Brother is too evil

Chapter 314 Two Brothers?

Chapter 314 Two Senior Brothers? (3)
The mansion was refined by her with the Supreme Sutra, and her consciousness and dao pattern were engraved on it. The power of the stars attached to it will also be automatically refined by the mansion, attached to her dao pattern, and the light is constantly shining.

After watching it for a long time, she didn't know if it was her illusion. She felt that with the increase of the power of the stars, besides her dao pattern, there was also a strange force surging above the mansion, which was imperceptible. It seems that there is nothing.

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat.

Look more carefully.

Still haven't found anything.

But the feeling that something was wrong was still lingering in her heart.

If it was before, she might not have cared about it, but after the weird feeling last night, she felt that she should not take this Hunyuan Dzi bead lightly at all. Those who got it did not die well. It has nothing to do with itself, but it is a fact that it does not protect the Lord.

After pondering for a while, she made a decision in her heart.Disperse the mansion, and then use the Supreme Heart Sutra to re-condense the mansion and practice repeatedly.

The power of the stars in the Hunyuan Dzi was released for five days before it stopped, twice as much as before.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help but wonder if it was because he was with Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing at the same time.

The flash of such a thought was enough to make her blush.

The Hunyuan Dzi released the power of the stars for five days, and she also used the Supreme Sutra to engrave the Dao pattern on the power of the stars for five days, over and over again, until the Hunyuan Dzi stopped, so did she.And her cultivation base, because she absorbed enough power of stars, broke through the barrier of the fourth level of Xuanfu in one fell swoop, and reached the fourth level of Xuanfu, and it was not the first level of the fourth level, but the peak of the fourth level!
After five days of retreat, as soon as Qin Luoyi walked out of the training room, he saw two beautiful men with different styles in the yard, one was cold and the other was evil.

My forehead couldn't help throbbing.

Seeing these two people would involuntarily remind her of the absurd things that happened in that cave five days ago.

Although she didn't have much memory when she was with Duanmu Changqing, but no memory can't erase the fact that she ate both of them.

Duanmu Changqing looked at her, with a hint of heat and worry in his cold eyes.

Feng Feili's peach blossom eyes are deep and unpredictable.

It should come sooner or later!
Qin Luoyi pulled a smile from the corner of his lips, and greeted him.

"Yi'er, shouldn't you explain to us what happened that day? You said that your head injury was caused by a bump, but why did you bump your head and fell into a coma inside?" Feng Feili stared fixedly she.

She had practiced in the training room for five days, and he had been worried for five whole days. Seeing her coming out with no abnormal expression on her face, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Duanmu Changqing's gaze was also fixed on her.

Seeing their unwillingness to achieve their goals, Qin Luoyi blinked, sighed and said: "I have become obsessed with cultivation, so I can't tell the difference between east, west, north, and hit a stone. In addition, the spirit in my body He lost control and ran wildly, so he fell into a coma."

"You don't just look like you're insane." Duanmu Changqing's eyes flashed, and he pursed his lips and said.She is a sign of some madness, but will a madman have to rejoice to get better?If this is the case, all the monks in the world will not talk about being insane and change their colors.

"Yi'er, who is going to hurt you, don't hide it anymore, do you know... In order to save your life, the senior brother gave you the thirteenth-order chaotic golden elixir that he treasured... …If you don’t find out the person who hurt you, if you are in danger again next time, what should we do to save your life? Eldest brother doesn’t have the Chaos Golden Elixir anymore.” Duanmu Changqing said earnestly.

For the past few days, he has had the same dream every night, dreaming that she was lying in his arms dripping with blood, without a breath, and he couldn't wake him up no matter how loudly he screamed... When he woke up from the dream, he I couldn't sleep anymore, and my whole body was drenched in sweat.

"The thirteenth-order Chaos Golden Elixir?" Qin Luoyi was startled, and his dark eyes fell on Feng Feili.She is no stranger to Chaos Golden Elixir, she has seen it in the Piao Miao Sect's library.He didn't expect her life to be saved by the elder brother with the Chaos Golden Elixir.

No wonder she faintly felt an unusually familiar chaotic breath when she woke up... Thinking of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead devouring the source of chaos in the ice field, she felt even more certain that it was because of the source of chaos, the Hunyuan celestial bead... Zhu's strange power that could make the spiritual power in her body scurry was finally calmed down.

"Luoyi thank you, Senior Brother." She saluted Senior Senior Brother solemnly and sincerely.The golden elixir of chaos is priceless, in addition to the source of chaos, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth in it, no amount of money can buy it.

She secretly decided in her heart that when she improves her alchemy in the future, she must find a way to refine another chaotic golden elixir to give back to the elder brother.

Feng Feili waved her hand, looked at her softly, and said with a slight smile, "It's just a chaotic golden elixir, between us, what can we say to thank you? It's just... Luoyi, my second senior brother and I are very worried about you." .”

Especially in her body, their spiritual sense can't get in. He has never encountered such a weird situation, let alone heard of it.

Qin Luoyi was silent for a moment.

She didn't want to deceive them, but the Hunyuan Dzi matter was too important.Originally, she planned to double cultivate with Feng Feili, and she planned to have an open and honest talk with him.But now she is having a hard time speaking.

"It's really the reason for my cultivation, you don't have to worry, I will be more careful in the future, and the situation like that day should not happen again." Qin Luoyi promised.

Feng Feili looked at her with a more serious expression.There is a problem in her cultivation, she is practicing the Supreme Sutra, what will happen?It has been 10,000+ nearly 20 years since the creation of the Piao Miao Sect, but it has never been heard that if there is a problem with the practice of the Supreme Sutra, it will look like an aphrodisiac.

"What is the problem, tell us and we will find a solution together." Duanmu Changqing looked equally solemn.

Qin Luoyi shook his head: "You really don't have to worry."

Feng Feili was furious.

Duanmu Changqing's face also turned livid.

The two moved their hands at the same time, one of them grabbed her hand, and then a soft spiritual force penetrated in, and the spiritual consciousness also penetrated in.

Qin Luoyi was in a hurry to shake their hands away, but Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing were both cultivated in the Jade Mansion, and she was only at the fourth level of the Xuan Mansion. They both restrained her at the same time, how could she get rid of her? !

Dahei rushed out from one corner, stretched out his extremely strong claws and slashed towards Duanmu Changqing's arm fiercely.

Duanmu Changqing's pupils shrank, and she let go abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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