Brother is too evil

Chapter 383 I Like You

Chapter 383 I Like You (1)
"Yes, there will never be that day." The haze in Feng Feili's eyes suddenly dissipated, he looked at her with a light smile, and held her other hand: "Yi'er, with your words, Don't worry, brother."

Qin Luoyi was moved and happy by the perseverance of the two senior brothers, but thinking of Chu Yifeng and what she was going to say next... Her heart beat faster again, and sweat dripped from her palms.

Duanmu Changqing, who was holding her hand, sensed it sensitively, his eyes dimmed, Yi'er's body was cool and sweat-free, she had the kind of physique that didn't sweat easily, the palms of her hands were covered with sweat, one had to be so nervous to be like this ?

"Yi'er, I'm out of tea." Feng Feili let go of her hand, and handed the teacup in front of her with a half-smile.

"I'll add more." Qin Luoyi hurriedly stood up.

Duanmu Changqing let go of her other hand.

After Qin Luoyi poured the tea and came out, there was no one in the small courtyard, only another teacup stood alone on the jade table.

A self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of Qin Luoyi's lips, and his graceful figure looked lonely and desolate in the golden morning light.

She walked over slowly, sat down by herself, and looked at the empty seats where the senior and second senior brothers were sitting just now... Raising her head, she drank the tea in the teacup in her hand .

Looking at the empty teacup, he remembered that it was not his own, but that the senior brother had asked him to refill it just now, so he got up again and went to refill another cup.

After waiting for a while, the tea was cold, but still no one came back, Qin Luoyi looked around and sighed softly.

He took out a pot of spirit wine, and it was the strongest pot, and took out another wine glass, and poured himself a drink. Soon, his fair and pretty face was stained with a peach blossom color, and his phoenix eyes were shining and misty.

Soon, the pot of wine ran out.

As if addicted to drinking, she took out another pot.

When Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing came back, they saw her lazily lying on the jade table, her cheeks were flushed, her phoenix eyes were drunk, and the smell of alcohol was even more smoky.

The two looked at each other, their deep eyes were about to leave, Duanmu Changqing took her wine pot, and Feng Feili took her wine glass.

"Eldest senior brother...uh...Second senior brother, you are here..." Qin Luoyi looked at them with a smile, her phoenix eyes were full of confusion. Although she drank a lot of wine and drank in a hurry, she didn't drunk.

Therefore, there are disadvantages if the cultivation base is high, and it is not easy to get drunk and think about nothing.

"How much did you drink?" Feng Feili looked at her with a smile and angriness. When she spoke, her mouth was full of alcohol.

"I didn't drink much." Qin Luoyi shook her head, she wanted to sit up straight, but she drank too much wine and her stomach was full, so she still fell on the table comfortably.

She lay back lazily again. "This wine is good. I made it myself. Would you like to try it? I still have it here."

After speaking, she smiled and took out a pot, and then took out three wine glasses, filled them up one by one, and she picked up one of the glasses by herself.

Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili naturally wouldn't let her continue to drink, if she drank happily, that's fine, but now... Duanmu Changqing sat down beside her, looked at her blushing cheeks, There are also drunken eyes, and the voice is low and slow: "Yi'er, Chu Yifeng, he knows you before... Now that he has found him, if he is willing to stay by your side like us, senior brother and I will not object .”

Shan Xuelian didn't return for two days in a row, and Shan Hong felt something was wrong in Yaochi Wonderland. Two days ago, he fought with the monster tide, but many monks died in the battle.

Worried about his daughter in his heart, he asked his disciples to go out and ask if anyone had seen his daughter in the past two days. Several of his disciples came back shortly after going out, with ugly faces and holding A long black sword.

"Master, something happened to my junior sister!"

He told Shan Hong truthfully what he had heard, and Shan Hong was so angry that he vomited blood. He had lived for thousands of years, and just such a daughter died.

And it was related to Xia Zichen... Then he realized that the black sword was actually a magic sword that had disappeared for tens of thousands of years—Xin Xin Sword!

No wonder her daughter kept calling Xia Zichen to harm her before she died.

As long as it is not the owner of the sword, as long as someone drips blood to drive the sword, the sword will automatically absorb the spiritual power in the body, and it will never die!Xia Zichen actually got this sword. The tide of monsters at that time... must have been Xia Zichen and his daughter who were surrounded by monsters at the same time, unable to break out of the encirclement. Xia Zichen used his daughter's life to open a bloody path for himself!
"What a vicious heart." He roared up to the sky, his eyes were blood red, Xia Zichen... that was the person he had always treated as his son-in-law.

Unexpectedly, Shan Hong also had a day when he saw the wrong person.

Although I heard that Xia Zichen did not escape in the end and died in the tide of monsters, but he was heartbroken for his daughter's death, and he couldn't swallow this breath. He brought a group of disciples and elders from Yaochi, and headed for the heaven and earth in a mighty way. Go, vowing to ask for a word for my daughter.

When Qin Luoyi heard about this, she expected it completely, and didn't pay much attention to it. She smiled coldly and waited to see if Shan Hong could give herself some surprises.

Dozens of hours have passed since she drank that day, and every time she thinks of what the second senior brother said, she almost thinks she is in a dream.

Two senior brothers have already moved into her courtyard.

The small courtyard provided by Senior Brother Ji Xuan at the beginning had three rooms in total, a hall, a training room, and a room where she lived.

There are many monks in Tongjin City, and it is not unusual for disciples of the same sect to live together. What's more, although the house of the fourth senior brother is big, there are three senior brothers, Chu Yifeng and even Chu Yifeng living in him. After bringing those dozens of people, there is no room left.So no one cared about the choice of the two senior brothers to live in her courtyard.

Except for the living room, there is only one spare room. It seems that the senior brother and the second senior brother live together, but in fact, only one sleeps in that room every night, and the other is naturally crowded in her room.

The three of them seem to have returned to the original Yuntian Xiaozhu.

She knew that it was not easy for the two senior brothers who were the proud sons of heaven to say that they did not object to Chu Yifeng staying by her side. Regardless of whether there was any result between her and Chu Yifeng, she was very grateful for the fulfillment of the two senior brothers. .

I am grateful in my heart, and I will naturally treat them twice as well.

After a few days, the haze hidden in the eyes of the two senior brothers gradually dissipated, and the smiles on their faces gradually increased. Even during the double cultivation at night, Feng Feili curiously checked the Hunyuantian in her Lingtai acupoint with her spiritual sense. Bead, she accidentally discovered that the power of stars in the Hunyuan Dzi Bead can actually enter the opponent's body in a happy way.

(End of this chapter)

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