Chapter 296

Zhang Ji screamed, the long sword in his hand came out, his body was hit into the air, and then he fell heavily on the ground like a rag. Feng, at this time, he is not Qin Luoyi's opponent at all.

After a while, he got up again without giving up, and walked towards Qin Luoyi staggeringly, his red eyes gleaming with hot lust.Qin Luoyi didn't wait for him to get close, raised his hand and swung him away again.

After doing this several times, the aphrodisiac on Zhang Ji's body became more intense, gradually burning his mind, and the pain of wanting to vent but having no place to vent made him roll on the ground non-stop, and his clothes were torn to pieces. It was broken and broken, revealing the skin that was as red as a branding iron, and the blue veins on the arms were swollen and frightening.

Qin Luoyi looked at him coldly.

There is no cure for aphrodisiac incense, if it is not relieved within a certain period of time, it will definitely bleed to death in the end.

"Miss Qin! So you are here!" A surprised voice suddenly came from behind, Qin Luoyi turned his head, and saw Dou Changying, who was dressed in black clothes and looked anxious, hurried towards her.

Dou Changying looked her whole body up and down carefully, and seeing that she was fine, the anxious look on her face finally faded away, and her dark and sharp eyes fell on Zhang Ji, who was writhing on the ground and screaming, and said in a deep voice, "Who is he?" ?”

"A disciple of Dongtianfudi." Qin Luoyi hooked his lips, and smiled at him quite complacently: "He ran to the inn and wanted to use aphrodisiac incense to attack me, but when I found out, I took all the aphrodisiac incense Used it on him."

At this time, Qin Luoyi spoke calmly, but Dou Changqing had seen the messy fighting marks in the inn room... Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he knew how dangerous the situation was.

"It's a paradise again...the methods are so vicious and despicable!" His eyes flashed with coldness, and he gave Zhang Ji, who was struggling on the ground, a hard look. There is a trace of luck: "I just went out for a while, and I didn't expect this to happen. Fortunately, you are fine, and it is all my fault. If I hadn't left the inn..."

"How can I blame you for this?" Qin Luoyi blinked, a dark color flickered in his eyes, but a bright smile appeared on his lips, interrupting his self-blame: "He came for me, Even if you don't have a chance to attack him, he will slowly find another opportunity."

"This kind of person can't be kept!" Dou Changying looked at her smiling face, her complexion finally looked better, but she still looked sharply at Zhang Ji.

At this time, Zhang Ji had been tortured by the aphrodisiac incense until he lost his sanity, he could not feel the strange murderous aura outside him at all, only the woman's fragrance emanating from Qin Luoyi's body made him constantly struggle to get closer, waving his hands indiscriminately.

Dou Changying kicked him hard, hitting his heart.Zhang Ji didn't even have time to let out a scream, and he died immediately.

Qin Luoyi secretly said it was a pity.

Just let him die like this, it is really too cheap for him, if she is not alert enough when she sleeps, Hei Di is also alert enough, the moment he uses the aphrodisiac, he uses the aphrodisiac to hold the aphrodisiac for a moment, and now he is suffering It's her.

On the way back to Anbu City, Dou Changying was very silent, quite different from his usual smiling face.Qin Luoyi couldn't help but glance at him several times.

When they arrived at the inn, the two went into the house separately.

Qin Luoyi and Yi fell asleep, and her phoenix eyes looked out of the window, but she didn't feel sleepy at all. The disciples of Dongtianfudi shot one after another, which made her pay attention.

The person who came to kill her before should have been confessed on purpose and then came to her. But tonight, this man and those people during the day should just meet her by chance, and they didn't come out to kill her on purpose, but they saw But she chose to do it without hesitation... Could it be that her calculation was wrong before, all the disciples in Dongtian Paradise actually already knew about herself and Xiao Tian, ​​and they were not limited to those specific people?


A very slight sound of opening the door next door interrupted her deep thinking, Qin Luoyi withdrew her gaze from the window, blinked, and stretched out her divine sense.I was very curious about what Dou Changying did when he didn't sleep in the middle of the night and ran out again and again.

Dou Changying didn't go anywhere, but quietly leaned against her door, Qin Luoyi withdrew his consciousness, a little stunned.

Could it be that he is still blaming himself?

Half an hour later, Dou Changying was still standing outside her door.

Qin Luoyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, turned over from the bed, opened the door, looked at her appearance, smiled a little awkwardly, Dou Changying said with a half smile, "Are you going to stand outside my door all night tonight?"

Dou Changying just looked at her with a smile, and her slender figure looked even more graceful and extraordinary under the moonlight: "I can't sleep, so I just came out to enjoy the moonlight."

"Appreciate the moonlight?" Qin Luoyi's head was full of black lines, he stared at him for a moment with his phoenix eyes open, and then said jokingly, "If that's the case, you can continue to appreciate it!"

Turn around and close the door.

This time she fell asleep very quickly, I don't know if it was because of Dou Changying being outside.

When she woke up the next day, it was already bright, and when she opened the door, she saw Dou Changying standing outside the door, and there were two young and beautiful women who lived in the same inn walking around, obviously trying to attract him Attention, looking for opportunities to strike up a conversation with him.

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows.

Dou Changying is handsome and handsome, with an extraordinary temperament, and exudes a powerful aura that only high-level monks have. No wonder just standing here has attracted two gorgeous peach blossoms.

After eating something, the two continued to go to Piaomiaozong, and rested in a small town inn at night.

Waking up in the middle of the night, she let go of her consciousness and found that Dou Changying was standing alone outside the inn again, walking gracefully under the moonlight, her beautiful eyes often looking in her direction inadvertently.

Qin Luoyi's heart swayed, a strange feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, the corners of his lips curved, and a soft light flashed in his eyes.

He closed his eyes again.

This time, however, I couldn’t fall asleep no matter what. My consciousness often drifted to Dou Changying’s body inadvertently, observing his every move. Whenever I saw his eyes looking in her direction again, the arc of her lips curved Go deeper.

It was like this for three consecutive nights.

However, although Qin Luoyi knew that Dou Changying was guarding outside the house every night, he never went out once again. The hardest corner of his heart seemed to collapse, but she guarded it carefully.

When passing through Qingzhou City, she met Yan Nantian, the young master of the Moon Pavilion, and he looked at her with surprise, his dark eyes shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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