Brother is too evil

Chapter 316: Breaking In at Midnight

Chapter 316: Breaking In at Midnight (2)
Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili both spoke indifferently, and after a few words, Feng Feili made an excuse that he couldn't keep Master waiting, and walked towards the hall.Duanmu Changqing and Qin Luoyi followed behind him. After walking a few steps, Duanmu Changqing looked back thoughtfully.

Hearing that Qin Luoyi had become obsessed with cultivation and even fell into a coma, even though he was as steady as the head of Ge's sect, his heart skipped a beat.

Put the divine sense into Qin Luoyi's body and take a closer look.

everything is normal.

The heart that was carrying was finally let go.

"Master, take a closer look, is there really nothing wrong?" A glint of surprise flashed in Feng Feili's eyes, obviously a little disbelieving.

Duanmu Changqing's expression was also extremely solemn.

Headmaster Ge glanced at them suspiciously, and then his eyes fell on Qin Luoyi, who looked a little helpless.

He penetrated into Qin Luoyi's body again with his divine sense.This time I looked very carefully.Even her mansion and Hunyuan Dzi were not spared.

The Hunyuan Dzi stayed quietly in the cave of the Lingtai, and there was nothing unusual about the mansion. The Hunyuan Dzi was really against the sky. She came back in just half a month, and she was promoted to another level. step up.

After Sect Leader Ge once again affirmed that Qin Luoyi was fine, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing fell silent.

"The owner of the Moon-Zhai Pavilion was arranged on Miaoyun Peak, and it was personally arranged by Elder Wei." A disciple in Tsing Yi walked in.

Qin Luoyi blinked, and looked at Master: "What is the Master of the Moon-chasing Pavilion coming to our Piaomiao Sect? He actually stayed here."

Ever since that night, when she heard what Yan Gui told Uncle Wu to ask her to double cultivate with Yan Nantian, she hated him very much.

Headmaster Ge glanced at her with a smile, and a teasing smile flashed in his eyes: "You came just in time, I was just about to talk to you about something."

Qin Luoyi suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Yan Nantian came to our Piaomiao Sect, I heard that he came back with you?" Sect Leader Ge asked.

Qin Luoyi nodded.

She was slandered endlessly in her heart, this matter really had something to do with Yan Nantian.

"Master Yan said that you get along very well in Jinding Mountain. I hope that the Yueyue Pavilion and Piaomiaozong can get married. Master wants to hear your thoughts."

Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, anger appeared in his phoenix eyes.

She had warned Yan Nantian last time, don't let her hear any more words about marriage and double cultivation, but he didn't expect him to take her words as a deaf ear.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing's complexions also became ugly, and they felt that Yan Gui's eyes were astonishingly bright when he looked at Qin Luoyi just now.


Just because his flirtatious and merciful son is also worthy of double cultivation of clothes and clothes?It's like a toad wants to eat swan meat!

Qin Luoyi didn't have to think about it, he naturally disagreed, and he firmly disagreed.

Sect Leader Ge smiled slightly, he actually didn't like Yan Nantian, and Yan Gui was too powerful, if Qin Luoyi wanted to double cultivation, he thought Jian Yuyan was better than Yan Nantian.Moreover, he could see Jian Yuyan's thoughts for his apprentice clearly.

Originally, I wanted to ask her what happened to her insanity, and whether it had something to do with the Hunyuan Dzi, but both the first disciple and the second disciple are here, and they are both human spirits with sharp minds It was scary, afraid of being suspected by them, so he didn't leave Qin Luoyi alone for questioning.

"I'll just say she's fine, but you don't believe me!" Back at Yuqing Peak, Dahei raised his head and said proudly, looking at Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing with contempt in his eyes.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing were thinking about the matter of Yan Nantian, but they didn't pay attention to it, and they were very angry.

"Eldest brother, in front of the master just now, why didn't you mention the double cultivation with Yi'er? Could it be because of despised her?" Walking out of Qin Luoyi's cave, Duanmu Changqing invited Feng Feili into his In the room, she looked at him coldly and said.

Feng Feili smiled shyly: "Why would I dislike her? It's just that I propose dual cultivation with her, I'm afraid she won't agree, the person she likes is you."

If it wasn't for this, he would have mentioned it to his master five days ago after he came out of the cave.

Duanmu Changqing became angry, his already cold face became even colder, his jaw tightened, and his voice was as piercing as a thousand-year-old frozen snow mountain: "I like you? Senior brother, that and I both heard it with our own ears. Seeing that she said she likes you, you actually used me as an excuse, I didn't expect you to really despise her!"

He wished that the person he loved in his hands would be disliked by his elder brother and he would not give her a title... Duanmu Changqing became more and more angry as he thought about it, his eyes seemed to burst into flames.

Feng Feili knew that he had misunderstood, she was silent for a moment, then told what happened that night, and finally sighed faintly: "She resists me so much, even at the expense of self-mutilation, do you think she still likes me?"

Duanmu Changqing was stunned.

It turned out to be the case.

Finally, he understood why the eldest brother let him carry her to the cave when he saw the hot clothes covered in coma that day: "Is there some misunderstanding?" After thinking about it, he spoke again, his voice a little hoarse.

Feng Feili put her hands behind her back, walked to the glazed window, raised her head to look at the sky, there was a touch of unconcealable sadness in her dark eyes.

He really hoped it was a misunderstanding.

"You must not tell them about the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, it's not a joke." Watching Feng Feili and the two leave, she watched Qin Luoyi eagerly with big black eyes.

"It's really impossible to say." Hei Di also looked at her with his head raised, his eyes were dignified and serious like never before.

Qin Luoyi silently walked to the window, looked at the blue sky, pursed his red lips tightly, and did not speak.


Qin Luoyi was soundly asleep.

The delicate and exquisite body is lying quietly on the mahogany carved bed, covered with a light red brocade embroidered quilt, her hair is scattered behind her head, jet black like a waterfall, making the small face exposed outside the quilt even more white and beautiful, a snow-white lotus root The arm stretched out of the quilt somewhat irregularly.

A tall black figure sneaked in silently, stood by her bed and looked at her for a long time, with a burning light in Taohua's eyes, then bent down and couldn't help but want to stroke her hair, the hair she was about to touch just now At that moment, the hand paused, and turned to reach out to her arm.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black shadow jumping in from outside the courtyard, and also jumped in in the blink of an eye.

He withdrew his hand and stood beside the bed, silently looking at the figure who had just leaped in with dark eyes emitting a little light.

At this time, the moonlight was shining brightly, and it slanted in from the window. His figure standing beside the bed was very conspicuous. After they looked at each other for a few seconds, they quickly looked away and looked at Qin who was still sleeping on the bed. Falling clothes.

The man in black who entered first put his fingers on Qin Luoyi's wrist, while the other one just watched quietly without speaking or stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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