Brother is too evil

Chapter 374 The Three Men Meet

Chapter 374 The Three Men Meet (3)
At this moment, the roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth was accompanied by a powerful and terrifying aura. Suddenly, two monster beasts with a size of nearly ten meters jumped up from the sea. It has nine wings and is the legendary nine-winged demon dragon.

The two nine-winged demon dragons flew into the air, and instead of approaching Qin Luoyi and the other two, they opened their mouths and roared loudly. The roar made Qin Luoyi's heart suddenly stagnate, and his blood was churning violently. Also fainted.

"This nine-winged demon dragon is good at sonic attacks!" Chu Yifeng's expression changed. As soon as the two nine-winged demon dragons came out, Qin Luoyi's Qiankun Clock had no advantage, and the cultivation base of the two nine-winged demon dragons Not weak, their sonic attack is enough to offset the attack of Qiankun Bell.

Thinking of this, Chu Yifeng decided to rush out with the flying magic weapon. They are now in the center of the monsters, surrounded by densely packed monsters. Once the monsters attack in groups, their situation will be very dangerous.

He never wanted Qin Luoyi to take risks, let alone put her in a desperate situation.

Qin Luoyi also agreed to rush out first, the signal had been sent out for a while, and more and more monks had come here at this time, and it didn't take long for the monks from Tongjin City to rush over.

Chu Yifeng rushed out with the flying magic weapon, and Qin Luoyi controlled the Qiankun Bell, and kept using the Qiankun Bell to resist the sonic attacks of the two nine-winged demon dragons. It could not hurt other monsters, nor could the two Only the nine-winged demon dragon hurt herself and Chu Yifeng.

Seeing that they wanted to leave, the monsters naturally quit. They have already discovered that with the appearance of the nine-winged monster dragon, the Qiankun Clock can no longer cause them any harm.

"Kill them!"

All the monsters roared and rushed towards them, with a vicious posture that wanted to tear them into pieces, and many monsters directly blocked the surroundings with their bodies to prevent them from running away.

"Oops, Miss Qin and the others are in danger!"

When the monks in the distance saw Qin Luoyi and Chu Yifeng who were completely besieged, they couldn't help but change their expressions and were worried. At this time, several Zifu monks had arrived, and they rushed towards the center of the monster beasts, thinking Let them break through.

Qin Luoyi was not in a hurry. Seeing the monsters rushing towards her one after another, she snorted softly, and handed the Qiankun Bell to the Tsing Yi Puppet for him to manipulate. She took out the sapphire blue warship and signaled Chu Yifeng to stop Picking up his flying magic weapon, he jumped in with them directly, and quickly fired spiritual cannonballs, shooting towards the group of monsters.

There are a total of eight cannons on the sapphire blue battleship. They can adjust the direction to attack in several directions at the same time, or they can only focus their firepower on one direction. Because at this time they want to break out first, Qin Luoyi put the cannon They all pointed in one direction, shot concentratedly, and killed a bloody path in an instant. The monster beasts in front of them flew with flesh and blood, screaming and roaring, and they quickly rushed out of the center surrounded by monsters. zone.

The monks in the distance originally thought that Qin Luoyi and Chu Yifeng, who had lost the advantage of the Qiankun Clock, were in danger. At this moment, they suddenly saw them get out and stand on a royal blue warship several meters long. , killing a bunch of monsters backed away, they couldn't help cheering and cheering.

As early as when he was under the sea, Chu Yifeng saw Qin Luoyi take out the sapphire magic weapon, and guessed that it should be a small warship. He had seen similar ones in some ancient books. The magic weapon at the muzzle is not just a flying magic weapon like his, but he never thought that the attack power of this sapphire blue warship would be so amazing.

Qin Luoyi used the sapphire blue warship to attack fiercely. He stood on the warship and did not sit idle. He kept drawing his bow and attacked those monsters, especially the monsters with very high grades. For super monsters, he can make them explode with one arrow, while for twelve monsters, because of their strong cultivation and strong physical bodies, it usually takes two arrows to kill them.

And the silver arrow is specially made, after entering the body and making the enemy explode, it can be condensed back into his hand, so his arrows are endless, and there is no need to worry about shooting them out suddenly.

Thousands of monsters came out of the sea. As time passed, more and more monks came to exterminate the monsters. A sapphire blue warship was slaughtering among the monsters, and everyone couldn't help being surprised and excited.

The sapphire blue battleship had great lethality, but it consumed too much spiritual energy. Soon after, the spiritual energy shells stored in the battleship ran out, and Qin Luoyi put a spar with extremely abundant spiritual energy into it without hesitation.

The combat power of the warship has once again returned to its peak.

Many monsters and demon-killing monks fell into a melee. They fought alone. Because of their huge bodies and very strong physical bodies, the monsters were extremely powerful in combat. Many monks died in their hands, and some were torn into pieces. Some of them were directly swallowed by monsters in one gulp.

Qin Luoyi watched many monks fall, and frowned slightly...Then the gunfire of the sapphire blue warship not only hit places with many monsters, but also adjusted the muzzle when it found that some monks were defeated by monsters. Help, not long after the battle, she saved the lives of many monks, those monks who were saved were naturally very grateful to her, even the monks who were not saved by her also had a sharp increase in their favor.

Two divine rainbows came from the direction of Tongjin City, and quickly shot towards the sapphire blue warship. They were two young men, one of them was dressed in white, with peach blossom eyes, handsome and evil-looking, and the other was dressed in black and brocade Robe, the appearance is also handsome and extraordinary, but the whole body exudes a daunting coldness.

The two were so outstanding that even Chu Yifeng couldn't help but look at them twice.

"Little Junior Sister!"

The two got closer, seeing Qin Luoyi in the sapphire blue warship, their eyes softened at the same time, and they called out.

"Big Brother!"

"Second Senior Brother!"

When Qin Luoyi heard the familiar voice that he hadn't seen for two years, his heartbeat suddenly lost frequency. He raised his eyes and saw the two people who were quickly approaching by Yuhong. A bright smile appeared on her beautiful face.

When Chu Yifeng heard Qin Luoyi's address, he couldn't help but froze his hand, and his unpredictable eyes fell on the man in white who Qin Luoyi called him senior brother.

Eldest brother Feng Feili... I remember that when I first arrived in Tongjin City, Yi'er told herself that she had a double cultivation partner who was her elder brother.

Feng Feili was dressed in white and brocade robes, Fengzi was a handsome man, his peach blossom eyes radiated starlight, and there was an unconcealable tenderness in his gaze towards Qin Luoyi.

Chu Yifeng's heart sank suddenly.Looking at Qin Luoyi again with deep and dark eyes, Qin Luoyi couldn't hide the surprise smile on his face, and his phoenix eyes were even more dazzling.

Shuangxiu... Could it be true what Yi'er said at the beginning?

(End of this chapter)

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