Chapter 259
"Miss Qin, do you know him?" Xiao Yu took back the Jade Mansion and came to Qin Luoyi, facing a ninth-rank top alchemist. Proportionate, enough to give her face.

Qin Luoyi smiled and nodded.

"Since it's Miss Qin's friend, and Miss Qin gave the money on her behalf, it's fine to take away the stone book, but I would like to ask this fellow friend to explain why you came to my Lei Family Shifang to make trouble today."

The corners of Qin Luoyi's eyes couldn't help twitching.

make trouble?

In fact, this is not wrong. Bai Yi's behavior, in the eyes of everyone, was deliberately provoking trouble and messing things up.

Sighing faintly, she looked at the white clothes who had always been desolate, and then said to Xiao Yu: "It is indeed his fault for what happened today. Yes, but his mind is clear for a while, and confused for a while... Now he is confused again."

Everyone suddenly realized that it turned out that this man in white was out of his mind, no wonder he would do such a forced purchase in Leijiashifang.

The expression on Xiao Yu's face also looked much better. Looking at Bai Yi, his facial features are handsome, imposing, his brows are calm, and there is an air of elegance all over his body. When others whisper that he has a brain problem, his face It is also faint, and the pitch-black eyes are even more calm.

He believed Qin Luoyi's words even more.

The shopkeeper also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, exchanged glances with Xiao Yu, and handed the 3 taels of silver bills to Qin Luoyi's hand: "So that's it, I almost misunderstood, we will cut off the girl's silver bills." I can't accept it, since it's the girl's friend, let's give him 2 taels of silver at a discount on the rough stone."

They only charged 2 taels from the man in white, which was considered a half-buy, half-gift. The cost of the stone was only a few thousand taels, and 2 taels was actually a lot of money for them.But if Qin Luoyi hadn't come forward and learned that the white-clothed man was a little confused, 2 taels would definitely not allow the white-clothed man to take the rough stone away. Jiashifang must die of depression!

Qin Luoyi waved his hand, but didn't take back the banknote, he pulled the white clothes and left quickly under the scorching gazes of everyone.

"You really know him?" After walking away, Feng Feili asked Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi shook his head first, and then nodded: "I've only seen it twice, he lost his memory."

Feng Feili frowned, only seeing him twice, Yi'er would stand up for him, which really surprised him.Amnesia... Could it be because of sympathy and pity for him?
Walking to an inaccessible place, Qin Luoyi stared at the white clothes for a long time, and sighed secretly, knowing that he probably didn't have any bank notes on him, but he didn't take out the bank notes. It's impossible for her to be a money-spreading boy every time they meet. , give him money, he has amnesia, and he has become an idiot, with such a high level of cultivation, it is not easy to find money?
The most important thing now is not to give him money, but to tell him some common sense, so as not to make the same low-level mistakes just now.

Even if he has his eyes on other people's stones and has no money, with his cultivation base, he can think of other ways. Such a blatant robbery will sooner or later turn him into a street mouse, and everyone will shout and beat him.

The very chicken woman explained to him the use of money, and told him to take other people's things. First, you have to ask for money. If you can't cut it down, you have to pay it, otherwise you have to give up. .If you really want something that others don’t want to give you, you can grab it, but it’s a sneaky way to grab it, but the risk is a bit high. If you walk too much at night, you will encounter ghosts sooner or later. Look for spars to exchange at the auction house, and you can also go to the deep sea outside Penglai Xiandao to kill monsters and seize demon pills. Of course, there are also many tasks that people offer rewards on the gates of every city, and you can earn money by completing the tasks. ...

Although she doesn't know if Bai Yi is Zhengxie, because he saved her life, she doesn't want him to make enemies everywhere when he loses his memory. He is very strong, but there are many strong people on this continent, it is impossible Every time he is better than others.

Feng Feili looked at Qin Luoyi with a strange expression, and a moment later a teasing smile appeared on his monstrous handsome face.

Qin Luoyi was startled for a moment, but then realized that he had slipped his tongue and taught Bai Yi to snatch it in front of his senior brother.

The bases of his ears turned red immediately, and instead of looking at him, his eyes fell on the body in white with some embarrassment.

"You know that there is something in this stone that can't be made, why do you have to have this stone?" Bai Yi was listening to her, and kept looking at the brown stone in his hand, Qin Luoyi couldn't help asking curiously.

Bai Yi glanced at her coldly, did not speak, but tightened his fingers, and the stone skin on the brown stone was broken layer by layer, and the stone became smaller and smaller. Only a thumb-sized light cluster came.

"The source of chaos!" Qin Luoyi's expression shook, she was very familiar with the light ball, which was exactly the same as the source of chaos she got in the ice field, but much smaller.

Feng Feili's enchanting peach blossom eyes also brightened. Although the source of chaos is small, such a piece is invaluable. Lei Family Stone Workshop actually sold a rough stone containing the source of chaos for 5 taels of silver. , This time it was a big loss!

After seeing the source of chaos, Qin Luoyi's face became a little strange. The Hunyuan dzi in her Lingtai cave began to emit dazzling light again, spinning rapidly, and the reaction when she found the source of chaos in the ice field exactly the same.

With the previous experience, Qin Luoyi knew that Hunyuan Dzi was trying to absorb the source of chaos again.

If she was really sucked in by it again... Thanks to the fact that she said a lot about an exchange of equal value just now, if you meet something you like, you can't grab it openly. Isn't this slapping yourself in the mouth?What would Bai Yi think of her, and what would senior brother Feng Feili think of her!Although it was done by the Hunyuan Dzi, it was not her original intention, but Bai Yi and Feng Feili don't think so.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of senior brother Feng Feili just looking at her, and a strange light flickered in his eyes.Qin Luoyi hurriedly tried his best to look normal, so as not to let the senior brother find out that he was strange.

Just as he was about to greet his elder brother to leave together, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead spinning at high speed suddenly stopped, and the light on the bead gradually dimmed, but the source of chaos was still in Bai Yi's hand.

Qin Luoyi was stunned, and was very surprised in his heart. Could it be that this bead is also psychic?Knowing that Bai Yi's cultivation base is so strong that it can't win it, so he gave up voluntarily?

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Bai Yi stared at the source of chaos in his hand, then threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

Qin Luoyi's eyes widened and his red lips parted slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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