Brother is too evil

243 Chapter 2 Huyou Ouyang Ling

243 Chapter 2 Huyou Ouyang Ling ([-])
Every time I saw her, she always had a confident face, but today her face was pale, patting her chest with incomparable fear... The whole person reveals a kind of delicate beauty that is very different from usual.He couldn't help reaching out his hand, wanting to touch her and comfort her.

Duanmu Changqing's face darkened, and he took a step forward to stand beside Qin Luoyi, looking at him coldly.With Yi'er's personality, it's impossible for her to be afraid of falling like this just because she fell down a mountain. The light in her eyes when she saw Ouyang Ling coming just now, and the delicate attitude of this little girl now... made him feel a lot of emotions. Suspicion, a strange sour feeling spread in my heart.

Ouyang Ling felt cold when he saw him, her outstretched hand stopped in mid-air, pulled the corner of her lips, put it down, and carried it behind her back.A playful glint flashed in the long and narrow eyes, and the smile on his face was three parts black-bellied and seven parts playful.

"It really is a shameless vixen who seduces men everywhere." Han Xiang gritted her teeth and cursed in her heart, with disdain in her eyes.

Seeing Ouyang Ling reaching out to her, Qin Luoyi's heart almost rose in his throat. Ouyang Ling's cultivation base is too unpredictable. Last time he drew a circle, he gave the Tianwu monk who had the Hunyuan black gold stone body protection to him. Seriously injured, who knows if he will notice something strange in her Lingtai acupoint after touching her.

Slightly backed away half a step, leaning towards Duanmu Changqing unconsciously, with Duanmu Changqing in the middle, even if Ouyang Ling suddenly reached out to touch her on a whim, it would not be so convenient, she could also feel something wrong when she felt something was wrong. , retreat in time.

Her deliberate avoidance action naturally fell into the eyes of Ouyang Ling and Duanmu Changqing.

Ouyang Ling's face darkened, thinking that Ouyang Ling was handsome and handsome, how could he not be looked up to and admired by women?It was the first time in my life that I was deliberately avoided by a woman for countless years.

Duanmu Changqing's cold face softened a lot, and the coldness in his eyes also slowly faded away.

Not long after staying, Ouyang Ling took Monk Tianwu and left. Seeing the two divine rainbows disappearing in the sky, Qin Luoyi secretly decided to throw the jade slip that Ouyang Ling gave him into the corner of the bracelet, and easily decided to leave. Do not use.

She had a half-year agreement with Wang Changkong, a disciple of the Xuesha Sect, and poisoned him in his body to let him investigate the matter of Lin Guanshi. Qin Luoyi naturally did not plan to return to the Piaomiao Sect right now. go back.

If her guess is indeed correct, and it is Liu Qingcheng who is behind her back, then it will be even more unsafe for her to return to the sect now.

Liu Qingcheng's cultivation base is much higher than hers. Now she is at the peak of the tenth rank of Xuanfu, and she can break through to Qingfu at any time. Moreover, she has been in the Piaomiao Sect for more than ten years, and there are many disciples who admire her in the sect. The relationship is complicated and the background is profound. Her current cultivation base of the second level of Xuanfu is indeed too low in comparison... Make up your mind, the most important thing is to find a place to improve your strength first.

Not far away, a dazzling divine rainbow in the sky swept across from the sky again, in the direction that Ouyang Ling had escaped just now. The divine rainbow was so fast that it arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye. Qin Luoyi's heart tightened, thinking it was Ouyang After Ling left, she sensed something was wrong and ran back again.

His face remained calm, and his heart was extremely defensive.

Shenhong dispersed, Qin Luoyi and Duanmu Changqing were very surprised when they saw clearly who was coming, and hurried forward to salute respectfully.


Headmaster Ge nodded slightly, then Duanmu Changqing led the way, and the three of them returned to the small courtyard in the mountain surrounded by formations.

Song Wuhen and the others were still guarding more than ten miles away.

In the courtyard, the head of Ge stood with his hands behind his back, wearing an elegant light blue robe, looked around, and then looked at Qin Luoyi with blazing eyes: "The alchemy competition has ended for nearly two months, why are you still outside?" shake?"

Duanmu Changqing was stunned, he didn't expect that the master came to find Qin Luoyi, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said: "It's because the disciple was delayed by something, that's why I haven't been able to send my junior sister back."

Qin Luoyi was very moved in his heart, knowing that Master was worried about her, so he came out to find her himself.Smiling, he said to his master, "It's rare to come out, this disciple is going to take this opportunity to wander around."

Headmaster Ge was full of disapproval, but in front of Duanmu Changqing, he didn't say anything more.

After speaking a few words with Duanmu Changqing, he called Qin Luoyi into the room alone, and looked at her with burning eyes: "Have you advanced?" He felt that Qin Luoyi's breath was stronger than when he left. Obviously a lot stronger.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Master. I have restrained my breath on purpose, but I was discovered by you, Master." Qin Luoyi bent his lips, squinted his eyes and smiled: "Master, how did you find out?"

Even Duanmu Changqing didn't notice anything strange about her.

"You've really advanced!" Headmaster Ge was startled. Naturally, he didn't see it. It's just that Qin Luoyi had already cultivated to the peak of Martial Saints before, and now his aura is much stronger. He will guess in the direction of her advancement, but he is different. He knows that she has Hunyuan Dzi on her body, so it is not impossible to advance so quickly.

"More than ten days ago, the mountain outside Qian'an City collapsed, has something to do with you?" Headmaster Ge looked at her in shock. Before going up, Wen Lingtian and Bai Che reported that Duanmu Changqing and Qin Luoyi were staying in Qian'an City.

Qin Luoyi nodded, and told his master about the promotion situation at that time. Headmaster Ge frowned, and the more he listened, the more surprised he became. He took the bracelet on her hand and looked at it carefully.

"The material of this bracelet is very special, and I can't tell what it is made of. I didn't expect it to be able to block the abnormal phase of the Hunyuan Dzi." Sighing in amazement, he handed the bracelet back to her. A smile appeared on his face: "With this bracelet, you will no longer have to worry about being discovered when you advance to the next level."

Qin Luoyi felt the same way, and took out the fairy jade stone he got from the ice field. Headmaster Ge looked at it for a long time, and he also saw that it was a piece of remnant jade, but other than that, like Uncle Wu, there was nothing else. Found.

He asked about what happened in the ice field, and mentioned the cause of Murong Jue's death.

"Murongjue was killed by me." Naturally, Qin Luoyi would not hide this from his master: "He wanted to kill me in the ice field."

"Good kill!" Headmaster Ge's eyes became extremely fierce when he heard the words, and he said angrily, "The disciples of Dongtian Paradise dare to attack you again and again, they simply don't take my Piaomiaozong seriously!" !"

Headmaster Ge stayed in the mountains for several days before leaving. During the few days he stayed in the mountains, he would guide Qin Luoyi and Duanmu Changqing's cultivation every day. If you have any questions, you can ask Duanmu Changqing.

Until the master left, Qin Luoyi did not tell the master about the abnormality of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead. After all, it would arouse her lust. It was just her guess, and it might be a coincidence. Changqing's relationship was exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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