Chapter 350
"An animal cut to pieces!" The woman in green finally couldn't help cursing angrily, her eyes flushed, and she said in a hoarse voice: "Senior Brother, it doesn't matter if we die, I'm just sorry to Uncle Ji Xuan and the others!"

The man in black was also so angry that his eyes split open.

"Ji Xuan?" The pupils of the man in black shrank, his raised hand froze, and he said in some surprise, "Are you from the Piaomiao Sect?"

There are many disciples of the Piaomiao Sect, and there are always more than a dozen people acting together. These two... At first they thought they were casual cultivators, or some unknown sect disciples.

The man in black stared, his heart skipped a beat, and there was a faint look of expectation in his eyes: "Yes."

"Since that's the case, I can't keep you guys anymore!" Luorou Huzi glanced at the other four people, then sneered, the spiritual power in his hand was even more terrifying, with a movement of his palm, whistling quickly attacked them.

"Fight with them!" The man in Tsing Yi, who was supporting the woman, roared through gritted teeth. A blue mansion rose from his body, but the light on the mansion was very dim, and it seemed that it had no attack power.

The woman smiled miserably, and wanted to call out the mansion to do her best. At this moment, a pretty red figure jumped down from the air and stood in front of them. Her pretty face was cold, her slender hands were raised lightly, and a powerful spiritual force shot out. go.

There was a loud noise, and two strands of spiritual power collided in the air. The sound was deafening, and even the ground seemed to be shaken. Although the bearded man's spiritual power attack was powerful and fierce, it was not even one-third of Qin Luoyi's. The powerful spiritual power swept over, not only sent the bearded man flying, but also the four people standing beside him were not spared.

"Uncle Qin!"

The two disciples of the Piaomiao Sect, who were supposed to be dead this time, couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw the beautiful woman falling from the sky, ecstasy flashed across their faces, and the female disciple even cried out of excitement.

Qin Luoyi's attack was too fierce, and the five people were shot flying tens of meters away, even the black scarves on their faces were shot off, the five people looked at each other, their expressions became extremely ugly.

"Let's go together and kill them!"

A ruthless look flashed across the bearded man's face, and he kept on doing nothing. Since this woman saw their true colors, he must kill her today!

In his opinion, although Qin Luoyi's attack was strong this time and could send all of them flying, the key was that they were negligent and didn't find her in advance. She was a sneak attack!
And to deal with those two vulnerable people, he didn't use all his strength at all, and he didn't even sacrifice the mansion.

"Uncle Qin, be careful!"

Seeing the five people attacking Qin Luoyi with vicious expressions, the five green mansions exuded a terrifying and dazzling blue light, and the faces of the woman in green and the man in green were tense, and they held their long swords and were about to attack help before.

"Looking for death!" Qin Luoyi snorted coldly, took out the Qiankun Clock, and knocked it on them.After a melodious bell rang, blood escaped from the corners of the five people's lips, and they were already seriously injured.

At this time, Qin Luoyi's cultivation has greatly improved, and he is already at the sixth level of the Jade Mansion. Compared with the previous time when he manipulated the Qiankun Clock in the Xuanfu, the power is several times greater!
The facial expressions of the five bearded men changed drastically. They never imagined that she had such a powerful magic weapon. They were startled and frightened. They turned around and tried to run against Shenhong, regardless of other things.

"Where are you going! Let's stay obediently!" Two animal shadows suddenly appeared in the sky, one white and one black. With a slight lift of their paws, huge paw prints covered their heads.



There were several loud noises, and the five of them were patted down in front of Qin Luoyi. With a lift of his finger, Qin Luoyi took the storage ring that the bearded man had just snatched from the man in Tsing Yi, and returned it to them. .

The rest of their bodies were also quickly taken clean by Qin Luoyi.

The five Luohu and Hu were covered in blood, their faces were pale, and they screamed again and again. They wanted to get up from the ground in horror, but unfortunately, their bones were all broken by Dahei and Heidi, and the pain was unbearable. climb up.

"Uncle Qin... is the master in Tongjin City? Uncle Ji is in danger, they are surrounded by many monsters!" Although the woman in green wanted to tear the gangsters to pieces, there was still More important things, so I didn't even look at the few people on the ground, and said to Qin Luoyi anxiously.

Uncle Jixuan, Senior Brother Yigan, and dozens of people from other sects were surrounded by monsters, and their lives were hanging by a thread. The two of them managed to escape, and they were about to arrive in Tongjin City, but unexpectedly they ran into this A gang of robbers who killed thousands of knives.

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat, he pursed his thin lips, and asked what was going on, he couldn't help but frowned: "The head is not in Tongjin City, Tongjin City has Elder Wei, as well as Taihao Sect, two people from Yaochi. Elder."

The woman in green and the man in green looked at each other, their hearts sank, and their expressions were very anxious: "What should I do? Elder Wei and the others must not leave Tongjin City. When the head is notified... no Know how long Uncle Ji and the others can last!"

"The matter is urgent, there is no need to spare their lives!" Qin Luoyi thought quickly in his mind, and then said to Dahei and Heidi, his voice was cold and indifferent.

Originally, she was planning to bring these people to Tongjin City and hand them over to Elder Wei and the others for punishment. This kind of scum who robs fellow monks at the critical moment when the tide of monsters is approaching will be severely punished by the Monster Killing Alliance.

The faces of the bearded and the others changed drastically.

Desperately watching Dahei and Heidi walking towards them, before they could utter the words of begging for mercy, the huge claws slapped their heads hard, killing all five of them.

At this point no one cares about their life or death.

"Take this pill." Qin Luoyi flipped his hands over and took out two healing pills and put them in their hands, then said to the woman in green: "Go back to Tongjin City immediately and tell Elder Wei what happened."

"You lead the way, let's rush over first." She said to the man in Tsing Yi again, hundreds of monsters... I also know that Senior Brother Ji Xuan and the others are extremely dangerous at this time, she must hurry over there.

"Uncle Qin...there are too many monsters there, it's too dangerous for you to go alone!" the woman in green gritted her teeth and said, after taking Uncle Qin's elixir, the strength in her body was rapidly recovering.Uncle Jixuan is already in danger, if Uncle Qin... She opened her mouth and wanted to persuade her to go back to Tongjin City together.

Although Dahei and Heidi are powerful, it is really too dangerous there, and the number of monsters there is terrifying!
Knowing her worry, Qin Luoyi waved his hands and said, "You should quickly inform Elder Wei. I'll go and have a look first, and I'll play by ear when the time comes."

After she finished speaking, she signaled Dahei and Heidi to take the man in Tsing Yi, take up Shenhong, and quickly plunder into the sea.

The woman in green stomped her feet, not daring to delay any longer, Yuqi Shenhong flew towards Tongjin City.

(End of this chapter)

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