Brother is too evil

274 Chapter 1 I'm so happy

274 Chapter 1 I'm so happy ([-])
Qin Luoyi looked at Bai Yi with a smile, then shook his head and said, "No need, we just take the rough stones away. My friend likes to explain stones, and these rough stones are just for him to practice."

The shopkeeper was stunned.

The extremely sharp knife in Master Jie Shi's hand shook and fell, almost stuck in his foot.

The fellows around and many monks suddenly shut their mouths, and the whole Xiangjia Shifang became audible, and they all looked at the white clothes in shock.To actually use rough stones worth millions of taels of silver to let him practice his hands... This is really extravagant!

The masters who have good skills in dissolving stones all start from dissolving ordinary stones. Without years of hard work, how dare they touch the rough stones containing crystals!
"The stones in the boutique hall are expensive, or you can just get rid of the stones in the boutique hall." The shopkeeper came back to his senses, and immediately smiled and said to Qin Luoyi, with a very courteous expression.

In his opinion, it would be a waste of money to explain the things in the boutique to this cold and unclear man!What's more, he also wanted to see what was in the four selected rough stones.

The onlookers also nodded their heads in agreement, staring at the dozens of crystals with fiery eyes. Inside, there are things that they have been suspicious of for more than ten years, or even decades or hundreds of years. I also want to see it for myself and confirm my guess.

"Let's go." Seeing that Qin Luoyi was surrounded by monks who were chattering all over the place, impatience was hidden in his pitch-black phoenix eyes, Bai Yi suddenly spoke, his voice was cool and pleasant, with a hint of indifference that should not be offended Nobility and majesty.Then he put all the rough stones he bought into the storage ring in his hand, and walked out first.

A smile flashed across Qin Luoyi's eyes, and he said goodbye to the shopkeeper and a group of enthusiastic monks, and then followed.

Seeing their figures leave Xiangjiashifang, Xiangjiashifang suddenly seemed to explode. Qin Luoyi, the ninth-rank top alchemist of Piaomiaozong, spent several million taels of silver to buy it for a man in white. The news of more than a dozen rough stones spread quickly, as if they had grown wings.

By the time it got dark, the news had spread throughout Ningwu City, and more than ten days later, it had spread throughout the entire Penglai Immortal Island. Tens of millions of taels of silver, bought hundreds of rough stones, the reason for buying rough stones, from letting a man in white practice unraveling rough stones, to spending thousands of dollars to please men, and even later turned out that the man in white is Qin Luoyi's double cultivator. Companions... all kinds and all kinds of strange things.

Of course, this is all for later, let's not mention it for the time being.

After Qin Luoyi and Baiyi left the Xiangjia Stone Workshop, they did not start to dissect the stone immediately, nor did they go back to the Ruyi Inn, but walked around a few times, and followed the few who secretly followed behind to see what could be unraveled from the original stone. After getting rid of those who came, they went to the mountains two thousand miles away from Ningwu City and found an abandoned cave.

Bai Yi took his extremely ordinary sword and began to dissect the stone gracefully, while Qin Luoyi took out a special soft couch and placed it beside Bai Yi, hugging a soft pillow, reclined very She looked lazily at Jieshi in white, but the flickering light in her phoenix eyes from time to time still revealed the excitement in her heart.

Soon, the first stone was released. It turned out to be a fist-sized Zixuan stone, crystal clear, glowing with purple light, full of aura, twice the size of the Zixuan stone she bought with money last time. If there is more, it is worth at least three or four million taels of silver!

Qin Luoyi held it in his hand and looked over and over again, almost laughing so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.That's all, half of her capital today has been returned.

Even if Bai Yi made a mistake, if she found one or two crystals, she would never lose money, or even make a profit!Haha, sure enough, if you believe in white clothes, you will get eternal life... Uh, no, you should get crystals.

Looking at the white clothes with a smile, the smooth and white skin on her pretty face is as delicate as creamy fat, and can be broken by blowing a bullet, like the first dewy hibiscus blooming in the morning, reflecting the firelight in the cave, she looks even more charming moving.

Bai Yi raised his head and glanced at her, only for one look, then quickly lowered his head again, after sucking it a few times, he handed her an egg-sized, bright red spar that seemed to be shining with brilliance.

"This is... the Red Demon Stone?" Qin Luoyi took the spar, knelt up excitedly, and stared at the red stone in his palm, shining brightly.

Although the Red Demon Stone is not the rarest on Penglai Xiandao, but because of the extremely abundant spiritual power inside, it is very valuable. It is not a problem to sell 900 million taels of silver for just this one.

"Haha, I've made it, I've made it!" With one Purple Profound Stone and one Red Demon Stone, all her capital has been returned, and her profit has more than doubled.The shining eyes fell on the body of the white clothes, and they were even more radiant.

The white clothes are still elegantly interpreting the stone.

After a while, all the 12 yuan stones were untied, and a spar was successfully untied from each piece, which was piled up beside her, ice and snow stones, jasper stones, black gold stones... colorful, brilliance soaring to the sky, spiritual energy like clouds, dense Can't melt.

Looking at the pile of crystal stones in front of him, Qin Luoyi smiled openly. The white clothes are really sharp, and there is no mistake. Every crystal stone is worth a lot of money. She bought these rough stones and spent more than 600 million taels of silver. That's all, and now these crystals are worth at least 5000 million or more!
Looking at the white clothes wiping the stone chips on the sword aside, Qin Luoyi's eyes were filled with a cluster of extremely bright flames. She picked up one of the mysterious ice stones and put them aside: "The cost of buying the original stone is more than 600 million yuan. Two silver coins, this ice profound stone is enough, Bai Yi, these rough stones are all chosen by you, and we will share the rest equally." With Bai Yi around, her green-clothed puppet can be released for a stroll at any time.

The only pity is that there is no source of chaos inside.

Bai Yi looked up at her, didn't miss the excitement on her face, and the faint disappointment in her eyes, curled her lips, shook her head and said, "I'll give it to you, I don't need it." After speaking, he stood up and floated out of the cave. Disappear soon.

When they returned to the Ruyi Inn, it was already late, and the small courtyard they rented was not lit. Qin Luoyi guessed that Feng Feili and Qin Mo were probably not there.

Today, she got a lot of crystals, and it was a big deal. She was in a very good mood, with a smile that couldn't be concealed on her pretty face, and walked briskly into the house.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a white figure standing by the window, looking at her with narrowed peach eyes, and a faint smile of unknown meaning on the evildoer's face.

"Eldest brother?" Qin Luoyi didn't expect Feng Feili to be in his room. After being startled for a moment, he greeted him with a smile.

Feng Feili walked over from the window gracefully, stood in front of her, looked her up and down, and finally fixed her eyes on her smiling face: "Yi'er, did you go to buy rough stones today? "

(End of this chapter)

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