Brother is too evil

Chapter 348 The Great War Will Begin

Chapter 348 The Great War Will Begin (1)
The woman in pink hugged him tightly, her pale face finally recovered a bit of blood, she turned her head and yelled at the man driving: "How did you drive, you almost hit my brother, my brother is going to have trouble, I will You must be buried with me!"

The surrounding crowd gasped.

"Where did this girl come from? She is really brave. Doesn't she know that this is the carriage of the Second Master Duanmu?"

Longyu City is a city belonging to the Duanmu family!

The man in black driving the carriage sat on the carriage and looked at her coldly: "Take care of your brother, don't let him run around again."

"My brother running around?" The pink-clothed woman tightly hugged the little boy who was still crying in her arms, her phoenix eyes widened, "It's obviously your fault, but you actually galloped wildly on the street full of pedestrians."

How dare she reprimand Duanmu Second Young Master's people like this... The crowd of onlookers were all sweating for her.

"Song Qing, what's the matter?" A faint inquiry came from the carriage, low and magnetic.

The man in black jumped out of the carriage and came to the window of the carriage: "There is a little boy who ran on the street just now and was almost trampled by a horse."

The woman in pink was stunned. Even though she didn't see anyone, she only heard the sound, and she felt her heart beating slightly faster.

The purple curtain was lifted, and a tall and tall figure came out of the carriage. It was a very young man.Wearing a black brocade robe, the neckline and cuffs of the clothes are embroidered with gorgeous dark patterns with silver silk thread.

The eyes of the woman in pink lit up, seeing his phoenix pupils shining brightly, her heart was beating extremely fast, as if it was about to jump out, her face was slightly hot.

Duanmu Changying looked into her eyes, they also brightened, turned around on her face, and then dimmed again.

The eyes were very similar to that woman's, and that woman had looked at him with this kind of eyes... However, when he was most defenseless, she stabbed him fiercely!

Lifting his arm lightly, he placed it on his abdomen inadvertently. The wound there had healed long ago, but there was an ugly scar that was inch long.

He took out a elixir, walked to the side of the woman in pink, and handed the elixir to her: "Girl, your brother was frightened, this elixir calms the mind, you take it for him. Let him be shocked."

The woman in pink took it in a daze. The elixir has a strong fragrance, and one can tell it's not ordinary after smelling it.Before taking the elixir, her brother stopped crying and looked at Duanmu Changying curiously.

Duanmu Changying smiled and patted his head.Then he turned to Song Qing and said, "Remember to slow down on the street in the future."


Song Qing respectfully agreed.

Duanmu Changying glanced at the girl in pink again, staring into her eyes with dark light surging in them, then turned around and got on the carriage.

The woman in pink looked disappointed as the curtain of the carriage was lowered.


Sima Yu, who was riding on a horse, hit the horse forward and jumped off the horse.Standing respectfully by the side of his carriage.

"Is there any news from over there?" Duanmu Changying's voice was very calm and soft, with a hint of depression.

Sima Yu's eyes flickered, and then he said: "She has already left the customs and went to Tongjin City."

"All the people sent out are dead?" In the Paradise of Paradise, Zhou Tian, ​​who was dressed in blue, stood up from his chair suddenly, his eyes flashed with a ferocious look.

"Yes!" The purple-clothed man who was talking to him looked only 27 or [-] years old, with a solemn expression: "Uncle Zhou, that Qin Luoyi is really weird, there was also a junior disciple of the Yufu who went there, and he didn't come back .”

The man in purple looks young, but he is actually nearly a thousand years old. He is Xia Zichen, the son of Xia Zhongli, the head of Dongtianfudi, who has an eighth-level cultivation in the Yufu, even one level higher than the elder Zhou Tian.

Among all the elders in Dongtian Paradise, Zhou Tian has the lowest level of cultivation, followed by Elder Liu, but Zhou Tian is very good at formations, while Elder Liu is a master at refining weapons, so although both of them are cultivated in Yufu, they are also elders of Dongtian Paradise. It has a very high status in the sect.

"Could it be the ghost of those two alien beasts?" Zhou Tian's face turned livid. Two years ago, Dongtianfudi sent a lot of people out. At first, they wanted to bring those two alien beasts back without anyone noticing. Zongmen, after fighting several times, realized that the strength of those two strange beasts was very strong.

And the man in white with them.

Thinking of the white clothes, Zhou Tian's face became even uglier.There have been rumors for a long time that the man in white has lost his memory, and that Qin Luoyi once spent millions of dollars on him.

People who have amnesia to the point that they don’t even know how much money is required to buy rough stones actually like to buy rough stones, and they like to visit Xiangjia Shifang the most. Which stone, as long as you can afford the silver, give him that stone, and don't kill him for nothing!

After a long time, he felt that something was wrong. Later, he found out that as long as the stone workshop he patronized, it is rare to produce crystals. Even if the crystals are produced, they are all very small and worthless. Some of the crystal stones can't even earn back their capital.

Such a result caused the reputation of Xiangjia Shifang to plummet, and the popularity of customers quickly lost. Some people even talked about it, saying that Xiangjia Shifang used some shady means to cut open the original stone and take away the crystal stone inside!
Moreover, Xiangjia Shifang has no business, and the income of Dongtian Paradise has also decreased a lot. You must know that the income of Xiangjia Shifang used to account for nearly half of the total income of the entire sect.

The cultivation resources they could have received from the sect, such as crystal stones and spiritual plants, have also been greatly reduced because of this, and his cultivation has almost stagnated because of this.

The three outstanding disciples all died because of Qin Luoyi, and the income of the sect dropped sharply, which directly affected his future cultivation... The new hatred and the old hatred made him even more determined to kill Qin Luoyi in the entire sect. It's just that I didn't expect to send dozens of people, but they all missed!

"I didn't see those two strange beasts." Xia Zichen shook his head, doubts flashed in his deep eyes, Qin Luoyi was at most a Xuanfu cultivator, and he didn't know what method she used to kill all the people they sent. die.

Zhou Tian kept circling around the room with his hands in his hands and his face cold.

In his heart, he regretted endlessly, when he was in Ningwu City, he should have slapped her to death earlier!
"There are no strange beasts to follow, but I killed many disciples in the blessed land of the cave. Hmph, I want to see her for myself and see how powerful she is!" The direction of Jincheng.

"Now the war of monsters and beasts is imminent, and the sect needs you." Xia Zichen hooked his lips and smiled lightly: "I just want to go to Tongjin City, where monsters and beasts are rampant, and it is very easy to kill a person."

(End of this chapter)

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