Brother is too evil

Chapter 332 Battle against the Black Shark King

Chapter 332 Battle against the Black Shark King (3)

There was a sharp light in Elder Liu's eyes. With a loud shout, he rushed up with the Qiankun Clock in his hand, and quickly struck down at the place where there were the most black sharks.


A melodious bell rang, and the black shark broke and fled halfway.



Elder Liu kept adjusting the direction of the bell mouth. As the bell continued to ring, all the black sharks ran away, and even some who ran slowly were obviously seriously injured.

The light in Qin Luoyi's eyes was astonishingly bright.

No wonder Dahei remembered panic about the Qiankun Bell back then, he was chopped until his hair and skin were scorched, and he must get it... His cultivation base is so strong that he is a cultivator in the Zifu, and the attack power from striking the bell is really extraordinary.

After several blows in a row, Elder Liu didn't blush or breathe, apparently he wasn't like her, who would be backlashed by a few more blows... The desire to work hard to improve his cultivation became stronger in his heart.

Elder Liu did not go after the fleeing Hei Sha.

Their target is an ancient warship.

Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili were already close to the battleship, and there was not a single black shark around. They immediately moved the battleship to the storage ring, but found that there was no way to move it.

The two looked at each other, feeling something was wrong, let go of their consciousness, pursed their thin lips, and walked carefully into the warship. The killing sound was loud outside, but it was so quiet here.


Accompanied by a loud noise, a huge black figure suddenly rushed out from inside the warship, and the white light rushed towards him with a powerful attack.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing had been prepared for a long time. With a movement of their bodies, they quickly floated backwards. Their speed was extremely fast, and they were wearing soft armor, so neither of them was hit by this sudden accident hurt.

"Black Shark King!" Duanmu Changqing's expression changed.

It's actually another black shark king... There can't be two two shark kings in a lair, this black shark king should be the partner of the black shark king just now!
Feng Feili's monstrous handsome face became very cold, and the radiant Yufu Xuan was on top of his head, transforming into a sharp arrow, concentrating all his strength on the tip of the sword, and shooting wildly towards the Black Shark King.

This is the most effective attack method against the Black Shark King.

Duanmu Changqing did the same.

Two long arrows shot fiercely into the body of the Black Shark King, bleeding profusely in an instant!
The Black Shark King screamed wildly, his eyes gleamed fiercely, and with a flick of his body, the long arrow on his body was thrown away, and then his huge body suddenly rushed towards them again, with a menacing aura.

Qin Luoyi rushed over with the warship, and with a bang, a spiritual cannonball was fired.Elder Liu also rushed over with the Qiankun Clock.

The spiritual cannonball knocked the Black Shark King's body tens of meters away. If it hadn't hit the abandoned ancient warship behind him, its castration might not have stopped.

The sonic attack of the Qiankun Clock caused it to be knocked into a messy body, and it swayed heavily, but its strength is indeed strong, it only swayed a few times, and did not suffer fatal injuries.

Qin Luoyi's spiritual shells attacked again.

Elder Liu was not idle either, the Qiankun clock struck down one after another.

Feng Feili's white clothes fluttered, his hair fluttered, and a cold light shone in his eyes. A black pagoda appeared in his hands.

"The Tower of Silence!"

Elder Liu let out a soft cry.

Qin Luoyi glanced back, the black three-story pagoda was extremely delicate, and as he continued to inject the power of the mansion into it, there was an extremely terrifying aura spreading rapidly.Sure enough, it is a very destructive weapon recorded in the Mystery Strides—the Tower of Silence!

The so-called silence.

Let all things return to their origin, and die in silence!

The pagoda rotated rapidly, and then a dazzling white light came out from the pagoda, shining on the Black Shark King, intending to suck the Black Shark King into the pagoda and melt it away.

The Black Shark King showed panic, and instinctively struggled.

Qin Luoyi was guarding the treasure ship, guarding the east, and the spiritual energy shells kept falling on it, and he was not stingy. Only by subduing and defeating the Black Shark King, could they get the ancient warship.

Feng Feili controls the Tower of Silence in the south.

Elder Liu holds the Qian Kun Clock in his hand.

"Damn human!"

The Black Shark King roared, and rushed towards Duanmu Changqing, but he didn't have a magic weapon in his hand, only the Jade Mansion was on his head, and the jade-colored light fell down, protecting his body.

Intuition that this man is the weakest, he wants to break out from here.

Duanmu Changqing's pupils shrank, and an imperceptible sneer flashed in his cold eyes.When the Black Shark King rushed to him, a flash of silver light suddenly appeared, and a palm-sized mirror flew out of his body, suddenly enlarged several times, and blocked in front of him.

The Black Shark King had already rushed in front of him. As soon as the silver mirror came out, he felt that the space around him was about to freeze, and it suddenly became difficult to move... Its giant eyes widened even more terrified.

"Yin-yang mirror!"

Elder Liu murmured again in shock.

I don't know which genius master craftsman the Yin-Yang Mirror came from. Like the Tower of Silence, it has existed for tens of thousands of years. It is an extremely heaven-defying magic weapon. A person restrained by the yin and yang mirror is equivalent to being trapped in a world composed of two forces, extreme yin and extreme yang, and it is extremely difficult to break free.

It's just that the Yin-Yang Mirror is different from the Tower of Silence. It is said that it is very difficult to control the Yin-Yang Mirror and get the approval of the Yin-Yang Mirror... Unexpectedly, Duanmu Changqing not only got the Yin-Yang Mirror, but also controlled it.

Qin Luoyi's eyes were full of splendor.

I didn't expect the second senior brother to have such a powerful magic weapon.

The Black Shark King struggled a few times, but still couldn't break free. He became more and more anxious and frightened, and he found that the power in his body was rapidly losing, and it flowed into the weird silver mirror.

these humans.

Sure enough, they came prepared!

Feng Feili held the Tower of Nirvana, and quickly swept towards the ancient warship. He wanted to put the warship into the storage space, and left the Black Shark King to Duanmu Changqing and Elder Liu. Yiyi's Qin Luoyi.

The warship remained motionless.

Feng Xili's peach blossom eyes narrowed dangerously.

This only shows one reason.

There are living creatures inside the battleship!

His storage space is not as perverted as Qin Luoyi's bracelet space, it can hold living things... I am very curious in my heart, two Black Shark Kings have come out, is it possible that there is another Black Shark King inside?

Not daring to take it lightly, with Yufu on his head, strands of jade light drooped down, forming a tough protection on his body.

A black shadow rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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