Brother is too evil

Chapter 330 Battle against the Black Shark King

Chapter 330 Battle against the Black Shark King (1)
After flying for tens of thousands of miles, she was already very familiar with it, and she was completely able to control it skillfully. Master Luo jumped out of the battleship, and Yuhong began to search the vicinity carefully. She was the only one left in the battleship.

The sky above the sea was as blue as it was washed, and the sea was covered with waves, stretching as far as the eye could see. From time to time, strange-looking and huge monsters could be seen swimming in the sea.

Qin Luoyi's warship flew very high, and no monsters sensed her aura. Master Luo and the others flew extremely high, even if the speed was slower, and even their own aura was deliberately suppressed. , Before finding the ancient warship, they should try their best not to startle the monsters in the sea.

Although Qin Luoyi is only cultivated in Qingfu, she can refine twelfth-level pills, and her soul power is much stronger than that of ordinary people. Even if she flies high, she can still see things on the sea, and even Feel thousands of meters below the sea floor.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing are not far away. Compared with the elders of the Piaomiao Sect, their cultivation level in the Yufu is much lower, but the speed of both of them is not slow. Where they are running rampant, they can even catch up to Elder Wei and the others, and drive alongside them.

A sharp light flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips. They must have used some special method to accelerate so fast... One of these two people is from the Feng family of Xuantian Continent, and the other is Duanmu. The family members, the super family of Xuantian Continent, are really extraordinary.

Sima Yu brought people to chase and kill the second senior brother to such a far place. It is not a little courageous, but he still failed... At that time, he was a cultivation base of the Yufu, but the second senior brother was promoted to the Yufu after she entered the sect. She was still a little confused before, but now seeing how fast he was moving, she understood that it was normal for Sima Yu not to be able to catch up with him.

Thinking of Sima Yu, Duanmu Changying's face suddenly appeared in her mind.

She scowled.

Pursing her thin lips tightly, she speeded up and headed towards Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing.

Duanmu Changqing's cold and indifferent eyes saw her, and instantly softened a lot.Feng Feili showed off her handsome face, and smiled monstrously, winking at her with peachy eyes.

Qin Luoyi's heart fluttered, a faint smile couldn't stop appearing on her pretty face, her phoenix eyes shone like stars, and she exuded an irresistible seductive aura all over her body.

Feng Feili's eyes became hot. She glanced at the master, master and elders around her, sighed secretly, and looked away, not daring to look at her any longer.

Duanmu Changqing's eyes were very dark.

After searching for more than an hour, Duanmu Changqing found a somewhat familiar island, carefully identified it, and made sure that he was not going in the wrong direction. After spending another half an hour, he finally successfully found the location where the ancient warship sank. .

An island with an area of ​​tens of square kilometers floats on the sea. The island is covered with green trees and many exotic flowers and trees grow there. From a distance, one can smell some strange fragrances.

Such a large island is not uncommon in the deep sea. Around the island, there are many black sharks gathered, densely packed, innumerable. Only a rough estimate, there are thousands of them, many of them are huge and powerful. A monster that master master Luo also fears.

"There are so many monsters... If I didn't know in advance that there was something below, and I deliberately released my consciousness to look carefully, even if I passed by in the air, I might not be able to find the warship sunk thousands of meters below... You were How did you find out?" Master Luo raised his eyebrows and looked at Duanmu Changqing curiously.

"When I passed by here last time, there were not so many monsters." Duanmu Changqing looked at the black monsters, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his eyes.

At that time, the sea water was clear, and there were only dozens of monsters around. He could see things under the water at a glance without any effort.

"This should be the old lair of the black shark. It cannot be attacked by force, but can only be outsmarted." Sect Leader Ge said solemnly.

To kill these black sharks, they will use all their strength. It is not impossible, but it will take a lot of time and energy. This is not land. The longer the battle, the worse it will be for them. The blood of the sharks will flow into the sea, which will cause More monsters come, let alone get the abandoned ancient warship, even if you want to leave, it will be very difficult.

"Yes, we need to fight quickly." Master Luo also nodded and said: "And there are so many black sharks...there should be a black shark king inside, everyone must be extremely careful."

There were too many black sharks, and after some discussion, it was decided to let Zhangmen Ge and Elder Wei go to attack first to lure some of the black sharks away.

Master Luo waited for the Black Shark King to come out.

Others waited for the opportunity to seize the ancient warships on the bottom of the sea.

Monsters and humans in the sea are inherently hostile. As soon as Headmaster Ge and Elder Wei went out, they sacrificed the purple mansion. The purple light was diffuse and the aura was extremely terrifying. They attacked the monsters extremely fast and viciously.

The group of black sharks suddenly became agitated, with their huge tails waving, their mouths wide open, showing sharp teeth, and they rushed towards them. After fighting for a while, the two stopped fighting, turned around and left, rushing towards Shenhong. go.

There were three or four hundred black sharks chasing after them, and the others just watched them leave with fierce eyes without moving, obviously thinking that those companions were enough to deal with two humans.

Master Luo frowned slightly.

Qin Luoyi was driving the sapphire blue warship, eager to try, the speed of the sapphire blue warship was extremely fast.

"I'll lead some more."

As soon as she finished speaking, she was unanimously opposed by everyone, especially Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing, who were full of disapproval.

"Let's go with my junior brother." Feng Feili suggested.

Master Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the group of black sharks below and shook his head: "No, you all stay here, there are too many monsters here, it's too risky for you to go out."

In the end, it was Elder Guo and Elder Chen who attacked again, attracting nearly 500 monsters away, and the remaining monsters were less than half of what they were just now, only about [-].

"It's now!"

Master Luo Yuhong rushed out, raised his hand to shake the spiritual power between heaven and earth, and smashed towards the group of black sharks left behind. The sea was stirred by a powerful storm of spiritual power, and huge waves several meters high were thrown out.

A strong smell of blood came instantly.

Qin Luoyi looked intently.

Under Master Luo's blow, dozens of black sharks were beheaded, and dozens of others were injured to varying degrees. The sea water instantly turned blood red.


All the black sharks became restless, screaming and swarmed towards him, swung their giant tails, soared up into the air, sprayed out huge water jets from their mouths, and with powerful spiritual power, they all attacked Master Luo.

There are also countless black sharks that open their mouths directly, trying to tear him up and swallow him.

(End of this chapter)

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