Brother is too evil

Chapter 241 Cultivation Technique

Chapter 241 Cultivation Technique (2)
"You don't want to double cultivate with me, so who do you want to double cultivate with?" Duanmu Changqing's handsome face was tense, and he stared at her pretty face with slightly squinted eyes, his eyes were cold and sharp: "Jian Yuyan?"

Qin Luoyi was startled, what does this have to do with Jian Yuyan?
She didn't deny it, but Duanmu Changqing thought he guessed it right, walked up to her, and said very domineeringly: "Yi'er, you are already mine, don't think about other men anymore." Jian Yuyan, whom she had a close relationship with, can't do either, the clothes can only be his.

Qin Luoyi finally understood that Duanmu Changqing misunderstood her and Jian Yuyan, and without explaining, he snorted and said: "My brain is in my head, I can think of whoever I want, can you control it?"

He is very disgusted with Duanmu Changqing, who is full of domineering and ruthless aura, as expected, this is his nature.

Originally, she was thinking of tactfully rejecting him, but at this moment, being aroused by his domineering words, the fire in her heart suddenly flared up, she stopped looking at him, turned around and walked out of the house.

Forget it, since the words have been made clear, she should call Dahei and Heidi early and leave here earlier.

Looking at her back, Duanmu Changqing only felt that his heart was so painful, he was jealous, he was angry... Qin Luoyi was right, even though her body once belonged to him, her heart did not belong to him, but It was Jian Yuyan, and she was thinking of Jian Yuyan too.

Yi'er rejected him because of Jian Yuyan... This result made him unacceptable.After living for more than 100 years, even though he was surrounded by many outstanding women, he never fell in love with any of them. He didn't expect to fall in love with a woman who belonged to him this time, which made him unacceptable.

Looking at Qin Luoyi's receding back, panic flashed in his cold eyes.


He couldn't let her leave like this, which gave him a premonition that he would lose her forever, so he must keep her!
With a movement of her figure, she was already in front of Qin Luoyi, looking at her with burning black eyes, and said in a deep and magnetic voice, "Yi'er."

Qin Luoyi bypassed him and continued walking forward.

Duanmu Changqing closed his eyes, shot her fiercely, and hugged her, and kissed her passionately on her lips, sucking her back and forth.

"Well, let me go!" Qin Luoyi pushed him hard, but failed to push him away, Duanmu Changqing hugged her even tighter instead.

Qin Luoyi stepped on his feet fiercely, and there was a muffled groan, but Duanmu Changqing didn't let go even though he was in pain, and continued to kiss her.

Qin Luoyi was in a hurry, because after being kissed violently by him, the Hunyuan Dzi in her Lingtai acupoint actually started to glow and heat up again, fearing that the situation like last time would happen again, and with a thought, a silver needle appeared in her hand again , ready to stab Duanmu Changqing.

Duanmu Changqing naturally wouldn't let her succeed, but his face was so dark that he bit her ear and said: "Yi'er, if you dare to tie it down again, I will definitely make you unable to get out of bed for three days and three nights!"

Qin Luoyi's breathing began to become short of breath, her eyes became shimmering and misty, and sure enough, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead made her emotional again. She tried her best to control the commotion in her heart, raised her chin and whispered eagerly: "You first Let me go, and I won't stab you."

Duanmu Changqing looked at her twinkling phoenix eyes, hesitantly took a few breaths, and finally let go, not because he was afraid that she would really stab her. With his cultivation base, she would succeed in the Shenglong Continent at first, because He was injured, and because he was too careless, the second time he underestimated her cunning temperament. If she succeeded in the third time, he wouldn't have to hang out in the cultivation world.

This is the first time he has fallen in love with someone, yes, he has no experience, but he also knows that he can't be too strong on women, otherwise it will backfire, just like Jian Yuyan, who is clearly black-bellied and cunning, but every time he is in the clothes Yi'er pretended to be extremely gentle in front of her, that's why Yi'er was deceived by him.

Duanmu Changqing let go, Qin Luoyi secretly let out a long sigh of relief, trying to suppress the strange feeling in his heart, glared at him, and walked away again.

Duanmu Changqing pursed his lips, followed her silently with a cold face.After walking for several miles, he found the cave where Dahei and Heidi practiced. Seeing that they were both cultivating, Qin Luoyi immediately moved them into the bracelet space.Anyway, Duanmu Changqing knew about this bracelet, so there was no need to deliberately avoid him.

Hanxiang, Song Wuhen, Qingzhu, and Cui Hao stayed ten miles away from the small courtyard, and their faces were a little pale.

Duanmu Changqing's cold eyes turned around them, Hanxiang was so nervous that her palms were sweating, she bit her lip and said nothing, the whip had already been taken, she was afraid that the young master would open her mouth and let her go back to Xuantian mainland.

It's just that her worry was a little superfluous, Duanmu Changqing's eyes just flicked over her body very quickly, then moved away, and fell on Qin Luoyi, who had always had an ugly face.

Han Xiang's eyes were red.

This place is not far from the small courtyard, because there is no formation barrier, Duanmu Changqing's intimate act of kissing Qin Luo's master's clothes just now fell into their eyes.

They had never seen such a domineering and enthusiastic master before.Thinking of the young master's crazy move of splitting the mountain, he vaguely understood something.

Hanxiang bit her red lips, and stared at Qin Luoyi angrily and jealously, with critical and disdainful eyes, Qingzhu stood closest to Hanxiang, felt the evil spirit on Hanxiang, couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly pulled her.

Hanxiang hurriedly lowered her eyes, suppressing the emotions on her face, and when she looked up again, she looked into a pair of cold eyes.Duanmu Changqing was squinting his eyes slightly, looking at her thoughtfully.

This made Han Xiang, who was relieved just now, break out in a cold sweat, unable to stand still.

Qin Luoyi is now a second-rank monk in Xuanfu, so he naturally didn't ignore Hanxiang's strange eyes on her, and turned his head to look at her, looking at Duanmu Changqing with a pale face and a face full of horror. , couldn't help raising his eyebrows curiously.

The fear on her face doesn't look fake... What did Duanmu Changqing do to make her so scared?Also... There was a bloody smell on these four people. As the master, Duanmu Changqing, he didn't even ask, which was too strange.

He pursed his lips, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.In any case, these are none of her business.

She only glanced at Hanxiang, then turned her head away. As for the complicated emotions in Hanxiang's eyes, and the strangeness in other people's eyes, she didn't take it to heart. They didn't like her, and she didn't have anything to them favor.Especially that Hanxiang, when she was in the Qianjiang mansion, she still remembers the proud and contemptuous look towards her.

Two divine rainbows flew across the sky and landed in front of them in the blink of an eye.A handsome young man in silver, and a fat monk in red, both of them had their eyes on Qin Luoyi.

(End of this chapter)

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