Brother is too evil

Chapter 335 The Secret of the Ancient Warship

Chapter 335 The Secret of the Ancient Warship (3)
It knew it was going to die.

When the demon core is separated from the body, the consciousness will disappear with the passage of time. Of course, some monsters can retain consciousness with only the demon core, but they need to be extremely powerful.

It managed to escape back here, but was shocked to find that its wife and son were defeated by these seemingly weak humans. It had no choice but to explode its body inside the two of them, wanting to die together.

It sensed a familiar breath in their bodies.The demon core was sealed, I didn't expect these two people to be so strong... But it doesn't matter, they won't last long on this altar.

The altar will disintegrate their defenses. As long as the power of the mansion disappears, those sources of chaos will penetrate into their bodies without any hindrance. Haha, if they can seal the demon core, can they also seal the treasure of the world? Can't source?

Even the monster clan, which claims to be the most powerful in body, dare not directly inhale the source of chaos into its body... It wants to see these two people fly away before its consciousness disappears!

Master Luo's eyes shot a cold light, he didn't even look at it, he turned around, looking for an opportunity to break the formation and get in.

"The smell of blood here has attracted back the black sharks that had been diverted away. Besides the black sharks, there are also many monsters coming in this direction." Elder Chen, who stayed on the sea, went down into the water and said solemnly. .

"Haha!" The Black Shark King laughed extremely ferociously: "Humans, I'm waiting to see you be torn to pieces!"

While Master Luo continued to break the formation, he said to Qin Luoyi and the others: "You guys leave quickly, leave this place to me!"

He couldn't let everyone stay here, and he couldn't leave Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili, the two disciples of Piaomiao Sect, to leave.

Elder Wei and Elder Liu looked at each other, and they both saw the same worry in each other's eyes.

Master Luo's cultivation base is strong, but if the black sharks come back, even if Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili are rescued, how can he protect them and escape?
"Uncle, we will come in to help you after escorting my nephew Luoyi out!" Elder Liu said, Qin Luoyi's warship had already fought a battle just now, and the spiritual bullets in it were almost exhausted, if it encounters a group of black sharks , even if the defense of the warship is strong, she may not be able to escape.

Qin Luoyi tightened her pretty eyebrows, Luo Shizu staying here alone is too dangerous, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing are also very dangerous.

Yao Dan laughed out loud.

I am very proud of myself, if I leave now, these humans may still survive, and if I wait... Even if the formation on the outer layer is broken by someone, and the altar inside has a separate formation, it will be thrown away. Those who go in have never been able to escape.

Qin Luoyi looked at it coldly, wishing to smash this formation... It would be great if Dahei was here.

"Master, this ancient warship blesses the formation. Let's break the outer formation first and leave here with the ancient ship." Qin Luoyi suggested that only in this way can everyone's safety be guaranteed, including the altar The senior brother and the second senior brother above.

Master Luo shook his head: "There are people here, and there is no way to receive the storage ring. If we carry such a big warship...we can't go far at all."

Qin Luoyi took off the bracelet, and handed it to Master Luo without hesitation: "It can be put in it, and everything can be put in it!"

Master Luo was shocked, stopped the movement of cracking the formation in his hands, took the bracelet, and looked at her in disbelief.

Can hold anything... what does that mean?
Qin Luoyi directly proved to him with practical actions that as soon as he moved his mind, he entered the bracelet space, and then quickly came out again.

Master Luo was overjoyed. He is a master craftsman, and he is most interested in such strange magic weapons. He has lived for thousands of years, and he has never seen or heard of a storage space that can put living things in it.

It's just that it's very time at this time, he didn't care to look carefully, and ran out with the bracelet, Elder Liu and Elder Wei looked at her in shock.

The Yaodan jumped up and down in the formation, muttering angrily: "Impossible, how is it possible... There has never been such a heaven-defying storage space in the world!"

Qin Luoyi glanced at it coldly, with a mocking expression, but it was just a glance, and then all her attention was on Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili who were on the altar.It was found that the Yufu barrier on their bodies was a little thinner than before.Pursing her red lips, she was worried.

The formation to protect the ancient warship was not complicated, Master Luo soon broke, and then rushed in quickly, handed over the bracelet to Qin Luoyi, and told Elder Liu and Elder Wei: "Follow her together Go out, I will continue to break through the formation in the air."

He didn't want to delay any longer, the longer the delay, the more dangerous Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing's situation would be.

Qin Luoyi easily put the ancient warship into the bracelet space, together with Master Luo and Duanmu Changqing.

Tsing Yi puppet has been spontaneously peeling the demon pills from the monsters outside. He did a lot of this when he followed Qin Luoyi, Dahei and Heidi to the sea. At that time, he happened to have stripped all the demon pills from the corpses of nearly a hundred monsters.

Seeing a large pile of demon pills that looked like hills, Elder Liu and Elder Wei, who were already shocked by the abnormality of Qin Luoyi's bracelet, looked at each other again.

After receiving the demon pill, Qin Luoyi casually threw the item into the storage space, controlled the sapphire blue warship and rushed towards the sea.

Corpses littered the surface of the sea, and the great smell of blood drew back the monsters that had left. Elder Chen and the others had no choice but to come back. The two of them, together with an elder who had stayed on the sea, were fighting hard with all the monsters.

There are too many monsters, and they are all injured to varying degrees. Elder Wei's chest is even bloody.

Fortunately, none of the three were life-threatening.

Elder Liu crushed the jade slip in his hands. This is the soul jade slip. It was made in the sect before they came out. Each of the jade slips has one piece in his hand. If anyone crushes it, everyone else will feel it. This is a signal to retreat .

Seeing Qin Luoyi's sapphire blue warship soaring into the sky, Elder Chen and the others no longer wanted to fight, and also rushed high into the sky, skimming towards the warship at an extremely fast speed.

All the monsters have long been red-eyed.

Seeing that they were about to leave, they were naturally unwilling, and they all shot up into the sky, chasing after them, roaring and howling.

Qin Luoyi turned around and controlled the sapphire blue warship and fired several shots at them, and several monsters were knocked down into the sea in an instant.

Not far away, there was a space shaking, and the figure of Sect Master Ge emerged from the void.

Qin Luoyi let out a long sigh of relief.

She went out alone and lured away hundreds of monsters. She was worried all the time, but now she saw that he was helpless, so she was completely relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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