Brother is too evil

Chapter 381 Confession, fulfillment

Chapter 381 Confession, fulfillment (1)
Just when Feng Feili finally stopped with a satisfied face, his whole body was weak and weak, thinking that everything was over, a gust of wind blew by, and a blue figure fell into the room.

The person who came in was naturally Duanmu Changqing.

Feng Feili's peach blossom eyes flashed, and she chuckled softly.The second junior brother actually barged in directly, it was rare to see him so impatient.

Then I thought of myself again.

He curled his lips in a self-deprecating manner, in fact...why isn't he himself?
Qin Luoyi looked at them in a daze, first the second senior brother, then the second senior brother.The last time I was in Yuntian Xiaozhu, although I woke up the next morning and saw that the person by my side had changed from a senior senior brother to a second senior brother, but at that time there was only the second senior brother, which saved me a lot of embarrassment.

But now... the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

Seeing the senior brother getting up from the bed, she had just lingered countless times, and she knew that the senior brother was not naked... He just got up like that, uh, is their senior brother really that good?So good that you don't even mind the other party seeing your body?
Thinking of this, Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes trembled slightly, and he watched the senior brother get up without blinking.

But Feng Feili's movements were too fast, she didn't see anything when she was so close, she only felt that in the blink of an eye, the elder brother had put on his coat properly, and then stood up.

Seeing her pair of sparkling and charming phoenix eyes staring at him intently, Feng Feili raised her brows, and smiled wickedly: "Little Junior Sister... Haven't you watched enough just now? If you haven't seen enough, I don't know." Mind letting you take another look."

While speaking, he put his slender and jade-like hand on the loosely tied belt, making a gesture to untie the belt, his peach blossom eyes were extremely fiery, but there was a flash of misery in his eyes.

Qin Luoyi was startled for a moment, and then caught the banter in his eyes, and understood it in his heart, a sly look flashed in his phoenix eyes, he wrapped himself in a quilt, stood up slightly with a smile and nodded, "Okay."

Now it was Feng Feili's turn to be stunned.

His hand just stopped on the belt, but he couldn't let go of the hand pulling the belt. Looking at the smiling Qin Luoyi, a flash of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, and his body couldn't help but stiffen. stiff.

The coldness in Duanmu Changqing's eyes slowly dissipated, looking at Qin Luoyi's beautiful and charming face, he chuckled lightly, and then his eyes on the elder brother became teasing.

Feng Feili couldn't help muttering a curse.

If it wasn't for the second junior brother being here, he would have to fulfill her wish today, let her see her well...and then love her well enough!

Turned around and jumped out of the window.

Duanmu Changqing walked to Qin Luoyi's bed, looked at her white face like jade, stretched out his hand to caress, and then stroked her blue hair, his dark eyes were warm, dark and unpredictable.

"Second Senior Brother." Qin Luoyi looked at him and frowned slightly.

"Have a good rest, I'm leaving, and I'll come see you tomorrow." Duanmu Changqing leaned over and kissed her forehead with a tender expression, then turned around and jumped out from the window where the senior brother left just now, the tall figure disappeared quickly In the darkness.

Qin Luoyi's body softened, and he fell on the bed. His phoenix eyes stared at the lake-green tent, and he sighed softly. His heartbeat, which had been accelerated by nervousness just now, gradually slowed down.

Fortunately, the second senior brother is not like the first senior brother.

Feng Feili did not go far away, standing under a big tree, with fluttering skirts, the jade tree facing the wind, the bright moonlight sprinkled a faint silver glow on his body, he looked at the pomegranates in full bloom in front of him expressionlessly flower.

Duanmu Changqing went straight to his side, followed him to look, and his eyes fell on the pomegranate flowers not far away.

"Did you do it on purpose?" After a long time, Feng Feili finally opened his mouth. At first he thought that the second junior brother was just like him, but because he felt uneasy, he broke in in the middle of the night. Seeing that he didn't stay, he knew he had guessed. wrong.

Duanmu Changqing nodded, a gleam of tenderness flashed in his dark and sharp eyes, and said slowly: "Yi'er fought for a day today, and was frightened again. She is tired and needs to rest."

"Is she tired?" Feng Feili turned her head sharply, and looked at him with peachy eyes: "Do you love her? I didn't do anything to her! Is it worth your love?"

A pain spread in my heart.

Two years... But in two years, she actually fell in love with someone else!

Every time he thinks of this afternoon, she desperately went all out for that man, digging out the belly of the Yaopeng Beast... Even later, she threw herself into that man's arms regardless of his and his junior brother's feelings, and he felt that he heart is torn.

"Don't you feel bad?" Duanmu Changqing sighed softly, looking at the elder brother's face that was a little gloomy due to anger with dark and cold eyes: "Eldest brother, do you really not feel sorry for her like that?"

Feng Feili fiercely turned his eyes away... He lifted his palm, and a domineering spiritual force shot out, and a big tree in front of him fell down in response, stirring up dust all over the sky.


He is distressed!
Knowing that she was tired, both body and heart were full of tiredness, he shouldn't be pestering her, desperately letting her sink into the sea of ​​desire time and time again with him.

But he just couldn't help it, knowing that she fell in love with another man, he couldn't bear to hurt her, and was even afraid of telling her that she loved that man more than he could only do it in this way It proves that she still loves him, at least in the end she didn't have the heart to reject him, didn't she?

"Junior brother...why, during the two years we were away, she fell in love with someone else, don't you really care?" Feng Feili finally calmed down after taking two deep breaths. Some, he turned his head to look at Duanmu Changqing, looked at him deeply, with a touch of sarcasm, and probing, as if to look into the depths of his heart.

Duanmu Changqing's cold eyes were full of undercurrents.

don't care?
How can it be!

"Chu Yifeng is from the Holy Dragon Continent, and he is the prince of the Chu Kingdom in the Holy Dragon Continent." Looking into the eyes of the elder brother, Duanmu Changqing said in a low voice: "When I went to the Holy Dragon Continent that day, Yi'er Engaged, a marriage bestowed by the Emperor of Chu... to Chu Yixiu, the third prince of Chu, Chu Yixiu is Chu Yifeng's younger brother."

Feng Feili's complexion changed, and her thin lips were pursed tightly.

"Yi'er has almost been practicing in the Piaomiao Sect for the past two years, and has rarely left the Piaomiao Sect's gate."

"Chu Yifeng came to Tongjin City more than half a month ago. He brought many masters and came with flying instruments. When he came, he happened to rescue many monsters in the waters near Tongjin City. The fourth junior brother under siege."

Feng Feili also knew about rescuing Rong Yunhe, and it had already been spread all over Tongjin City, so if she inquired casually, she knew exactly what happened after Chu Yifeng arrived in Tongjin City.

(End of this chapter)

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