Chapter 284
They were seriously injured, and Sect Leader Ge didn't even look at them again. With his hands behind his back, he walked up to Liu Qingcheng, his dark eyes narrowed dangerously, and the anger in his pupils was undisguised.

Liu Qingcheng was anxious, panicked and frightened, not knowing how the master master came here, and he listened to the words of himself and Commander Liu.

But at this moment, she didn't care about it anymore, and when she saw the senior uncle walking in front of her with an angry face, her knees softened, and she knelt down, looking at him with a pale face, and said in a low voice : "Uncle Master, I was wrong!"

Chasing and killing fellow sects, she has joined the Piaomiao Sect for more than ten years, and is even more familiar with the disciples and elders of the Law Enforcing Hall. She knows that this is a serious crime among felonies, and it is strictly prohibited in the Piaomiao Sect.

The sect master listened to what they said just now, not to mention elder brother Wei and the others. It is too late to deny anything now. We can only admit our mistakes first, appease the sect master's anger, and save our lives. , You can gradually map it later.

Commander Liu and Guanshi Lin are both high-ranking monks in the Yufu, and even Guanshi Lin is a top monk in the Yufu. The cultivation bases of the two of them are considered strong in the Liu family, but the master master just made a move and knocked them down. He was seriously injured, and his cultivation was at the peak of the Xuanfu... It is absolutely impossible to escape from the head of the sect today.

Headmaster Ge's chest heaved violently, and he looked at her coldly, eyes full of disappointment, resisting the urge to slap her to death, and said in a deep voice, "Why, why did you do this?"

He sent out the top monks from the Yufu to hunt down his fellow apprentices, but failed once, and unexpectedly made a bad plan again, relying on being a member of the Liu family in the Xuantian Continent, to do whatever he wanted!

"I... I'm sorry, Uncle Sect Leader, I'm just jealous of Junior Sister, that's why I..." When she said this, she was about to cry, and looked at Feng Feili who was on the side with some resentful eyes.

Feng Feili's monstrous face was expressionless, her eyes were cold, and there was a hint of sarcasm on her tightly pursed thin lips.

"Jealous?" Headmaster Ge snorted angrily: "What is there about her that you are jealous of?" Could it be because Qin Luoyi cultivated Xuanfu with the Supreme Sutra in a short period of time?She felt that her junior sister stole the limelight?

Or is it because of alchemy?

The disappointment in his eyes was even worse.

If a cultivator is so narrow-minded, short-sighted, and no matter how good his aptitude is, it is impossible for him to go far in cultivation.

"I..." Seeing the disappointment in the eyes of the master master, Liu Qingcheng knew that he had misunderstood, and looked at Feng Feili with even more resentment, then lowered his head and said sadly: "Young junior sister clearly knows that I am interested in senior brother , and the elder brother are in love with each other, but she...she seduces the elder brother to like her."

It turned out to be jealousy because of love!
Ji Xuan and Rong Yunhe looked at each other, and there was a moment of stupefaction and sadness in their angry and disappointed eyes.

Fifth Junior Sister likes Senior Brother. Among the disciples of Piaomiao Sect, everyone knows that. Everyone is discussing in private. They are handsome men, pretty women, good cultivation talents, and very extraordinary family backgrounds , is a match made in heaven.Every time Fifth Junior Sister hears others say that, she feels very good... They don't know that Junior Senior Sister is also interested in Senior Brother... Fifth Junior Sister has always been proud, no wonder she would kill Junior Junior Sister like this.

But it's one thing to understand, the two of them are still very disappointed in her, they really didn't expect that she would do such a thing of chasing and killing people just because of jealousy, no matter what, the little junior sister also fell into it They are their junior sisters, and if they have anything to say, they can be said openly and honestly, instead of being ruthless in secret like this.

The sun's rays cast mottled shadows on Duanmu Changqing's body through the leaves, and he looked at his elder brother Feng Feili with a complicated expression.

Headmaster Ge's eyes flashed, he was very surprised.

Luo Yi is interested in Feng Feili?When did this happen... He didn't even notice it at all!
"When did I fall in love with you?" Feng Feili said coldly, her peach eyes narrowed dangerously: "Which eye of yours saw her seduce me?"

To seduce, that is also him seducing her.

Floating in front of her eyes were the two of them sitting in a canoe in the Yangtze Lake. She had a cute look of nervousness and calmness, and her thin lips slightly curled into a wicked smile.

Knowing that Qin Luoyi was fine, but was rescued, his mood improved a lot in an instant, sweeping away the anxiety and gloom of the previous half month, like the first sunshine after the rain.

"Eldest senior brother..." Liu Qingcheng bit her lip, her enchanting pretty face was extremely sad: "I know I'm wrong about this, but... you clearly know that I really like you."

At this moment, she knew that she would try her best to arouse pity for her from the senior brother. After all, she had been a senior brother and sister for more than ten years. She didn't believe it. Qin Luoyi didn't die. In his heart, Qin Luoyi really surpassed her!

Only the elder brother helped her to speak, maybe today the master master of the sect could be forgiven, the position of the elder brother in the heart of the master master is very important.

Feng Feili was not moved by her seductive appearance with pear blossoms and rain, and said coldly: "I have already told you that I don't like you."

It's her own unwillingness to give up.

In Misty Sect, she said in private that they will form a couple of dual cultivation in the future, intentionally or unintentionally creating the illusion that they are a couple, he is not unaware, but for the sake of everyone being brothers and sisters, he didn't expose her face to face, that's all. In private, he has expressed his attitude to her carefully.

On Xuantian Continent, he also heard from Mo Han that Liu Qingcheng secretly shot some women, especially beautiful women, for him... He didn't care. Among the women he mentioned, many of them were He had only heard of their names, didn't even know anyone, had no impression, and it was impossible for him to jump out to defend them out of nowhere and compete with Liu Qingcheng for them. He didn't have that much time to spare.

But Qin Luoyi is different, Qin Luoyi is the woman he really likes, if Liu Qingcheng dares to touch him, he must be prepared to bear his anger.

Headmaster Ge glanced at him in relief, and nodded secretly.

This big disciple almost never makes people worry about it. I heard that now the head of the Feng family in Xuantian Continent, Feng Feili's father, has entrusted him to take care of many important matters of the Feng family.

Seeing that he said without hesitation that he didn't like her, Liu Qingcheng couldn't help but go limp, and looked at him in disbelief.Could it be that the friendship between senior brothers and sisters for more than ten years and the friendship between the Liu family and the Feng family can't compare to that woman's weight in his heart?
At this time, she felt extremely regretful, why didn't she slap Qin Luoyi to death earlier, that vixen really fascinated the elder brother!He thought that even if he knew that he had killed Qin Luoyi, he would just be angry, and he would forget about it after a while, just like how she dealt with those women who liked her before, he would not ask any questions.

(End of this chapter)

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