money at first glance.

Pursing her red lips, she didn't go in. Instead, she walked to another room next to her and opened the door.

The eyes are also generally exquisite.

Duanmu Changqing walked to her side and stood still, followed her gaze to look inside, with doubts in his black eyes: "Don't you like that room just now?"

He built that house after comparing with his sister's house. His sister Duanmuyun once said that girls like to live in a place that looks beautiful and is comfortable to live in.

Qin Luoyi tilted his head and looked at him, his phoenix eyes flickered brightly, and he bent his lips with a smile: "That room is for me to live in? If I had said it earlier, I thought you were a guest!"

Lifting her foot, she walked to the room just now. This room is full of pink tones. She is not a little lolita, she likes this dreamy color.

"No one will come here except us." Duanmu Changqing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, looking at her with dark eyes and said, just now he was thinking that if she didn't like it, he would immediately get out and call them Change it, and change it to what she likes.

Qin Luoyi paused, without speaking, opened the door and walked in, waved at him, and closed the door again.

Lying on the bed, she tossed and turned, feeling sleepy, but unable to fall asleep.Duanmu Changqing looked at her tenderly, Jian Yuyan, and even Chu Yifeng who hadn't seen her for two years... Especially Duanmu Changqing, she didn't know what to do with him.

When we first met, he was so cold and ruthless, he wanted to take her life by raising his hand, never thought that this cold and indifferent man with strong cultivation would become her senior brother later, let alone that he now He even said he liked her.

I always thought that the two of them were rivals, and I was always on guard against him in my heart. This liking, I knew it so suddenly... It's just that I like it, but I didn't expect that she would have sex with him by accident!

Thinking of this, Qin Luoyi murmured, and buried his head in the fragrant pillow.

Double cultivation... That's impossible, she can't double cultivate with him, just because they fell in love with each other twice.Perhaps in the eyes of other people, Duanmu Changqing is a very good double cultivation partner, but she doesn't love him, it is impossible for her to agree to double cultivation with him just because of his liking and his sudden tenderness.

Even if she hadn't specifically inquired about it, she vaguely knew that Duanmu Changqing came from an extremely powerful family in Xuantian Continent, and the power behind it was extremely powerful. Needless to say, outstanding children from such a family must be very attractive to women. How long can their love last in the years?

Thinking of Gao Tianxiang, her eyes dimmed.

Although she already understood that her feelings for that man were not love, but his betrayal, his ruthlessness in tying her to death in the end...letting her think about it now, her heart still throbs with pain.

She is still alive and not dead, but if it wasn't for him, why would she leave her parents and relatives?Especially loving parents, who actually have to bear the grief of the white-haired person sending the black-haired person.

(End of this chapter)

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