Brother is too evil

Chapter 319 Gold 1 Smile

Chapter 319 A Thousand Gold Smile (2)
Duanmu Changqing was surprised, and she was equally surprised.

Entering the Piaomiao sect in Baiyi is like entering the land of no one, how powerful is it?Originally, she suspected that he was targeting the Hunyuan Dzi in her body before, but seeing him now, she dispelled a lot of doubts. Such a powerful person doesn't have to pretend to have amnesia to approach her just for a single bead. .

"I'm coming to find you."

Bai Yi stretched out his hand to grab it in the storage space, and a large handful of colorful and shining crystals suddenly appeared in his hand.He handed the spar in front of Qin Luoyi, and in the night, those cold pupils flickered brightly and darkly, shining brightly.

"Give you!"

Qin Luoyi was a little taken aback, looking at his hands, and then at his impeccably handsome face.These are not ordinary crystals, each one is priceless, these...the white clothes are all given to her?

Duanmu Changqing's eyes flickered, they were dark and hard to see, his thin lips were pursed tightly, his eyes were slightly squinted, and he looked at the man in white in front of him.

It turned out that he was Bai Yi.

The news that Yi'er rescued him in the Leijiashifang and spent millions of gold for him in the Xiangjiashifang has already spread in Penglai Xiandao.That night, the reason why Liu Qingcheng's people were able to lure her to Feifeng Mountain was also because they found someone dressed in white.

Qin Luoyi stood up from the bed - fortunately, when she was sleeping, she was used to wearing her underwear to sleep, so she was not afraid of losing her clothes.

"This is your thing, you can keep it yourself, I don't want it." She looked at him with a smile and said, her slender eyelashes trembling slightly.

Bai Yi is too strong!

Not only did he have a pair of clairvoyant eyes, but entering the Piaomiao sect was like entering a land of no one. Qin Luoyi secretly decided that he must establish a good relationship with him.Such a person can only be a friend, never an enemy!If you are against him, you might not even know how your neck moved in the middle of the night!
Duanmu Changqing's tense back relaxed slightly, and he looked at Qin Luoyi with a soft smile, obviously very satisfied with her not accepting the spar in white.

"You don't like this anymore?" A faint sense of sadness flashed in Bai Yi's dark eyes, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye. With a movement of his fingers, colorful light radiated from his hands. The crystals of various colors turned into powder in the blink of an eye. slipped between.

Qin Luoyi stared at him with disbelief in his eyes!Looking at his fair and perfect fingers again, she wanted to cry but had no tears.

The spar worth tens of millions is just gone.

What a loser!

"Such a good thing, why did you destroy it!" Qin Luoyi gritted his teeth and squinted at him, and couldn't help preaching with a little anger: "Can't you put it away properly, you will always need it in the future Do you know that some people may have to risk their lives in order to obtain such a spar."

You may not be able to get it even if you take the risk!
Bai Yi's face was full of innocence, and he looked at her with a heartbroken and annoyed expression: "What do you want me to do with it? I don't need those stones."

"Spar, that's not a stone!" Qin Luoyi corrected him angrily. Stones are everywhere and worthless. Spar is different.

Bai Yi's eyes flickered, and a trace of disapproval flashed in the bottom of his eyes.For him, it's all the same.There is no difference between a stone and a spar. If she didn't like it, he wouldn't even look at it.Putting his hand into the storage space, a pile of colorful crystals appeared in his hand again.

"Give you."

Qin Luoyi stared at his hand, his jaw almost dropped.

He still has it on him!
"How many stone workshops have you mopped up this month?" I silently mourned for those stone workshops in my heart. The stone workshops that have been seen by Bai Yi will not be opened for a long time if they do not replenish new rough stones. What a treat.

"I didn't go to Shifang, I got it in a mountain." Bai Yi said indifferently, knowing that she likes this thing, so he stopped on purpose, and took out the spar from that mountain.

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes were bright, looking at him as if looking at some rare treasure, couldn't help turning around him twice, his dark eyes kept turning, and the smile on his lips couldn't be restrained anymore Live... I never thought that Bai Yi could not only see if there are crystals in the original stone, but also find out if there are crystals in the mountains!

Duanmu Changqing remained expressionless.

Bai Yi specially sent crystals for Yi'er, the man's intuition told him that this man's thoughts about Yi'er might not be pure.

Fearing that Bai Yi would directly destroy these crystals again, Qin Luoyi no longer politely refused this time, and directly took the crystals from him.

The reason why she refused just now was that she thought that these were obtained through hard work in white clothes, and they were extremely precious. Even if there were crystal stones, they would have to be bought with silver. If other people's things are taken as their own, then who is she!
Bai Yi destroyed several crystals without hesitation, which really made her heart ache. She had a puppet, and no matter how many crystals she had, she would never dislike them, and knowing that he didn't spend any money on these crystals, she naturally stopped being polite to him.

She is very grateful for her trip to the desert now, if it wasn't for the fact that Bai Yi saw her first when she woke up, so she had an inexplicable dependence on her, how could such a good thing happen to her.

Although he left, Feng Feili, who had been paying attention to what was going on in Qin Luoyi's cave, noticed something strange, and went back and forth. When he saw Bai Yi came to Piaomiaozong, there was a dark tide in Taohua's eyes.

Others only knew that Yi'er threw millions of gold for Bai Yi, but he knew the reason why Yi'er did so... Last time, he got two pieces of chaotic stone from Leijiashifang and Shuijiashifang for only a few tens of thousands of taels of silver. source!

Once it could be by chance.

Twice is no accident!

Qin Luoyi held the spar, looked at it for a moment with a smile on his face, and then put all the spar into the storage space.A kiss from Duanmu Changqing just now caused the Hunyuan Dzi to appear out of phase again. Fortunately, it was not serious, and Duanmu Changqing let go of her in time. At this time, she was even more delighted by Baiyi's move Diverting his attention, he even temporarily forgot about the abnormality of the Hunyuan Dzi.

Suddenly, a look of confusion appeared in Bai Yi's eyes, and he lowered his eyes, looking down at his fingers.

Just now when Qin Luoyi was holding the spar, he touched his finger.

"Bai Yi, thank you." Qin Luoyi didn't notice his strangeness, raised his head and smiled brightly at him, his phoenix eyes sparkled, and he looked forward to flying.

Bai Yi looked at her and didn't speak.

A little gleam flickered in the cold black eyes, and the confusion in the eyes became more intense. Then he made a sudden move, holding her white and delicate palm, and a gentle force penetrated into her body.

Qin Luoyi was stunned. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and tried to break free from his hand, but she couldn't do it at all. She wanted to stab him with a silver needle to force him to let go, but she was horrified. Her discovery was useless at all, in front of Bai Yi, her thoughts couldn't conjure anything!Silver needles will not work, and neither will talismans!

(End of this chapter)

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