Brother is too evil

Chapter 302: Fame

Chapter 302: Fame (2)
Until it took her more than a year to cultivate from the Venerable to the peak of the Martial Saint, everyone suddenly realized that Master Ge had the vision. Qin Luoyi's cultivation speed was not fast before. His aura is suppressed.

Later, she practiced the supreme "Supreme Sutra" of Piao Miao Sect, and she was able to absorb the power of stars between heaven and earth in just a few days, which made all the disciples envious and shocked. You must know that among the younger generation, before Only Feng Feili, Duanmu Changqing and Ji Xuan successfully condensed the Xuanfu with the Supreme Sutra!

The cultivation of the "Supreme Sutra" is very difficult, and the disciples of the Piaomiao Sect, whether they have practiced or not, are very clear. It will be the key training of the sect, and will become the hope of the entire sect in the future!

When she represented the Piaomiao Sect and Wen Lingfeng, who was very famous in the sect, Bai Che went to participate in the Jinding Mountain Alchemy Contest together, and won the alchemy genius of the Cave Heaven Paradise, and entered the ice region as No.1. The Piaomiao sect is boiling.

For a whole month, whenever the disciples in the sect met, they would talk about what happened to Master Qin, and what happened to Master Qin... Many disciples were proud to have said a word to her .

Ninth-rank top alchemist!

In the past, in the Piaomiao sect, only Elder Jiang could refine the ninth-grade top-grade pill, not to mention that Qin Luoyi was only 20 years old, and Elder Jiang was nearly [-] years old!

When Qin Luoyi came back this time, after the news spread that she had already cultivated Xuanfu, and that she was already at the third level of Xuanfu, the disciples of Piaomiao Sect were already numb with shock.

This kind of alchemy talent, this kind of cultivation speed, can only be described as abnormal.

After watching Qin Luoyi's alchemy, Elder Jiang learned a lot. He is very fond of alchemy, and he was reluctant to leave the alchemy room. He asked his disciples to raise the alchemy fire, and then started alchemy himself.

It was Wen Lingtian and Bai Che who sent Qin Luoyi down the mountain.

Arriving at Yuqing Peak, thinking that Feng Feili might still be on the mountain, Qin Luoyi paused, stroked her forehead with some headaches, and turned to walk towards the main peak.

In the past 500 years, most of the people who have obtained Hunyuan Dzi Beads have been known by the head of Ge. Although Qin Luoyi was a little surprised to inquire about the purpose of these people, he didn't ask any more questions and told him everything he knew. she.

Qin Luoyi remembered all of them in his heart.

Just after walking out of the main hall on the main peak, suddenly two divine rainbows flew across the sky like meteors, shooting straight towards the main peak, and landed on the main peak in the blink of an eye.

"Be careful, everyone, someone broke into my Piaomiao sect!" In the distance, dozens of figures followed, yelling sharply, and soon rushed to the main peak.

Qin Luoyi knew all these people, except for the elders of the Piaomiao Sect who were in the sect, the others were also extremely strong in the sect. As soon as they fell, they surrounded the two men who landed on the main peak first .

"Who are you, and why did you break into my Piaomiao Sect?" The elder of Law Enforcing Hall yelled sharply, his eyes flashed brightly, he was a middle-level cultivator in Zifu, as he yelled, an extremely powerful aura spread from him out.

Surrounded by two men, a middle-aged man in his 40s and 80s looks elegant, but his eyes are a little gloomy, while the other is much older, looks like [-] or [-] years old, with white hair and beard , expressionless, with a proud look on his face, with his hands behind his back, he didn't take the people surrounding him seriously at all.

The master of the Law Enforcement Hall and the others looked at each other, and with a movement of his body, he was about to attack him from the Yu Mansion. Sect Leader Ge calmly walked out of the hall, and with a lift of his hand, a soft force gently He blocked their attack and said lightly: "Everyone stop, this is the ancestor of the Liu family in Xuantian Continent."

In just this moment, many elite disciples of Piaomiao Sect were alarmed and rushed to the main peak. Feng Feili also came, and Qin Luoyi saw Duanmu Changqing in the crowd.

Hearing the headmaster reveal the identities of these two people, all the disciples suddenly looked at them with anger.

"Our Misty Sect has a main entrance, why don't they go through the main entrance, and force their way through the mountain gate, what do they think our Misty Sect is!"

"No wonder Liu Qingcheng dared to send people to chase and kill Master Qin again and again. The Liu family is really defiant!"

Everyone talked disdainfully, and the faces of the ancestor of the Liu family and the man beside him suddenly changed, especially the middle-aged man, who looked slightly angry and very annoyed.

What are the identities of the two of them?
That is the person who stomped his feet in the Xuantian Continent and would cause three earthquakes. He did not expect that the Piao Miao Sect would be ridiculed face to face by these ant-like monks.

The ancestor of the Liu family looked around coldly.

In an instant, I felt an extremely powerful coercion coming over, making some disciples with lower cultivation levels turn pale on the spot, and some couldn't stand still and took several steps back.

The head of Ge's eyes flashed.

The aura on the body suddenly exploded, and then the disciples of Piao Miao Sect suddenly felt that the pressure on their bodies was relaxed, and the coercion that had suppressed them so much that they could not breathe before disappeared.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Sect Leader Ge's cultivation has improved a lot since we haven't seen each other for more than ten years!" Old Ancestor Liu smiled, but that smile seemed a little cold.

Head Sect Ge's lapel flapped, with his hands behind his back, he said with a faint smile, "How can you compare with Old Ancestor Liu?" He turned around and let him into the hall.

His own direct disciple was expelled from Piao Miao Sect, and had to be exchanged for Qingmu Token, how could Old Ancestor Liu swallow this breath?

He didn't enter the main hall either, just reached out and took out a blue palm-sized token, and threw it towards Sect Leader Ge: "This is Qingmu Ling, where is my Qingcheng? I want to see Qingcheng!"

The token seemed to fly over normally, but it contained great power, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, directly attacking the vital point of Sect Master Ge.

Master Ge is a top cultivator in the Purple Mansion, and their strengths are not much different. Naturally, this blow cannot kill him, but...he is the best if he can catch it. All of them got off their horses.

Qin Luoyi was standing not far from the head of Ge.

Others might not be able to feel the murderous aura on the green wood token, but she felt it clearly, and a icy chill flashed in her phoenix eyes.She can't place too much hope on his family who can raise such a ruthless and merciless junior as Liu Qingcheng.

He looked at his master worriedly.

Sect Master Ge flicked the sleeve of his robe lightly, stretched out only two fingers, and took Aoki Ling, looked at it calmly, then put it in the sleeve, and said to Elder Du in the Law Enforcement Hall: "Go and bring Liu Qingcheng here."

(End of this chapter)

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