Brother is too evil

Chapter 379 Ignite

Chapter 379 Ignite (1)
"He's fine. I watched him being swallowed by the monster. He's fine. I'm going to rescue him." Before he could finish speaking, Qin Luoyi interrupted him abruptly, and then continued to cut with the dagger. Her voice was hoarse and trembling, but the light in her pitch-black phoenix eyes was astonishingly bright. Although her hands were trembling, she cut it more carefully. She was afraid of hurting Chu Yifeng inside.

"You want to rescue him from the belly of the monster?" Feng Feili walked over, the cold light flashed in the eyes of Taohua, who had always been a monster with a smile, and his voice was low and inexplicable: "Yi'er, go away, I will help you."

He also used Yu Mansion to make a dagger, and slashed hard at the monster's belly.Thirteenth-order monster, can the person swallowed by it be rescued?To be alive after being rescued... is simply fantastic!

Qin Luoyi looked up at him, and seeing the icy handsome face of the eldest brother, she knew he was angry, so she pursed her lips, lowered her eyes, and continued to stroke vigorously on the monster's stomach.

Duanmu Changqing's face changed several times, and then he also squatted down. They all knew that, seeing Qin Luoyi's current state, they would not give up unless they cut open the monster's belly to take a look.

Feng Feili paddled very fast, he used a lot of strength, as if venting something, his enchanting handsome face was expressionless.

I haven't seen him for two years. I thought Yi'er would be excited to see him, but I didn't expect that she would fall in love with another man when they were not around.Like... Thinking of this, he felt pain and anger in his heart, wishing he could grab her by the shoulder and ask her why.

He couldn't help but look up at her, the sadness on that pretty face made him startled, and then his heart sank to the bottom, even a faint fear emerged.

Duanmu Changqing thinks more, he is the one who knows Chu Yifeng's identity, Yi'er...I'm afraid he fell in love with this man on the Shenglong Continent.

The three of them together, although the monster's flesh was hard, a two-foot-long incision was quickly cut out. Just when they were about to dig out all the internal organs of the monster, a hoarse voice suddenly came from behind them. It rang.


The familiar voice made Qin Luoyi turn his head abruptly, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing also stopped what they were doing, and looked behind them in shock.

The man who should be in the belly of the monster actually stood behind them, his face was a little pale, with blood on the corners of his lips, he looked weak, but in fact he was intact and stood behind them with no broken arms or legs.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing stiffened their backs at the same time, then slowly stood up holding the dagger in their hands.

Qin Luoyi also stood up, his pale face was in a daze, and then he was ecstatic, couldn't help running over, hugging him tightly: "Feng, I thought... I thought you..." I thought you were dead But she couldn't say the word dead, she just hugged him tightly, indulged herself to feel the familiar smell on his body, as well as the warmth of his body, only in this way, could she truly feel that he was still alive, without Eaten by monsters, she still stood alive in front of her.

"Three cleans in one breath?" Feng Feili looked at Chu Yifeng and murmured softly, his enchanting peach eyes slightly narrowed, and there was an unpredictable light in them.

"Yes, it should be the Qin family's secret method of transforming into three cleans in one breath in Xuantian Continent." Duanmu Changqing's face was also very ugly, Qin Luoyi hugged Chu Yifeng tightly, making him clenched tightly on his body side palm.

"Yi'er, I'm here, I'm fine." Chu Yifeng spoke softly, with a doting expression, and the excitement and joy could not be concealed in his dark and bright eyes.

Looking at the person who was hugging him tightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he stretched out his hand to hug her tightly. A warmth flowed through his heart, like the winter sun falling on the tip of his heart, warm and beautiful.

Five years ago, when he was working hard to plan their future, she worshiped under the Piao Miao sect behind his back, and finally chose to leave without hesitation.

It took five years before he saw her again.

Her cultivation base has reached the sixth level of Yu Mansion, her cultivation talent is almost abnormal, and she is also an alchemist.

When she was sixteen or seventeen years old in the Holy Dragon Continent, it was shocking enough to concoct a seventh-order elixir. Unexpectedly, after five years, she surprised him again... Now she is able to concoct Making the ninth-grade top-grade elixir has become the leader among the younger generation of refiners in Penglai Xiandao, and no one can beat him.

When they first met in the Crane Tower, he could clearly see the unconcealable surprise in her eyes, but later...she treated him as if she was away, and even told him that she already had a partner for dual cultivation.

The more he knows about her and the longer he spends with her, the more uncertain he becomes... Maybe Yi'er really doesn't love him anymore.

He couldn't bear such a result.

So he tried his best to restrain his feelings, and wanted to slowly draw closer to each other, to make up for the gap of five years of not seeing each other. There are some things that cannot be rushed, and he already has a long-term plan to spend them.

He hugged the man who was holding him tightly in his arms again, and looked at the Yaopeng beast whose belly was cut more than two feet long on the ground. He took a deep breath. Although his face was a little pale, the corners of his perfect lips The smile grew stronger.

He hasn't practiced the secret method of transforming the three cleanses with one qi for a long time, and he hasn't really mastered it yet. He is not sure about using it. At that critical juncture, he was completely instinctive and desperate... Unexpectedly, he broke out and was really successful by him. It turned into a virtual body, the virtual body was swallowed by the Yao Peng beast, but the real body escaped successfully.

It's just that it was the first time to use this secret technique successfully, and he was very unskilled. He didn't control the real body well. Not only did the real body fly out for nearly a thousand miles inexplicably, but he also fell into a coma in the sea for a moment before waking up.

Hastily rushed back, but unexpectedly saw that the thirteenth-level Yaopeng beast had been killed, and Yi'er actually squatted on the ground, with a pale face and kept scratching the monster's stomach with a dagger... What he saw In one scene, he suddenly understood what she wanted to do.

My heart was instantly filled with emotion.

For the past half month, his anxious heart suddenly settled down, and he suddenly felt a little grateful for this thirteenth-level monster. If it wasn't for it, he wouldn't have realized so quickly that Yi'er clearly had his own in her heart... Thinking of this, his phoenix eyes, as dark as obsidian, shone even brighter.

Feng Feili squinted her peach blossom eyes slightly, looking at the two people who were hugging each other, her eyes were deep and unfathomable, and there was an extremely indifferent smile on the corner of her lips, the kind of elegance and enchantment that emanated from his bones made him feel like a stranger. Inside and out, there is an unparalleled charm.

Duanmu Changqing's eyes also fell on them. His sharp and handsome face was as sharp as a knife's edge. He looked at Chu Yifeng, and the cold air around him could freeze three feet.

(End of this chapter)

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