Brother is too evil

Chapter 337: Heart Demon Vow

Chapter 337: Heart Demon Vow (2)
Thinking of Huashen Pond... I couldn't help but shudder, it is even more expecting a miracle than Head Ge and the others.

Qin Luoyi also stood in front of the altar, with a serious face, and his phoenix eyes were fixed on Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing in the source of chaos.

The Hunyuan Dzi in her body started to become scorching hot, and then it spun rapidly, the green light illuminated the entire Lingtai acupoint, obviously already had a strong reaction to the Hunyuan Dzi on the altar.

Her eyes lit up, and she was overjoyed.

As long as the source of chaos disappears on the altar, the senior brother and the second senior brother will be fine... The protective shields of the Jade Mansion on their bodies are getting thinner and thinner. into the body.

A moment later, a powerful suction force suddenly appeared, heading straight for the source of chaos above the altar.This suction was so subtle that Elder Liu and the others didn't feel it at all, but Master Luo and Master Ge, as the peak cultivators of the Purple Mansion, faintly sensed something, and looked back at her in unison.

Qin Luoyi stood there calmly, with a beautiful figure, eyebrows like crescent moons, eyes as bright as black gemstones, and a solemn expression. Against the shimmering light of mysterious runes on the altar, it was even more glamorous.

As the suction became stronger, the source of chaos on the altar trembled slightly... The eyes of the two were so bright that they couldn't help but stop what they were doing, and their hearts were full of inexplicable expectations.

The protective shields on Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing became thinner, and the Black Shark King, who had no sense of subtle changes around him despite his spiritual sense, was even more desperate.

The frequency of Chaos Source's vibration is getting higher and higher, and the runes on the altar are shining brighter. I want to stop it from changing, but it is obviously difficult. Chaos Source left Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili's side and rushed to the altar On the edge, breaking through the restriction formed by countless runes, he rushed out, heading straight for Qin Luoyi.

"Stop it!"

Master Luo yelled, his body rose into the air, and stopped in front of Qin Luoyi.Although he didn't know what method Qin Luoyi used to forcibly suck the source of chaos from the altar, but with her Qingfu's elementary level cultivation base, if she was directly hit by the powerful source of chaos, it would be a disaster. few.

Sect Leader Ge also quickly stopped him.The elders, who were surprised, delighted and full of suspicion, also stopped them.

Nothing can happen to Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing, let alone Qin Luoyi!
The purple light in their hands flickered, intertwined into a sea of ​​purple light, covering towards the source of chaos.

But it didn't work.

The source of chaos seemed to have spotted the target, and only headed in the direction of Qin Luoyi. The surging purple light sea with spiritual power and star power only slowed down its speed.

A bright smile curled up on Qin Luoyi's lips, and she finally sucked the source of chaos from the altar, relieving the danger faced by the two senior brothers, and she was ecstatic in her heart.

Seeing that Luo Shizu and several others could not restrain the source of chaos, she sat down cross-legged, closed her eyes, and invoked the Wuxiang Dafa.

The Hunyuan Dzi is already against the sky, and the source of chaos absorbed in the ice field last time is enough for her cultivation to improve by leaps and bounds.She didn't want the Hunyuan Dzi to absorb this huge source of chaos.

The Hunyuan Dzi Bead was spinning rapidly. It was not suppressed by the Formless Dafa before, and its suction power was terrifying. Now I tried to suppress it, but failed for a while. In a blink of an eye, the source of chaos had already rushed to her and squeezed her tightly. Wrapped tightly, and then disappeared into her body in the blink of an eye.

"It actually came out!"

The Black Shark King Yaodan murmured in shock, first overjoyed, then saw the source of chaos enter Qin Luoyi's body, it was startled again, completely desperate, the Yaodan kept shaking, as if it had seen it. I was placed in the Huashen Lake, and I will be tortured by the Huashen Lake forever and ever.

Headmaster Ge was shocked and worried. He stared intently at Qin Luoyi who was sitting with his eyes closed. He couldn't figure it out. With so many of them attacking, and all of them were cultivators from the Zifu, how could they not be able to stop the source of chaos? ?
On the altar, after the source of chaos rushed out forcibly, the dazzling rune light gradually dimmed, the pressure on Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing suddenly eased, and only a thin jade-colored shield remained. The first floor, if people are later, they will be in danger.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Qin Luoyi sitting cross-legged on the ground, including Master Luo, Master Ge and several elders, all surrounded her, with a very dignified and nervous expression.

The heartstrings of the two trembled, and they jumped down from the altar at the same time. Without the altar, the source of chaos, they could no longer trap them.

Before, the two of them were on the altar to resist the source of chaos from entering the body, so they didn't know what happened outside.

"Great, you're finally out!"

Elder Liu and Elder Wei patted their shoulders. They should have been happy at first, but because the source of chaos got into Qin Luoyi's body again, they couldn't be happier.

Feng Feili's enchanting peach blossom eyes fixedly stared at Qin Luoyi, with a fair and beautiful face, black eyebrows curved, red lips moist, breath stable, no wounds on her body... finally let go of her worries.

Duanmu Changqing pursed her thin lips.

Although Qin Luoyi couldn't see any trauma on his body, the nervousness on the faces of his master and ancestors was true, and the source of chaos that had wrapped them up just now disappeared...all of this was too weird.

Quietly asked Elder Liu what happened.

Elder Liu sighed and told the passage one by one.

"The source of chaos rushed into the body of junior sister?" Duanmu Changqing's body was shocked, his eyes were full of confusion and disbelief.

Feng Feili's peach blossom eyes dimmed, and she stared blankly at Qin Luoyi who was sitting cross-legged.Needle drop could be heard in the house, and even the demon pill who was so rampant and kept shouting before just stayed quietly in the corner, not daring to make a sound.

After the source of chaos entered his body, he quickly moved towards the Hunyuan Dzi. Qin Luoyi calmed down and ran the Wuxiang Dafa in an orderly manner. The bead wraps it, preventing the Hunyuan Dzi Bead from continuing to suck it in.

The Wuxiang Dafa is really powerful, but after a while, the speed of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead's rotation slowed down, and as more and more golden lights bound the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead finally stopped completely and recovered. Calm.

Then she used her divine sense to control and guide the source of chaos out of her body... The source of chaos remained motionless, and she tried several times, but failed.

"Hey, after so long, the breath is still stable, and it has not been affected by the source of chaos at all."

The Source of Chaos had been in the body for a while, seeing that Qin Luoyi's face was as fair as usual, and there was no danger of his body exploding, several elders looked at each other in blank dismay.Such a result is simply incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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