Brother is too evil

Chapter 279 Leave

Chapter 279 Leave (1)
The Yu Mansion emerged from his body, shining brightly, exuding a terrifying aura.

"go with!"

With a sharp shout, Yu Mansion turned into countless ice blades, and slashed towards Qin Luoyi fiercely.

A cold light flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, and with a movement of his slender hand, before the overwhelming ice blades attacked, he took out another Shenxingfu, and easily avoided the attack of Yufu.

The white-clothed man's expression changed.

Qin Luoyi really had high-level talismans on her body... Qian Kun Zhong added several high-level talismans, no wonder she didn't panic at all when facing her, and she almost fell into her hands and lost her life.

Commander Liu sneered, and shouted: "Qin Luoyi, if you can't escape today, you will die!" Controlling countless ice blades, he attacked her fiercely again.

"Hmph!" Qin Luoyi stared at her with starry eyes, with a strange icy light in his eyes, and chuckled: "I should tell you this!"

The Hei Emperor is in her bracelet. Originally, she wanted to see. At this time, someone would come out and mock her. Maybe she could take the opportunity to kill her... However, it seems that she will be disappointed up.

Really good plan!

It's also well hidden.

It seemed that he wanted her to die and did not want her to understand who was playing tricks behind her back.

Pursing her red lips, she had no intention of continuing to fight with them. She was going to release Hei Di and annihilate these two people. The people behind them, sooner or later, she would pull her out and slap her. fly her.


Just when she was about to fight back, a golden disc suddenly slammed down from the air, with an extremely terrifying aura, it rushed towards Commander Liu's Yufu, which had turned into thousands of ice blades.

I don't know what magic weapon that golden disc is, but it is very powerful. The golden light shining on the disc, as long as it gets close to its ice blade, it will disappear without a trace in an instant.

"Who is it!" Commander Liu's complexion changed drastically, and he looked around fiercely, his gaze as sharp as a knife.

Although the white-clothed man is only a monk of Qingfu, he has a lot of knowledge. Seeing that the golden plate easily disintegrated the ice blade attack of Yufu, his heart was terrified, and he retreated to the side without any trace, away from Commander Liu and Qin Luoyi. Watching around vigilantly.

A handsome man who looked very young fell from the sky, with a tall and tall figure.He was dressed in black, the neckline and cuffs of the black clothes were embroidered with gorgeous dark patterns with silver silk thread, and there was no decoration on the rolled up black hair. At this moment, the moon came out from the clouds, and he was perfectly flawless. The picky handsome face was against the light, every feature was beautiful, and every part was not a masterpiece of divine craftsmanship, the skirts of his clothes were flying up, elegant and outstanding.

He gracefully walked towards Qin Luoyi's direction, with a swipe of his slender jade fingers, the golden disc flew towards his hand.The cold eyes did not look at Qin Luoyi, but stared coldly at Commander Liu and the man in white, and said, "It's midnight, what are you two trying to do to stop this girl?"

Although his voice was cold, it was extremely pleasant, like a stream of clear spring, slowly flowing into people's hearts.

"none of your business!"

Seeing that Qin Luoyi was about to be killed, yet another Cheng Yaojin blocked him on the way, Commander Liu's face sank, and his already dark face became even darker, and he said coldly: "Young man, now Leave immediately, you can save your life."

If it weren't for the fear of the powerful gold plate in the black-clothed man's hands that he had never seen before, he would have unceremoniously beheaded him along with him.

When the man in black heard the words, his handsome face changed instantly, and he looked at him coldly, but there was a faint smile of disdain on his thin lips: "What if I don't go?"

"Hehe, do young people still want to be a hero to save the beauty? I advise you to mind your own business, and don't think that you are not afraid of anything because you have a powerful magic weapon." Commander Liu said while looking at him bleakly. .

"Haha, since that's the case, I'll take care of this matter!" The man in black put the golden disc on his palm and turned it twice, and shot evil and sharp eyes at Commander Liu.

"People who meddle in their own business usually die early!" Commander Liu sneered, and the Yu Mansion re-condensed in his hand, and a terrifying aura spread out.

"Oh?" The man in black stood leisurely with a gold plate in his hand, his brows and lips parted, and a smile that was neither deep nor shallow.

Obviously it was only a shallow smile, but it seemed that all the brilliance had accumulated on his face, as if the ice had melted and the snow had melted in an instant, the mist had dispersed and the rain had cleared away, making one feel like a spring breeze.

Qin Luoyi stood aside without speaking, her phoenix eyes flickered slightly. The appearance of this man in black made her change her mind and not let Hei Di come out for the time being.

Commander Liu's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know why, but when he saw his smile, he felt chills. This young man made him feel too dangerous, and he still had another person who could block him. The strange gold plate that his Yufu attacked made him dare not take him lightly.


He quickly re-condensed the Yu Mansion, and attacked the man in black. When the powerful and terrifying Yu Mansion approached the man in black, it suddenly turned into countless long arrows, with cold light shining and menacing aura.

The man in black looked indifferent, his black hair danced lightly, his eyes were deep, and he was calm and composed. A blue mansion emerged from his body, and the green mansion was placed on top of his head, and strands of blue light drooped down for His whole body was covered with a natural barrier.

"Haha, it's just a Qingfu monk, but he dares to be a hero to save the beauty! Overestimate his own strength!" Commander Liu finally let go of his concern when he saw the Qingfu on his head, he laughed, and his face was full of sarcasm.

The man in white who had already quietly retreated to the side also breathed a sigh of relief, with a disdainful smile on his face.

Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered, she was speechless, and she never thought that the man who jumped out suddenly was actually a monk from Qingfu.

Could it be because of the gold plate that he dared to jump out without fear?

The man in black didn't care about Commander Liu's taunt. He threw out the golden disc in his hand and strangled the flying arrows that came overwhelmingly.

Wherever the golden light passed, it was invincible, and the flying arrows formed by the Jade Palace fell in pieces. In an instant, the originally dazzling jade light dimmed a lot.

Commander Liu's complexion changed drastically, he hurried back to the Yufu, and looked at the man in black with complicated eyes.

But the man in black didn't take back the golden disc. With the golden light in his arms, the golden disc continued to attack and kill him, and arrived in front of Commander Liu in a blink of an eye.

Commander Liu let out a low curse, and hurriedly backed away. At any rate, he was a high-ranking monk in the Yufu. Compared with the man in black, his cultivation base was much higher, and his speed was naturally much faster. attack.

(End of this chapter)

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