Brother is too evil

Chapter 251 Falling from the Sky

Chapter 251 Falling from the Sky (1)
The time agreed with Wang Changkong was still early, so Qin Luoyi decided not to look for him yet, but just wandered aimlessly on Penglai Xiandao with Dahei, occasionally finding a quiet place to retreat and practice.

Hunyuan Dzi still didn't respond, which made Qin Luoyi vomit blood in depression. Later, he wanted to find another man to try again, whether it really needed to be together before he could induce it to release the power of chaos.

Of course, this kind of thinking is just a thought, and I haven't put it into action. If I really do that, although she is practicing the "Supreme Sutra", how is it different from those evil methods of harvesting yang and replenishing yin?
In two months, she has traveled 30 to [-] miles, and on the way, she also met some prodigal men who tried to trick her, and of course, without exception, she was shot by Qin Luoyi and Dahei.

I also met people who came to chase her several times. They were all monks who had cultivated out of the mansion. The highest cultivation level was only the monks of the Qing Mansion. Qin Luoyi guessed from the things on them that some of them were people from heaven and earth. And some are people from the Blood Fiend Sect.

Along the way, even if they encountered enemies who came to stop them, even very powerful enemies, the Hei Emperor still proudly disdained to do anything. Qin Luoyi and Da Hei almost died several times, but he was still the old god. The name is to temper them, let them improve their cultivation, and have actual combat ability, so angry that they are so angry that they rush to fight with it.

Duanmu Changqing never caught up, Qin Luoyi was completely relieved, but in order to prevent him from looking for her, she kept a low profile wherever she went.Although Heidi is powerful, he and Dahei have improved their cultivation level this time, but that Guanshi Hu and Guanshi Pan are not easy-going lamps.

On this day, she arrived at the only desert on Penglai Xiandao - Nanmo.The southern desert is very barren, there is yellow sand outside, stretching as far as the eye can see, and there is not even an oasis inside.

In modern times, she has been to quite a few deserts, those places covered by yellow sand, without a trace of green, she doesn't like it.

Originally, she just wanted to take a look around and leave, but who knew that she was unlucky, before she left, the sky was originally clear and there was no wind in the desert. .

Heidi went to retreat to practice again, and only Dahei was by her side. Having learned the lesson from last time, she no longer let Heidi and Dahei go to retreat together. If one is missing, relying on puppets is not the answer, puppets can only be used to save lives in critical moments.

Dahei squinted his eyes and looked at the darkened sky, and there was a strong wind whistling, the wind was wrapped in yellow sand, and it hurt his face, he couldn't help cursing and jumping endlessly.

"Damn it, where did the demon wind come from!"

Qin Luoyi, on the other hand, released the Profound Mansion the moment the wind blew up, and covered it above his head. Wisps of black light hung down from his head, protecting her inside, completely isolating the outside from the violent wind. raging.

Soon the wind became stronger and stronger, and the sky became darker and darker. A strange atmosphere enveloped the entire desert. Even Dahei ate his mouth full of sand, and his body was almost blown away by the fierce wind several times.

Qin Luoyi also realized that even with the protection of the Xuanfu, he could hardly stop the violent storm. He was about to retreat with Dahei, when suddenly there was thunder in the sky, and lightning bolts as thick as his thighs struck down densely, which was more powerful than The thunder and lightning in the cave of the Holy Lord of the ancient clan was even more powerful!

Of course, violent winds, terrifying thunder and lightning, these are not the most terrifying, the most terrifying thing is that the whole desert suddenly becomes strange, as if shrouded by some powerful prohibition, and can no longer use the magic rainbow to escape here .

The pitch-black sky was full of thunder, lightning and thunder, and the strong wind carried yellow sand, howling and roaring in the sky, as if the sky was about to collapse.

Qin Luoyi bit her lip, squinted her eyes slightly, and cursed in her heart, if she was not afraid of jumping into the space of the bracelet, the bracelet would be buried somewhere by the wind and sand, she would have just jumped in so recklessly.

Actually encountered such a ghost weather!And she still can't use Shenhong to leave... Everything makes her feel that the desert is extremely weird now.


A moment later, a shocking bang suddenly came from the sky, shaking the earth, and the terrifying lightning tore through the dark sky, shining the sky extremely dazzlingly.

After this strange sound, the world fell into a strange tranquility again, the lightning disappeared, the thunder also disappeared, and even the dark clouds covering the sky suddenly dispersed, and the sun was shining brightly, and it was restored. Before Qingming.

"What the hell!" Da Hei murmured with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open.

Qin Luoyi rubbed her eyes, if it wasn't for Dahei beside her, Dahei also looked shocked and unbelievable, she would feel that everything just now was her illusion.

"Could it be that there are some powerful monks around here who failed to refine the heaven-defying magic weapon, so they attracted thunder disasters?" After being shocked, Dahei's eyes flooded, and he couldn't help looking around.

On this continent, if a powerful craftsman forges a magic weapon that is too heaven-defying, reaching the holy level or above, he will trigger thunder and calamity to forge the magic weapon. Of course, such a refining weapon is also very dangerous. If you don't pay attention, or the monk's own strength is not enough, you will be killed by the terrifying thunder calamity during the forging process!

At this time, there was no longer any restriction on Shenhong in the sky. Qin Luoyi and Dahei jumped into the air, looked around, and soon found a figure in the desert not far ahead, lying on the desert in white clothes. at every turn.

Qin Luoyi approached Shenhong cautiously, and saw clearly that it was a young man lying on the desert, his face was carved like a sculpture, and he was extremely handsome, but his thin lips were tightly pursed and his brows were slightly furrowed, as if he was enduring He was in extreme pain, his face was pale, and his hair of smooth and textured black hair was scattered, a little messy, but it didn't detract from his handsomeness in the slightest.

Dahei went up and circled around twice: "Could it be that he is refining weapons? It doesn't look like it!" Except for an ordinary long sword, there was nothing else around.

A gleam flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes.This person appeared very abruptly, not far from where they were standing just now, she was very sure that there was no one here before the strong wind...could it be blown by the wind?The breath of the man in white was very weak, he should have been seriously injured and his life was dying.

Dahei found a bronze-colored and very simple storage ring on his body, his eyes were delighted, he didn't even look at it, he just wanted to put it away, but the storage ring was weird and tight, he was busy for a long time, but he couldn't put the storage ring away. Jie took it off the man in white.

He poked his consciousness in again, the soul imprint on the storage ring was very powerful, he couldn't get in at all, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, he picked up the knife directly, and slashed at his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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